Epilogue: Forever and a Day

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Graduation day.

The day the seniors of high school will graduate, and take a step further into their lives. Either people would go straight to work, get into higher education, or start training for a company; it's to continue with their lives. To become independent and strong enough to stand on their own.

Jeon Hwana had learned so much and grew since she first entered high school.

She was once that one stick-like tall girl that everyone could bully and she wouldn't fight back. Shy and introverted, someone anyone could manipulate with little to no effort. She was afraid and unprepared. She was weak.

But now?

Jeon Hwana, one of the main models of online clothing store Heartsick. A young lady that people in their small town would be able to recognize. Tall, beautiful, and with determination. Hwana had blossomed into someone better. She was the better and advanced person of herself.

A weak caterpillar that grew into a dazzling butterfly.

Sure, she was still introverted and shy at times, but no longer will she let those stop her from making regrets.

And on graduation day, Hwana planned to take care of one more thing.

Confess to Ha Sungwoon.

White Day had been a rude awakening. Hwana knew that there were other girls in their school that fell for Sungwoon's charms and angelic singing. Who knows how many girls had already attempted to confess to Sungwoon without anyone else knowing? It was a painful tug at her heart, because wouldn't be able to forgive herself for the day Sungwoon would say yes.

After so much pushing from Siyeon, her mother, and Gayeon-sshi, Hwana knew she needs to finally let her feelings out once and for all.

They're all going their separate directions already after high school. She can't lose any more chances to confess.

She has to get these emotions settled before she can continue on with her life.

The day was beautiful. Their graduation was held in the school field, the cherry blossoms in bloom nearby.

With the valedictorian's finishing speech, everyone through their caps in the air and cheered. They were done with high school life, another chapter that ended. Everyone was celebrating, congratulating each other for the tough years they endured altogether.

Cherry blossom petals and a flurry of bubbles (an idea from the school's principal) fluttered around. It was a gorgeous and special moment that everyone could share.

However, Hwana made sure to slip away before anyone could notice, before her parents noticed. She fled from the scene, leaving the erupting happiness of the graduation. She entered the school and made her way to the meeting place she planned herself towards the front.

She exited the school again.

The school courtyard. The very place Hwana knew her crush first developed.

The light breeze was enough to carry some stray bubbles and flower petals to the very spot and Hwana grinned as she gazed up at them. She was nervous, more than she was when she had to walk on stage to get her diploma in front of the audience. But this simple scenery, this special place, it was her small oasis that she can rely on. Always have been through all her high school years, even when she didn't need it as much.

"Well, if it isn't Jeon Hwana, a famous model-to-be!"

From the doors of the school came the boy she longed to see. Her hand wavered over her chest, she could feel her heart pounding against her chest. This was it.

She needs to confess once and for all for the conscious of her mind.

Sungwoon strode over to her side, his smile bright and beautiful. A flutter of butterflies erupted in her stomach. Seeing his handsome face seems to never get old to her.

"Congratulations on graduating, Hwana-yah."

Hwana peered away from his face just as a bubble flew by her. "You too, Sungwoon-ah."

"So, this?" Sungwoon held up a small note that had purple writing inside it. "This was your note telling me to come here?"


"I see." The male looked closer at her, even going as close as a few inches. Hwana bobbed her head back, clearly surprised by his actions. Her eyes blinked, and her face flushed. "So, you have to tell me something, then?"

A gulp. Hwana nodded her head. "Yes, I do." Her fingers twiddled together. Anyone could see she was a nervous wreck. "I-I wanted to tell you this for a long time, Sungwoon, and... and." Her words failed her and she felt herself get frustrated over it.

"Did you, perhaps, give me those bag of chocolates during White Day, Hwana?" It was an unexpected question. The girl had to glance over at him as to confirm if that was what he asked. He stared back her with a kind of intensity. "Sorry, but the purple writing was a giveaway."

