Chapter 11: Actions Speaks Louder than Words

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Hello everyone! Everyone well? Good! Because it's finally the moment that all of you have been waiting for!

Operation: Lovey-Dovey Date FINAL CHAPTER!

Just to be sure that I am not bringing up any hopes for some of you, I am not planning to make another sequel after this story is over. Done. Period. As disappointing it might be I would like to remind you all that there will be other stories in the future that may help "entertain" you a bit more than this.

Don't worry! I'll always find the time for you~ My favorite supporters. *wink*

Thank you to those who have been considerably patient with me, and I would like to give it up for being....quite persistent.

Let's give it up for @priyagunness AKA Baby Richa!

*clap clap clap* (^-^)

Without further ado, let this story....COMMENCE!

Don't forget to leave a vote, comment, and favorite below~




"If you're so confident in your prediction, then let see if you win against me."


With that one, the trap is finally done.

"Kokurana, its game time."

Game: Start!


"The rule is simple."

A table suddenly appeared in front of them. Kokurano could only watch in befuddlement as Yami made his way towards the table before pulling out a chair for himself.

"What are you waiting for? Take a seat." Yami said with his unmistakable charming smile. Somehow, it doesn't fit well with Kokurano.

Kokurano narrowed his eyes in suspicions before he took his seat. He didn't question where this boy in front of him came from, but he knew one thing for sure.

He's not an average human.

Yami gave him a look that held so much intensity it almost made Kokurano squirmish a bit as Yami continues to explain the rule.

"I assume that you know the basic of playing poker cards?"


"Good. That gives me more time to explain the rest of the rules."

Yami took hold of the box that contains the cards. Once open, he began shuffling.

"Each of us will hold thirteen cards in our hand while the rest are thrown away. The point of this game is that one of us must get rid of all of our cards before the others do. To do so, we lay our cards one by one after the other from least to the greatest number. Two is the highest."

"Okay, but I still don't understand how this game will prove myself otherwise."

"Of course it will. You say so yourself, correct? The point of this game is that one of us have to get rid of all of our cards to win. To do so, both of us have to predict which card that our opponent will play and overcome them in numbers. Let say this, for example, I place a three, and you placed a ten. Obviously, ten is higher than three. But what if I was able to place 2 Jacks and you have no King, Queen, Ace, or a two to beat my number?"

"If I don't have anything to place, then what?

"Then it's my turn again. Also, if I don't have any double cards-since I placed 2 Jacks-that are bigger than them, then its a draw for the both of us. After that, we move on to the next round."

"I see."

"Any questions that you would like to ask before we start? We could also play a practice round to get a feel out of it."

"Yeah. I have two questions. One: is there a limit on how many cards you can place down all in one turn."

"No, there isn't, but I advised you to, at least, keep some of your cards rather than getting rid of them quickly; you might need them just in case you need them."

The rule seems simple enough. This game is practically calculating though, but for some reason, Kokurano couldn't shake away the chill that went through his entire body as the darkness slowly surrounds them.

"My second question, what are you going to bet?"

"A bet?"

"Yes, a bet. I'll wager that your inconceivable commentary from before will be sent back right at cha. Therefore, a bet should be made in this game."

Yami was silent a bit. His lightning-shaped bangs covered his eyes as he placed himself in deep thought.

"Then how about this."

Yami reached inside his jacket before he magically pulled a gun out.

'Ho...' Kokurano's eyes widen as he stares at the gun in front of him.

"Alright. How about we bet...our life?"

"Going to the extreme huh? You're crazy."

"And you're a fool."

Kokurano instantly glared at Yami. He very much wants to rip that smirk of his pretty little face and burn him while he's at it.

"For each round, if one of use was unable to break the cycle of the game first will have to spin the gun's barrel. Inside the barrel, there will be one bullet. This bet will either kill me first....or you. This is simply one hell of a game huh?"

"You're right. It is a game from hell. And the one who is going to hell will not be me."

