Chapter 6: Let's Take a Step Together

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The kids' third year started without a hitch... well, for most.

While the majority of Class B1 had returned from their breaks refreshed and excited to see friends, one girl was unbelievably nervous for the new semester; Jeon Hwana.

People may wonder why. Hwana actually connected well with her new classmates. There were now times where she gets to hang out with people outside of school besides Siyeon, a rarity. She very much enjoys this class much more than the class she had before, who were no where near as welcoming and friendly.

No, it was because of a particular mishap that had happened during their break.

It was a normal day that turned sour. Hwana and Siyeon were just spending their lazy day within the Jeon home, catching up on dramas together. Their boredom lead them to do a simple competition with each other; blowing the biggest bubblegum. There wasn't even a bet for it, they just wanted to attempt a personal record.

And Hwana may have been able to win that feat (Siyeon swore it was a full 12 inches big)... but she ended up being the loser at the end. In the midst of huffing one last breath, the sticky bubblegum popped from its tension. The impact from all the air in the bubble caused the gum to pop right onto her face, and to her straw-like hair.

The moment Hwana's mother returned home later that afternoon, she didn't hesitate to suggest her daughter cut her hair.

Now, at the beginning of the new semester, the young girl sported short, slightly wavy hairdo that reached just at her chin.

Siyeon was quick to tell her that the style surprisingly fit her and that she was absolutely cute with it, but Hwana wasn't sure. This was something that was far out of her comfort zone. For all her 16 years of living, her appearance not once changed so drastically, with the exception of getting glasses at the age of 11.

"They're not going to judge you, Hwana-yah."

"Y-Yes they are! I look so different with this hairstyle..."

"Yes, a good different! Now, suck it up, and let's get to class. You seriously want to go in late because of something like that?"

Siyeon successfully shoved her best friend into the classroom, causing some of their classmates to avert their attention to them. At first, they all greeted the two girls warmly, as it had been a while.

But then...

"Jeon Hwana!" The boisterous chatter that followed the welcome surprised the meek girl. Her closest classmates flocked around her to bombard her with compliments over the hairstyle. Hwana blinked back the shock over the wave of support and love for the change in appearance. She grinned and murmured back her thanks.

In the corner of her eye, the boy that rightfully stole her heart had entered the classroom with his own group of friends. It wasn't him who had noticed her first though within the posse. "Omo! Jeon Hwana, I barely recognized you!" The forever soccer mania, Changsoo, chimed at the sight of her. "Whoa, you look really pretty with that short hair!"

Hwana was caught by surprise again. A boy complimenting her, besides her own family members? The last time this had been was when...

Her eyes drifted over to her crush.

She expected him to say something about it too, since he was just that kind of person to comment. However, after their eyes briefly met, he had turned and went to his desired desk by the windows.

What was that?

Hwana bit back her disappointment and gave a small grin over at Changsoo. "Thank you... it was actually by accident."

"Accident? Haha, I never knew an accident would turn out so nice~"

"Yah, what's going on here? Are you two flirting in our sacred classroom?" Bongsoon, one of the girls Hwana grew close to, teased the two. The rest of the class oohed at this, shooting childish glances and gave playful pushes to both Changsoo and Hwana. But the girl in topic became mortified. The last thing she wanted was this kind of attention.

No way did she want Sungwoon to think she had interest in his friend.

"Bongsoon-ah, stop that! With your loud mouth, kids in the other classes are going to assume they're dating already," Siyeon cut in. She placed her hands on Hwana's shoulders as she eyed the soccer player. "Besides, I don't just accept any guy to have my bestie's heart!"

Laughter bounced about the room.

However, Hwana was ready to leave this childish topic behind and have class start already. She just wished she could just hide away so this could subside.

And much to her relief, their homeroom teacher had entered the class, his voice loud and firm to grab everyone's focus. Hwana finally settled into her seat, her prayers answered. However, she couldn't help but feel paranoid for the rest of that day.

The week was nearly over.

They were already halfway through the day, lunchtime had come around soon enough. Hwana enjoyed the lunch with her close knit group, joking and talking about whatever came to mind. Most of the time was them gushing about the latest episode of Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, and how the cute actors have made their hearts fluttered with their boyish charms.