"I guess it was a little obvious, huh?" One big breath. She needs to say it. She has to. "Ha Sungwoon, I-I like you a lot. Have been for a long while." She gulped down her nerves. She needs to keep going.

"Maybe, at first, I liked you because you saved me from those bullies. You were so heroic and kind, I guess I couldn't help it. But then we were able to become friends and you continued to show me that I can be... more? You helped me truly become someone better. And every time you helped me, and was there for me, my feelings just..."

Hwana was about to explode. It was finally, officially, out there. Sungwoon knows now. He knows she likes him.

It was done.

"I... I know that I'm not the brightest or the most outgoing. I felt like I relied on you too much and all and just that... I know you deserve to be with someone better," Hwana mumbled. Inner demons have come out to play but she knew they spoke truths. "Kim Minsoo, she really liked you. She's pretty and her personality works so well with yours. No wonder the whole class was shocked when they heard. I can never—"

"Hwana, stop." The girl did stop talking, her eyes meeting Sungwoon's. He didn't look pleased at all with what she was saying. Her head hung low. Why did she have to be so weak in front of her crush?

Sungwoon reached over and grabbed her shoulders, grip tight but cautious. "Hwana... why do you do that to yourself?" He held a pained expression. "Why can't you have confidence in yourself? You're already doing so much things and you have your own amazing qualities. What did I tell you before? Can't you see you're pretty?"

"I-It's just because Gayeon helped me today—"

"No, Hwana!" His eyebrows were knitted together. He looked frustrated now. Hwana wasn't sure how to react at the sudden raise of his voice. "Can't you see what everyone else sees of you? You need to accept yourself more and love yourself more... if you can't then you can't get anywhere."

He let her go.

"Hwana... we're at an important time of our lives now. We're going to make choices that we need to make ourselves."

His gaze was no longer on her. "And my choice right now... I have t-to reject your confession."

Hwana expected it... but it was still a hard blow for her. She could already feel the tears stinging her eyes, her vision blurring. She already told herself to prepare for this outcome, but why did it still feel like a surprise?

"I... understand."

"N-No, Hwana... I—I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." His hands were quick. Sungwoon wiped away the tears that dared to roll down her reddened cheeks. "But right now, I don't think this is something you need right now. It's not me... I-I just wish that you'd love yourself more. That's what you need."

Arms wrapped around her trembling body. Hwana froze stiff to his touch, she couldn't react. "Let's... just try to achieve our dreams for right now, okay? You with your modeling and me with my singing. We're both going to be in companies that will help us achieve that. And we'll meet again, both doing great. Hopefully when the day comes, you've already learned to fully accept everything."


Sungwoon pulled away from the hug and held up his hand, the pinky finger stuck out. "Promise me, Hwana-yah."

Her pinky met his. "I promise."

That day. Senior year, graduation day. It didn't seem like anything but it was Hwana's true turning-point. She didn't realize it at first, she hadn't for a couple years after that day.

But when she did, she can't help but feel thankful for Sungwoon once again.

After all, Hwana had grown up, watched be hateful to herself. She hated her antics, she hated how she looked. She had no confidence. And when she confessed to Sungwoon, she knew she hadn't learned her lesson.

Modeling didn't give her that confidence. It was Sungwoon.

It had always been Sungwoon. She depended on Sungwoon ever since the first day they met. She listened to his words and followed his advice without question. For goodness sakes, she started dreaming of becoming a model because of that boy.

And Sungwoon had seen that too.

He knew how much of an impact he had on her and he knew how there was a limit to that. The kind of relationship they had can't last forever. Because what if he accidentally lead her to the wrong direction? What if a simple suggestion caused her harm? No, no. Sungwoon didn't like the idea that he can... control her like that.

Jeon Hwana was much more precious than that. While she was delicate and naive, Sungwoon knew that she would have to learn things her own way.

And if he was out of the picture...

She can achieve that.

Sungwoon had rejected her confession, not because he didn't return those feelings. It was because he did.