Yami simply smirked, the corner of his lips stretching upward to the point his teeth are showing in a carnivore way.

"We'll see about that."


Joey POV:

'Sheesh, Yami wasn't kidding. This place looks like an actual haunted amusement park from the circus.' Joey's thoughts echo within his mind, whereas the silence was too deafening for him to hear his own footsteps releasing the stillness around him.

Joey and Yami were able to follow the tracks that were accidentally left behind and came across an abandoned circus tent that was shut down for unknown reasons. Joey suggested that they should call the police before both of them heard Yugi's scream. That seems to trigger something in Yami because he immediately ran inside without considering the unbalance structures which may collapse any minute.

In all honesty, out of the both of them, Yami should have been the one who suggests calling him first before rushing in without a second thought. But then again, if its Yugi-sensei though.....

Anyway, Joey decided to follow Yami inside but accidentally got himself lost when he realized that the tent also contains a small building inside. He has been walking for quite a while now before he shivered from the sudden cold. He quickly wraps his arms around himself before moving forward.

"Yami! Yugi-sensei! Where are ya! God damn it."

He doesn't like the feeling of being left alone. Without much of choice, he continues to make his way onto an unknown destination before he came across a door with a small glint of light shining out from it.

'Where does that go?'

As he got closer, though, he was able to hear the mutterings of voices coming out of it. Curious, he kneeled down and used one of his eyes to look through the small opening.

"What the hell...", Joey muttered as he watched Yami playing against a guy who looks like a weird hooligan from the circus town. Ignoring the two, he tried to analyze the interior of the building. When his eyes locked on the unconscious form of his teacher, worries filled his mind as his back was laid towards him; Joey wasn't sure if he's still breathing from his position. However, Joey understood that he is in need of help ASAP. And from the way Yami is looking at him, he also agrees. Slowly, and silently, Joey opens the crack door and wince whenever the rusty door made a quiet squeak from its hinge. Yami can obviously see Joey in his line of sight and watch while occupying the culprit.

'Way to go, buddy. Keep up the distraction while I pick up the package.'


Joey froze and immediate duck for cover.

"Another lost! There's no way you'll be able to break that cycle."

"Hmm...I guess you're right."

Kokurano gleefully smirks in anticipation as Yami stood and took the barrel of the gun to the side of his head. When he pulled the trigger he was met with a resounding click from the gun; no bullet.

"Tsk. Lucky bastard."

"I am. You on the other hand....."

"It's your move. Make it quick already, damn."

Yami placed one card, Kokurano put another on top of it.

The atmosphere around them was so intense that Joey was so sure that they are already disregarded their surroundings and went off into their own little world. Judging by the way he was able to quietly reach Yugi without a problem, he was entirely sure that whatever Yami is going to play next will bring something much worst to the poor fool. After all.

He was the one who pulled out the gun first.

Yami's POV:

"How about we end this."

"Huh? The hell are you talking about? I'm not done placing my last three cards yet."

"Right. Which is exactly why you're going to lose in this turn."

"What? There's no way. I'm actually hanging you by the ropes. I know so because I already predict every card you are holding."

"Is that so? If you're so sure, how about you tell me what the cards that I have in my hands are."

"Certainly. I predict that you are holding at least three minor cards and two of the high cards in your hands. And since it's my turn, I'll place a two. Another cycle that you cannot break, which mean-"

"Not quite."

With a victory smirk, Yami revealed his cards: the four Kings in a row.

"W-What the-!? How come you didn't play them in the beginning!? You could've beaten me then."

"It's call strategy. Ever wonder why I only put Jacks, Queens, and other high numbers in a pile? It's because I was assured that you would assume that the only cards I have would be lower numbers."

At this point, Kokurano is glaring at Yami with hate the size of a buffalo. Yami was not deterred by his angry face and merely grin away.

"I told you before. It's better for you to keep some of your cards rather than getting rid of them quickly. Guess you didn't listen."