As they were returning back to class, Hwana went straight to her locker to retrieve the notebook she needed for the upcoming subject. The moment she swung open the metal door, a folded piece of paper have fallen and flittered to the ground. Confused, Hwana picked it up and opened the note.

Jeon Hwana,

Sorry for not telling you face to face when I had more than a chance to this past few days, but I wanted to let you know that your hair really suits you... you look very pretty with it!

I never thought it'd happen but I got really shy at the thought of telling you straight. And I really wanted to let you know one way or another, so here's a written note. It's really weird... Sorry I couldn't be braver. I hope you know that you are prettier than you think you are.

From, someone

Hwana's heart was thumping against her ribcage. Her eyes glazed over the short message over and over, letting it sink in. Was this haircut really that powerful to have garnered a... secret admirer?!

That was a bit of a stretch, wasn't it?

After all, who would ever like her?

She stuffed the note in between the pages of her notebook and hurried over back to the classroom. This was something she definitely had to tell Siyeon.

•  •  •

Hwana was nervous than she should be, far more nervous. This wasn't an audition, nor was it to film seriously for her show. No, it was a variety show, and that was supposed to be lighthearted and fun. This was something she wanted to do the moment Master Key's first episode released.

But her mind was running around in circles, as if it were a chicken with its head cut off. Rushing around without anything to control it.

Her... and Ha Sungwoon.

In the same episode?!

She already hated herself for being so indecisive on what kind of relationship she wanted with her ex-classmate. But this was basically forcing her to interact with him. And knowing Sungwoon, he will go out of his way to talk to her.

She knew he would... since she had purposefully ignored his text messages.

No one really was to blame for this. It wasn't like the PD of Master Key knew about her past with Sungwoon... or did they? There wasn't any ill intent if they did, they probably would have wanted a nice little reunion between the two of them.

Ugh. That's exactly what was going to happen, wasn't it?

"Hwana, you're going to be fine." It was about time she had to leave the car and go to the shoot for Master Key. Daeyeol gave her a very concerned look. "You'll have fun!"

"I guess so..."

Her manager sighed, "Look, I know you have a complicated relationship with him. No matter what happens, all you want is to support him, right?"

"Yes," Hwana reluctantly replied in a low voice.

"As a fan or as a friend, you should do that. If the PD ends up revealing that the two of you know each other, then it can't be helped. If you don't like the contents then I will have a talk with them if they can edit it out," he said, his eyes boring into Hwana's. "Try to get past it, okay? Maybe today can be the day you'll open up to him again. It's been years."

It really was complicated if her manager had to tell her these things. Even Siyeon's voice echoed in Hwana's mind, telling her that she should do what she wants...

Right, moving on.

They're both at a high in their careers, happy with everything.

Jeon Hwana shouldn't be scared anymore. What was she even scared of? Sungwoon had shown interest in becoming friends again. She was the mean one for not trying. After all, he had done so much for her.

"Okay, okay, I'll really try, I promise," Hwana chided with a worried sigh. "Just... god, I'm feeling a lot of things, right now, Daeyeol-sshi."

"You'll be fine, Hwana-yah. You've grown a lot since I first met you, you'll handle it well." The manager gave her a fighting gesture and a nod of his head.

One last breath. Hwana gathered all her confidence and stepped out of the car, clad in a white dress to match today's episode. Her eyes searched for the awaiting crew, spotting them quickly just straight ahead. Before she could take a step forward, she heard a meek voice coming from her right.

A young girl also in white had popped up at her side and she blinked over at her with doe eyes. Hwana realized she was the other female guest for this episode. "Hello, I'm Oh My Girl's Hyojung. It's very nice to meet you, Jeon Hwana-sunbae. I've really enjoyed the dramas you've been in so far."

"Omo, really?" It was always such an exhilarating feeling whenever someone recognized her for her acting. As much as she loved being known as a model, it was just as amazing to be known as a rising actress. "Thank you so much for watching them! I've been listening to your group, too!"