He knew Hwana could do so much more. She was getting there, she had all the necessary pushes she needed to continue on the path she desires.

No longer should she think, it was because of Sungwoon.

It has to be: It was because of me.

Ha Sungwoon believed in Jeon Hwana to become more. To become more comfortable with herself.

A Jeon Hwana that she could be proud of and love.

Eventually, she did realize that. Hwana knew she should've been a little more greedy, a little more selfish. She shouldn't have doubted her self-worth. She saw why Sungwoon rejected her when he did.

It still hurt, but she knew. It was just a shame she hadn't realized sooner.

And she flourished from then on.

•  •  •

"A main lead! I can't believe it, a main lead!" Hwana nodded at her best friend, her joy bursting. They both squealed and danced around their apartment for the exciting news.

Eulachacha Waikiki ended up being such a hit. Hwana wasn't expecting much, just as she usually would for her dramas, but maybe she anticipated a little. The drama had been such a thrill to work on, and she grew to love her character so damn much. It had potential, and everyone could see that.

This drama skyrocketed her popularity to the clouds.

Before she knew it, she was gaining drama and movie offers left and right. Her company, Daeyeol, and her couldn't keep up. She was suddenly in high demand. Additionally, as people have seen her hilarious side with the drama, she has been invited to so many more variety shows.

This was so much more compared to before. And Hwana was living for it!

"And the script sounds so interesting too," Siyeon chimed. "A drama will androids! That's so eerie."

"I know," Hwana replied giddily. She glanced to the watch on her wrist. "Oh! We need to leave if we want to be on time for the dinner. We have a couple hours to get there."

"Right," Siyeon nodded as she grabbed the handle to her small suitcase. "You need to tell everyone about the exciting news, okay?"

Hwana then said with a playful tone, "Or maybe should we surprise them with it when it comes out on the 21st?"

Her best friend gasped, smacking her shoulder lightly. "Yah, I can't believe you just suggested that to me. You. But I'm down for it!"

As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Hwana hurried over to open it. Just as expected, it was her manager. He peered at the two girls and beamed, his cheekbones really prominent. "Are you ladies ready? You don't want to be late to your get-together, do you?"

"Absolutely not! Not when even the busy people put some time into this!" Siyeon proclaimed, her arm linking with Hwana's. "Gotta call that dedication even when Model Hwana had declined a photoshoot that was supposed to be tomorrow."

"Hey, hey, we all planned for this for a month and a half. I'm not going to miss out on this."

The three of them headed out the good-ole apartment that they won't be seeing for a couple days. With suitcases in hand, Hwana and Siyeon followed after Daeyeol and reached the awaiting car that was parked right in front the entrance of their complex. After Daeyeol chucked their suitcases in the trunk, the three of them set out for their long drive back to their hometown.

After a couple hours of driving, the two girls were finally able to see that familiar scenery. Siyeon and Hwana smiled from ear to ear to be back in the place they both grew up together in. Daeyeol pulled up to the curb in front of one certain restaurant and parked.

"Alright, just give a call whenever you need to be picked up, okay?" Daeyeol chimed as he turned to look at the two.

Siyeon smiled from the back seat. "I don't know. Hwana might take the longer way home after dinner, Daeyeol-sshi."

With a giggle, she exited the car, leaving the currently-auburn girl alone with her manager. She meekly grinned, as she tried to figure out something to defend herself. Her manager then did something unexpected, he ruffled her hair in an adoring way. "Don't stay out too late and make sure to be careful."

A sigh left her lips, and she gave him a nod in reply. She bid one last goodbye to Daeyeol before exiting the car and stood alongside Siyeon. Hwana gave her best friend a push to the shoulder for exposing her so loosely. Siyeon only laughed. "Come on, Hwana-yah, everyone's waiting."

They entered the restaurant side by side, the aroma of grilling meat meeting their noses. Just at the back of the place, the moment they saw their people, their smiles grew wider.