"Curse you!"

Without warning, Kokurano took the gun and aimed it at Yami. He knew that the game is already over once Yami pulled out his trump cards. It's like he previously predicted the winner of this game.

"You don't know who you are dealing with!", Kokurano hissed before pulling the trigger multiple of time to get to the bullet.

"Did you forget that it's your turn to take to the bullet?"

Kokurano screech in horrifying fear as he took in the eyes of bloodshed when the pupils dilated and the eyes' rings are that of black as night.

"Not only did you cheat your way throughout the game, but also inflicted many innocent people, including Yugi, to play into your own sick hoax that you clearly hold for your reason of entertainment! You think it's amusing to bring others to play and risk their lives on the rule and control their emotions as if they are little dolls that have no mind of their own. You disgust me; the very kind which I sought to destroy and make sure that they stay in the dirt where they belong!"

His aura only can make any man quiver in fear, but the sight of this very man before him is worse.

"The door of darkness has opened."

Before Kokurano could comprehend that he does not have the gun in his possession anymore, he is forced to look up at the boy who is looking down at him with a dark glare that sent chills of dread and terrifying fear in every part of his body. For the first time in his life, he wished he had prayed to the gods for forgiveness. In return....

He wouldn't have to see his life flashed before his eyes.

The last thing Yami saw before he exited the tent was an oblivious fortune-teller whose mantle is filled with many written predictions.

"My my. Looks like he couldn't predict his own wretched future to save his life."


Location: Domino's General Hospital

The machine made silent beeps for every passing second, which indicated the beating heart of one teacher beneath the covers of the hospital bed. His eyes are close off from the outside world, while his body rests from the injuries inflicted upon him hours ago. Joey and Yami seated themselves on either side of his bed; they stare at Yugi with worries in their eyes but relieve to know that he will be just fine. The doctor told them that the healing processes will take some time.

It was Joey who decided to break the silence.

"You know."


Yami looked up to give Joey his full attention.

"I realized that there was a lot of weird things happening whenever we're with Yugi."

Yami didn't respond but knew that Joey is not done yet.

"I realized the first time was when Yugi introduced himself as our teacher-remember when I was trying to prank Chouno-sensei?"

"Yes. And your prank would have caused an innocent classmate to be expelled."

Chouno-sensei was our previous teacher before Yugi-sensei arrival. Not only is she the prettiest among the rest of the teachers, but also the lowest of the low. She tried to enforce many strict rules that were plainly unreasonable and got away with it every time a student tried to report the issue. It wasn't long before Mr. Peguseas finally realized the problem and fired her on the spot after he got back from his vacation with his wife. The fact is, everyone was glad that she was gone and the rest is history from there.

"Yeah yeah, I know. The point is I didn't realize that Yugi was going to be our new teacher so soon. When he opened the door, I was so sure it would be that wretched witch from hell. It wasn't until he came in that it was too late; the water from the bucket was coming down until suddenly it stopped."

"Wait. You mean it stops mid-air or something?"


Indeed, the unexpected sight was one that left Yami bewildered. He was sure that his eyes must have played tricks on him, but now that he knew why, even without Joey's input on the matter, it wasn't really much of a surprise.

Joey's loud outburst must have stirred Yugi from his slumber when they heard a groan from the very man that they all knew and admire.

"Joey, you really need to know when to keep your mouth shut."

"Oh. Sorry about that."

Yugi slowly rises up into a sitting position. He winces from the sharp pain that came from his stomach and remembered how he got these injuries in the first place.

'It seems like that have finally found me.'

"You okay, Yug?"

"Yeah. It's just a sting. I'll be better soon."

"I'll call the doc. just in case, kay'?"

"Yeah. I appreciate that."

When Joey left, Yugi made sure there was no one outside their door before sighing.

"It seems like they have already found where I am."


Yami openly stares at Yugi in confusion before realizing what he had meant.

