Episode One~ ❤

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"That's right, Scarlet. Continue heading north. Remember to keep your distance."

Erza's rushed footsteps synchronized with the pounding of her heart as she strived to catch up with the target. She was not about to mess this up. Not again. "Understood."

They had taken her allies hostage for an unknown reason, and it was Erza's mission to figure out why. Erza was given the ability to read these beings' minds, so she could gather as much info as possible of whatever plans they had in store for her friends . . . and possibly lots of other innocent people. Maybe with the correct information gathered, one day these kidnappings would come grinding to a halt. She had to be cautious, though. Very cautious...

For these beings could use the very same power against her.

Mind-Readers is what the people in the city called them. Ruthless, mysterious and downright peculiar creatures in human form. There was almost no possible way to tell them apart from a normal human being . . . except for their exotic, luminous irises and the odd aura they occasionally gave off.

Some said they used their mind-reading power to reach into one's deepest thoughts and fears, only to make your life a living nightmare . . . and it all started with taking away the people you loved. Rumor had it, their actions were intended to be a type of punishment.

But . . . for what?

And why Erza out of all the other terrible individuals she knew throughout her life? That question had yet to be answered . . . And the determined Erza Scarlet wouldn't rest a wink until the case was unraveled.

She yearned to see her friends again. So much, that the mere memory of them sent an arrow piercing through her heart.

"Scarlet. Not so much speed," scolded the voice within Erza's earpiece. "Are you trying to set your pants on fire so you'll get spotted for sure?"

Erza held back a scowl and tried to maintain her blank expression. "My apologies," she whispered, converting her sprint into a slight jog. "I am only trying not to piss you off again by losing sight of our target."

Only a faint chuckle breathed from the receiver in reply.

Once she noticed the Mind-Reader stop in his tracks, Erza swiftly hid behind a nearby city building, the exposed skin on her back roughly colliding with the cold steel. She peered from the other side of the structure, taking note of the being holding a small device near his ear. A pulsing sensation thrashed inside of her head as she stared. He's definitely one of them... I can feel it.

"What are his current actions?" the earpiece beeped.

"It appears he is talking on the phone," Erza murmured in reply. "I'm going for it."

"Yes, do it now. Read his thoughts and get as much information from him as possible."

Erza did as she was instructed, squinting her glistening, brown eyes until they glowed a radiant shade of blue. It was then when she remembered the fact that her ability to read minds was taken from one of the sadistic creatures themselves and imported into her brain, as if she was just a computer with arms and legs. The memory of that event only brought one word into the woman's mind: disgusting. Being somehow related to the beings strummed her heart strings the wrong way.

Erza strained as she just began to enter the Mind-Reader's thoughts. Before she could register a single, clear word, her concentration was suddenly lost-- like needle being tossed into a stack of hay.

The being glanced over his shoulder, obviously aware of Erza's presence.

That face... She knew that face.


The familiar sight caused Erza's grip on her sword to weaken. She allowed the blade's handle to slip through her fingers, sending it south-- straight to the concrete.


The man's head consisted of midnight blue and slightly spiked hair. His eyes withheld a dusky color of sapphire and his skin was painted with a glorious tan.

"G-Gray?" Erza felt tears tickling at the corner of each eye.

Gray's lips formed into a bright smile, supposedly overjoyed to see his beloved friend. But then unexpectedly, he began bolting away from her, making a small gesture with his head.

Did he want Erza to follow him?

Quickly noticing the gesture, Erza quietly gasped. She allowed her feet to move on their own as they galloped a few steps forward just before...

"Scarlet!" that same voice she always heard from her receiver rudely interrupted her. "What do you think you are doing? You've already been spotted. There's no point in chasing him down now."

Erza took a moment to frown, watching her ally turn a corner and disappear from her vision.

She gritted her teeth. "Waichirou! That was my friend, Gray Fullbuster, dammit! I need to go after him--"

"Snap out of it! It was only an illusion-- a side effect from your uncontrolled mind-reading power. Fullbuster is still taken hostage along with your other comrades, not one of them," the male behind the earpiece explained. "Return to the MRSA headquarters at once."

Erza stayed hushed. A part of her didn't want to believe that was just a mirage of Gray's face, but another part of her knew that it only made sense.

God, she hated all this craziness.

The MRSA -- short for Mind Reader Spy Association--was an organization assembled especially for tracking down the mysterious beings. Numbers of spies, such as Erza, were held within the organization's headquarters, all trained and prepared to retrieve the loved ones they've lost to the Mind-Readers.

