Chapter 3

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Beep beep beep

I jolted up at the sound of my alarm and swung my legs over the side of the bed, then quickly grabbed my phone. I went online and searched up Victor Nikiforav's account, and  clicked on it on the top result. Omg its happening, okay calm down! (Insert The Office Clip here XD) Victor's newest post was a picture of the view from a window in the airport. He was in Japan!

I wish I knew where he was! I thought in a completely non-stalker way. I texted Yuko and told her to call me if she heared any updates on Victor. Unfortunately, I had to get ready for work...

I regretfully got up and changed into the horrid khaki pants and baby blue button down shirt. Viccan watched me from the far away spot on his dog bed, adding in sporadic barks. I grabbed my apron from out of the closet and put it in my sachel along with keys, phone, a pack of gum, and twenty dollars. I sat outside on a bench while I waited for my Uber to come.

The black car pulled up and I settled into the back seat as I reluctantly told the driver the address and name of the shop I worked at.

"Oh-h" He said at the mention of the place. "Yes, yes, I know where that is."

"Okay" I simply replied.

"Hey," the man said, "have we net before? I swear I know your face from somewhere."

I was surprised, did he know me because of my skating? If that was the case, then he would most likely know me as the failure guy who quit too. I was silent for a moment, then said "No I dont believe we've ever met before, Im sorry. You must be thinking of someone else."

"Hmm" the man pondered. "Ah!" He gasped. "Dont tell me you're that Katsuki guy! The figure skater?"

I looked down in complete regret from calling this particular Uber.

"Well, I guess you would know me." I mumbled.

"No way! This is amazing! Can I get a picture with you?"

"What?" I was confused now.

"My son is a HUGE fan of yours, he would be so happy to find out that I know you. In fact, can you maybe sign something for him?" The man almost sounded like a child.

"I guess so," I said. If I still had 'fans' then I suppose I should please them.

The driver handed me back a pen and a picture of a younher kid standing on the ice rink with a huge smile on his face. Hi hair was and orange-blond, with a red streak in the front. "What's you son's name?" I asked.

"Minami" He said.

I took the pen and signed on the picture: To Minami, don't stop skating! Im looking forward to see you win in the future." - Katsuki Yuuri

I handed the picture back to the driver and he read over it quickly. "Thank you so much! My son will pass out when he sees this. Which is better than him fanboying!" The man laughed at his joke. "Would you mind if I brought him to your work place some time? I wouldnt want to disturb you but it woukd mean the world to him to met his idol."

Idol? "Sure, it wouldnt be a problem."

"Thank you. Well here we are." The man pulled up to front of the bagel shop I worked at and I payed him. He thanked ne and then drove off.

I walked into the busy bagel shop and brought my things to the back, and put on the black apron. Then, I took my place behind the counter. A women walked up with her two children eho looked to be fighting around her legs. I plugged her order into the register. Coffee, cheese bagel,  2 glazed donuts, and 2 hot chocolates. I retrieved the donuts and toasted the bagel, then filled cups with hot chocolates and coffee.


"Oh thank the gods. Only and hour and a half until I can go home." I thought outloud as I finished my lunch break and put my leftovers in the staff fridge. I returned to my dreadful post at the register. Now that it was past lunch time, there werent as many people in the cafe anymore. I sighed thankfully, thinking I could relax for a bit. The bell on the door rang, signaling someone had walked in. I returned to my working mood and the customer walked towards the ordering counter.

They wore a black hat and a tan peacoat with an icy white collar sticking out. Strands of silver hair stuck out from beneath the cap and a smirk glinted on his face. The sounds of clacking shoes grew closer to my register.

"May I help you?" I asked the man looking at the computer, ready to put in his order.

"I'd like a medium iced mocha frappuccino please." He said. His voice was soothing for some reason. It even sounded familiar.

Usually I'd ask for a name, but there was no one else in line and I was tired today, so it wouldn't hurt to skip it this once. "Be reading in a second." I said, tapping the confirm button on the computer. I made the frappuccino quick - since its a very popular drink - and brought it back to the couter. I handed the cold plastic cup to the man. "Thats five hundred yen, sir." I said as I double checked the receipt. He handed me the money and I put it in the register.

"You know," the man said, "it is quite rude nit to make eye contact with a customer."

"Oh, my apologies, sir." I bowed from the other side of the counter and looked up at his eyes to give him an apolegetic smile.

The blue eyes smiling back at me struck me with a comforting feeling. His smile was calm but overwhelmingly sweet. And his hair shimmered gracefully in the cafe lighting. My eyes grew wide and my smile became shocked. I gasped, trying to prevent myself from choking on air.

"Y-your" I stuttered. "Your Victor Nikiforav!"

He laughed a hamonic laugh and looked into my eyes. "And wouldn't you be Katsuki Yuri?"

Gahhh they finally met! Yay!!!! This was pretty boring ubtik the end but i still hope you like it! Also, that little part about Minami i through in there was off the top of my head so im lowkey proud of that but... He'll probably show upp later in the story too, not completely sure tho.
Sorry, for waiting kinda a while to update, im terrible at motivating myself hehe but i wont give up!!!

(Also possible update on my Makoto x Reader coming soon.)

Bye bye readersss >3<

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