"I'm not safe here anymore. I would need to leave as soon as I recover."

"Wait just a moment! You can't seriously mean that, right? You haven't even been with us for a very long time."

"I know. And I'm sorry, Yami, but this is the only way I can keep all of you safe. If I leave, they won't be able to track back to where I reside in the most. Even with concealing magic, they'll know that one of their goons have not returned back to where they were assigned to find me. They'll be searching the area anytime now."

"Then how about us? Wouldn't that mean they'll attack us once you're gone?"

"They won't unless it's necessary. Even then, they wouldn't waste their energy in the human world because there is practically no magic here. I was able to use my magic because I have enough power to go to both worlds."

Yami couldn't believe what he's hearing. Of all thing, Yugi is choosing to leave them just because he thinks he'll bring harm to the people he loves.

Try stopping him, Yami.

But how?

You know how they say it these days: Action speaks louder than words.

It took a while, but Yami decides to do something stupid. Something terrifying.


"I told you, Yami."

Yugi's head was face down during their conversation, but now he looks up with eyes filled with determination.

"I won't let my students, especially you, to be in harm's way! Why can't you under-hmph!"

Yami took that moment to wrap his hand around the back of Yugi's head, pulling him closer to his face before smashing their lips together in a deep kiss. Yugi gasped in shock, which Yami took advantage of by thrusting his tongue into the cavern of Yugi's mouth. The moment his tongue touched Yugi's, Yugi practically melted from the intensity of their kiss. Each passionately savoring each other and smelling their individual scent. Their hands holding each other in a tight embrace as they sway their heads from side-to-side, trying to get more of the taste with covers from vanilla to cinnamon spice. It wasn't long until the need for fresh air forced them to separate. They pant and gasped from the heat of their kiss, which no doubt portray the unquestionable feelings that they have each other for such a long time. Furthermore, their eyes locked into each other; bright red velvet turned dark crimson the moment it stared down into the once rich color of amethyst into lustful shades.

"I-I *gasped* I don't know about you, but I'm sure that no matter what I'm going to make sure you stay here if it's the last thing I'll do."

"Y-you don't understand at all!"

They pant for a few more seconds until their breath became hushed. The only thing that seems too loud for their ears to reach is their beating hearts.

"I understand this though. No matter what obstacles that may throw at us, we will succeed. I'm not leaving you as I don't want you to leave me as well. We can save your world if we work together, Yugi. That means our friends will no doubt be there for you whenever you need us. Everything will be alright."

Such comforting words, promises that seems so unreal yet the way Yami said it opened up a tight feeling inside his chest. He just doesn't have the strength to argue back anymore as he can feel the shift of his mind going back to sleep.

With another silent sigh, Yugi nodded and said, "Thank you, Yami."

Yami smile as he let Yugi got back to sleep, but not without another kiss on the forehead. He loves his little Yugi so much now, and can't seem to find a way to climb back up to where he fell so hard in the first place.

All he could do know is to watch and protect him, just as he felt as if he was born to protect the one he loves the most.

It's a start, but something tells him that this will not be the only beginning.

As the last ray of sunlight disappeared behind the hills and mountains that watched over their prosperity city, the moon and the stars shine as if to say that no matter how obscure and lonely the world may be, there will always be a light within the dark.


And~ That's a wrap! Man, it feels good to finish another successful book, even though it may have taken over a year or so to complete. Hehe~

Hope to have more supporters and followers in the near future. And THANK YOU, my fellow readers and followers, for the fantastic support. Also, many of you have actually wanted me to continue where I left off for Guardians of the Sun and Moon. As it was my first ever book, I am still quite embarrassed about my past selves for ever thinking such pervy things. *Blushing hard* 2 to 3 years can seriously reflect back who you really are.....

Anyway, I hope that all of you will graciously continue to support me as I am getting ready for the outside world. Thank you! Love you all! Bye!

Signing out,

Moonlight Melody *wink*

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