Every week, a different spy was chosen to embark on the mission and muster the required information, and Erza's second week had already began.

The founder of the MRSA went by the name of Waichirou, who happened to be considered the boss of the spies. He was the individual who kept track of the spies' every move during their task, as well as communicated with them via earpiece.

Erza was not really looking forward to heading back to HQ... For being around Waichirou wasn't all rainbows and butterflies.


Erza's bare feet clapped against the cold, white floor in the empty hallway, leading her into the office of the man in charge, Waichirou. She could practically see the look on his face when she would enter the tense room, but had no clue what words would fly from his mouth. Okay, maybe she had some idea. But he did have a knack for getting creative with his words.

Erza halted once at the entrance of her boss's workplace, taking notice of his door being wide open... which was a rare sight.

He definitely had some remarks to share.

Unannounced, Erza ambled into the office, the cool air immediately hitting her almost sweat drenched skin. She quickly spotted the man himself sitting comfortably in his leather chair. His long, silver ponytail made itself at home over his shoulder while hazel orbs were locked on Erza in a bone-shattering glare. (Yup. Just the expression she expected.)

Waichirou's pale complexion glistened in the lighting of the room as he moved to straighten his posture.

"What the heck was that, Scarlet?" was the first thing to emerge. "I am not paying you to be a sitting duck and just wait to be caught. As a matter of fact, I'm not paying you at all." Waichirou tilted his head, observing how Erza's gaze was glued to the floor. She already felt bad enough about herself, and his unrelated comment about payment wasn't making things any better.

"You were very aware of illusions being a side effect of your ability to read minds. I am highly disappointed in you," Waichirou continued to scold, probably hoping for some type of reaction.

But Erza never met his eyes. "I know."

Her boss rose up from his chair all of a sudden, causing Erza's gaze to land on him at last. As Waichirou marched over, the spy had randomly realized that he was attired in his usual formal wear; a handsomely tailored suit, including hues of azure with golden details scattered here and there, completed with classy, caramel colored shoes.

As he stood face to face with Erza, it didn't take long for flames of pure rage to start roaring behind him. "Listen, if you do not learn how to control your power and prevent these illusions, it will take over your body in only a matter of days! You need to get a grip!"

"Well, maybe I'd feel a bit more confident on this mission if you only let me wear my old armor!" Erza's returned outburst caused Waichirou to shrink in size for only a mere second.

"With all the clanky clank racket your stupid, old tin can made? I don't think so! They'd notice you for sure!"

Erza bit her lip to keep any insults from bursting through. Waichirou was right... The sound her original armor made when she walked would definitely catch the Mind-Readers' attention. Getting taken hostage herself was a risk she wasn't willing to take.

The two of them were quiet for the time being. Erza glanced at the silver haired man from behind her bangs, seeing him place a hand on the bridge of his nose and sigh. She cocked her head a tad. Despite the color of his hair... Waichirou appeared to be around Erza's age, although the spy herself was never entirely sure.

Taking advantage of the silence, she decided to say something that had been lingering on her mind since meeting this strange man. "Should I really believe everything you tell me?" Erza asked.


"You know I do not completely trust you, Waichirou. How do I know you're not just one of them in disguise?"

This seemed to have shocked Waichirou, narrowing his eyes in a dramatic twitch. He took a step closer...

And another...

And another...

And one after that...

With each step he took, Erza took one back. They continued this little dance until the spy had finally backed up into the wall, triggering a grunt to slip through her teeth.

Waichirou leaned his forehead against hers, his warm breath bouncing off her face. "Do you not recall your very first time commencing this mission? You had gotten too close to the target and nearly got yourself captured. You were fortunate I was there to save your sorry butt," he spat, making Erza's brows furrow.

"Trust me, Scarlet... If I was one of them, I wouldn't have spared a glance at the likes of helping you." Much to Erza's relief, that's when he eventually stepped away and turned his body to return to his neatly polished desk. "Now, please do yourself a favor and take a long shower. You reek of gasoline from running around that filthy city."

Erza silently nodded as sweat drop slid down the side of her head. Just when she twirled around to exit the office, the voice she knew all too well spoke again.

"Do not get too comfortable in that shower though. I may decide to come and join you."

Erza jolted in her stride. Usually she didn't mind bathing with the opposite gender... But with her own boss that she barely even trusted?

Nope. Not happening.

End of episode one~!

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