12 | seize

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WITH AMY FEELING BETTER and healing by the minute, Ophelia suggests that she come stay with her.

However reluctant to let Amy go, Frank agrees, if mainly so that he can get his apartment back to himself after Amy's long recovery period.

Ophelia likes having company at her apartment, and it was definitely a welcome change to her mundane living routine. Besides, what's the worst that can happen? Well, it seems that a lot worse things can happen when caring for an injured person, especially when your apartment isn't necessarily considered safe, given that its in a bad neighborhood and all.

Like many things, this thought had only occurred to Ophelia in hindsight.

It had all started with an unforeseen knock on the door. With both women not expecting company, Ophelia took it upon herself to see to the visitor.


She panics and is visibly upset while on the phone to frank.

Frank's voice is urgent through the phone.

"Shit." He curses.

Ophelia tenses.

"Im on my way, dont hang up. He wont get to you, don't worry. Everything will be ok, I promise you."

He says it with increased urgency, which only accelerates her paranoia and anxiety. Her hands begin to shake. She swallows and her throat aches because of the lump in it.

She's trembling as she picks up a book, before examining the cover. She can only stare at it, not even reading the title in front of her. It's something about a girl on a train, she flips it over.

Oh, fantastic, she mutters to herself, feeling visibly sick now. Like at any moment she could throw up.

It's a murder mystery.

Just perfect for her current predicament.

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