Welcome Home, Elena

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Elena had been in the hospital for a few days already, and soon it was time for her to return home. Lucia, Rosa, and Antonio brought Elena home safely—and there was a big surprise waiting for her.

At Elena's house, all her friends were there. "Surprise!" they shouted. "Welcome home, Elena!"

Elena really was surprised. "What's all this?" she gasped.

"It's a party to welcome you home," Hugo smiled.

"Thank you," Elena smiled.

"Let's take the party upstairs to Elena's room, so she can rest," Rosa suggested.

Rosa and Antonio helped their daughter get comfortable in bed. Everyone was happy to see that Elena was okay—everyone, that is, except for Ivy. She was still jealous that Elena was getting more attention than her.

"Is this party really necessary?" Ivy asked.

"You have no idea what she's going through, Ivy," Hugo told her.

"Yes, I do—I had a tonsillectomy two years ago," Ivy protested.

"A tonsillectomy isn't as major as abdominal surgery, Ivy," Elena cringed. "You only stayed in the hospital overnight, and I stayed there for three days."

"That's true, but we each had surgery," Ivy told her.

Lucia and Antonio came in with water and bowls of fruits and veggies.

"These fruits and vegetables will help your stomach feel better, pumpkin pie," Lucia smiled.

Elena smiled, remembering her surgeon calling her that before the surgery. Ivy didn't like this at all—and then she got a very nasty plan. Since everyone was paying attention to Elena for having surgery, she decided to fake an operation that was more serious than Elena's.

At home, Ivy started to make a Paper Mache nose cast to make it look like she broke her nose. She thought if everyone believed she had a nose injury, they would all pay attention to her and not Elena.

Elena had been in bed rest for a week, and all those fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other foods really helped her feel better. Dr. Rose and Dr. Sepulveda checked Elena, and they thought she was ready to go back to school—although she was a little sore to the point where she couldn't eat any sweets just yet.

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