The Surgery

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It was the day of Elena's surgery. She was at the hospital, and she was dressed in the beautiful nightgown her mother bought for her. Elena was waiting for the doctors to take her into the operating room, and her parents were waiting with her. Elena was still reading the book her parents gave her.

"How's our star patient?" Antonio smiled.

"Good, Daddy," Elena smiled back.

"Good," Rosa grinned. "You know what to expect, right, sweetie? The surgeon will put you on anesthetic, so it won't hurt when he or she performs the surgery. Once the surgery is done, you won't wake up in the operating room."

"The surgeon will wake you up in the recovery room, and we'll be there when you wake up," Antonio continued. "Your stomach will hurt, and you'll be weak and tired. Now what's the good news?"

"I'll lose 10 to 15 pounds, and I'll be skinny," Elena stated.

"That's right," Rosa smiled.

Very soon, the surgeon came in. "Hello, Elena," she smiled. "I'm Dr. Sepulveda, and I'll be performing your surgery."

"Hello, doctor," Elena smiled.

"Ready for surgery?" Dr. Sepulveda asked.

"As I'll ever be," Elena nodded.

"Good girl," Dr. Sepulveda smiled. She rolled Elena's stretcher out of the room.

"Good luck, honeybee," Antonio waved.

Dr. Sepulveda rolled the stretcher into the operating room. "You'll feel sore after the surgery, but you're going to feel a lot better when you wake up, pumpkin pie," she said.

Elena smiled. "Abuela Loya calls me that," she sighed.

"Are you ready?" Dr. Sepulveda asked.

Elena nodded. Dr. Sepulveda put a mask over Elena's nose and mouth, and Elena closed her eyes and fell asleep.

A few minutes later, Elena woke up and found herself in what looked like a fancy castle.

"The princess awakens," Antonio smiled. He was dressed like a king, and Rosa was dressed like a queen.

Everyone was happy to see that Elena was awake. But she was surprised at what was happening. It didn't look like she was at the hospital anymore. She wondered if this is what doctors do when they put patients on anesthetic.

Elena saw that she was wearing a fancy-looking nightgown. "Momma? Daddy?" she asked. "What's going on?"

"Why, everyone wishes you good health, and the surgeons wish to grant you spells that'll help you recover from the surgery," Rosa smiled.

Dr. Sepulveda came up and recited, "Princess Elena, I wish you good beauty in your health. Once you feel better, you will have the energy you need."

Dr. Rose came up and declared, "Princess Elena, if you feel any pain while you recover, just a drink of this potion, and your pain will reduce."

Elena thought this was weird. She wondered how this can be happening. Suddenly, there was a cloud of green smoke, and there was Ivy looking like an evil witch.

"Ah, a little party to wish the princess good health," Ivy smirked.

"Ivy?" Elena asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, not only was I uninvited to your party, but you never showed up to mine," Ivy told her. "I wish to grant you a spell. Princess Elena will prick her finger with a needle and die!"

Everyone gasped, and Elena was horrified that Ivy was getting revenge on her like this.

"Ivy, you can't do this to me!" Elena glared. "This can't be happening!"

But this whole thing was just a dream. Elena was now in the recovery room. She wasn't under anesthesia anymore, but she was moaning and groaning in her sleep.

"Elena, wake up! Wake up!" Antonio urged.

Elena opened her eyes and found herself in the recovery room. Everything seemed to be normal—except her stomach was sore, and she felt a little dizzy.

"What happened?" Elena asked. "Where am I?"

"You're in the recovery room," Dr. Sepulveda told her.

"You were having a bad dream, honey," Rosa declared. "Everything is okay now."

"Oh, okay," Elena sighed.

"The surgery is done," Dr. Sepulveda said. "How do you feel?"

"My stomach is a little sore," Elena replied.

"You'll be taking pain medication, honey," Dr. Sepulveda smiled.

Elena couldn't believe she just had her first surgery—and she couldn't believe the nightmare she just had.

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