It was like an instant bond. It was nice, now that she can lean on Hyojung for the shoot.

And it was in that moment, her gaze drifted over just as she was animatedly talking to the rookie idol. Her eyes met his. He was with his other two group members but he had seen her too.

Hwana felt like her body going on overdrive. She wanted to go greet him properly, act like they were friends like so long before. But her feet seemed to be glued to the ground. Her nerves were back to eating her up inside.

"Sunbae, are you okay?" Hyojung asked, gaining back her attention.

Hwana gulped and fixed herself. "O-Oh, yeah. Shall we go ahead and greet the staff then?"

"Sounds good!"

Master Key was under way. Everyone had crowded together so they can begin shooting for the show. Hwana, along with Hyojung, made sure they greeted the rest of the male guests cheerfully before the crew was done preparing their equipment. They knew well that they would have to lean on the men a lot today.

"Don't you worry, we'll help you get comfortable," Lee Sugeun told the two ladies with a bright, warm smile.

Hwana then made her way to greet the Wanna One members. Hyojung, being a little shy of approaching the boy group, had stayed behind and chatted a little more to the two main hosts of Wanna One. So, she was on her own on this one.

"Hello, I'm actress-model, Jeon Hwana. I'm really excited to shoot with everyone today, so please take care of me well," she introduced herself, finishing with a bow of her head.

Two of them, the supposed regulars, Kang Daniel and Ong Seongwoo, stepped forward and greeted her back... a little too enthusiastically.

"Hello! We've heard a lot about you from our member, Daehwi!"

"Yeah, he really admires you a lot."

"We saw the magazine that you and Hyunbin were in."

"I swear the other members were amazed with that photoshoot!"

It was back and forth between the two boys that it got Hwana incredibly flustered. Not only did Hyunbin really try to reconnect her and Sungwoon but it lead to the rest of Wanna One being like this? A mere fan, a Wannable, like herself having them being fans of her?

This wasn't something she could ever get used to.

"Guys, guys, you're overwhelming her." Sungwoon had gotten hold of both of his members' sleeves and pulled them away. Apparently, both Seongwoo and Daniel had gotten a bit too close to the model. "Come on, we're filming the whole day together and you're just going to scare her away."

"Aw hyung, c'mon, no we're not~" Seongwoo exaggerated a pout at the older member, exuding incredible aegyo. It only earned a very displeased look from Sungwoon. "Hwana-sshi, I hope you can be very comfortable with us!"

"We feel very honored to work with you," Daniel chimed in.

Hwana couldn't help but flush at their kind words. "I haven't done that much though. I'm still learning as an actress."

"Either way, I'm sure we'll have fun!" Seongwoo continued. To put the cherry on top, he shot a wink. That got Hwana much more flustered than she could ever imagine. And honestly, she disliked that she was so affected, more so in front of the boy she had lingering feelings for. It didn't help much that both Seongwoo and Daniel seemed to be happy with her reaction.

"Yah, yah, yah, let's go over to Jonghyun, alright? Hwana-sshi wants to go greet the other guys!" Sungwoon nudged his two members away from the tall lass. Hwana could only watch as the two mischievous boys bid their goodbyes while being dragged away. She could feel her whole face burning.

How was she supposed to survive the day? She could barely survive 30 minutes with this group.

"Okay, let's start shooting for Master Key everyone!" The PD for the show called out for everyone to hear. At that moment, Hyojung had returned to Hwana's side, baring an excited grin at her.

"Wanna One seems to really like you already, sunbae!" The young idol whispered to her. "That's so amazing. Aren't they very handsome so close?"

Hwana had to give it to her new acquaintance for making her feel a bit calmer in this crazy moment. She returned a smile to her and admitted, "They were really handsome."

"You like them? Do you have a favorite?"

Her heart leapt once again. Even if she was conflicted with the whole situation, she can never deny her true feelings.

"Yeah, I do."

A/n: I hope everyone had a decent Valentine's!

I. Am. Deceased. Wannables are NOT ready. March really gonna slay us all!

Don't forget to comment and vote on the chapter~

Chapter unedited for rn.

— Bianca

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