"Oho! It's our two peas in a pod, Moon Siyeon and Jeon Hwana!"

A good ole class of B-1 reunion.

"Wow, our Hwana is dazzling!" The current red-haired Bongsoon cooed as she enthusiastically grabbed the actress's hand in greeting. "First a mere website model, and now a hot actress. I'm honored to be in your presence—" She let out a boisterous laugh as she looked at some of their other classmates. Gazes drifted over to the opposite side of the table. "We have quite the talented bunch of people in our class. A national soccer player and a singer of nation's boy group!"

"Wah, Bongsoon-ah, always the loud one, aren't you?" Changsoo chuckled with a shake of his head.

The girl merely shrugged, that toothy grin still on her face.

"Well, now that we have everyone, let's all sit and eat!" Seungji proclaimed, earning cheers from everyone.

Siyeon and Hwana greeted everyone else before taking a seat. Hwana, of course, sat down next to said singer, who grinned at her with a warm gaze. Festivities continued, cups of soju and beer were passed around, as well as the good food. Laughter filled that restaurant, the young adults chattering the hours away over the delicious food and engaging stories.

It was a fun night to be able to rekindle the old bond these group of people had.

When the clock ticked to midnight, everyone knew they must leave the restaurant. One by one, a classmate left. Either they were too drunk to continue, or maybe they had work the next day to rest early for. But eventually, they left. And it was Seungji, Changsoo, Siyeon, Sungwoon, and Hwana that left the restaurant together. As weird as the group was, they had always clicked with one another, and would always be connected because of two people who were always magnetized towards each other.

"Man, Hwana-yah, I wish I asked you on a date when I could!" Changsoo slurred, his footsteps stumbling. Seungji was the one to support him up by having a secure arm around his shoulders. "I always found you cuuute~"

Hwana and Siyeon exchanged glances, a laugh leaving their lips.

"Changsoo, you're so wasted right now," Seungji grumbled. He was barely supporting his friend's weight. "Jesus, now that you've been training, your muscle weight is so damn heavy!"

"Besides, Changsoo-yah, I would never allow you to date Hwana," Siyeon quipped next, waggling her index finger at him. "You call every girl cute in our school."

"Am I wrong?" The soccer player huffed out with a pout. "Well, no matter. Every time I brought up asking Hwana out, Sungwoonie always gives me the dagger eyessss~"

Hwana peered over at the very boy, eyebrow cocked. "Dagger eyes?"

"Well, you know how he is," Sungwoon chided quickly. "No offense to my boy, b-but he'd—"

"Whatever, Sungwoon, we all get it now," Seungji cut in. "There's no need to be shy about how you liked Hwana back then too. I should've known when we had our group project together and you asked for a copy of our video!" Seungji glimpsed over at Hwana, a smirk to his lips. "Did you know when we were watching through some clips for the first time, he called you pretty when you appeared into frame?"

"He did?" Hwana looked at Sungwoon again. His ears had turned red. She couldn't help but feel shy about it too. "Sungwoon-ah."

"Ah, I'm sorry!" Sungwoon leaned over and placed a quick peck to the model's cheeks. "I get it! I was dumb back in high school."

Hwana was a flustered mush, her hand on her cheek just where he had kissed her.

"Aigoo, we'll leave you two to it, okay?" Siyeon interjected. "As two very busy celebrities, you need every little thing you can get. C'mon Seungji, I'll help you with Changsoo."

A very appreciative expression crossed the poor man's face as he nodded a bit too enthusiastically at the offer. With that, Seungji and Siyeon began walking away with a malfunctioning Changsoo under their care. This gave the perfect chance for Sungwoon and Hwana to have their much needed alone time together.

Sungwoon was quick to lace their fingers together before they began walking down the familiar pathways of their small town. With the nicely lit streets and the rural scenery in their midst, it was just perfect for the two who missed the low-profile life. It was like they were in high school again, the teenagers that dreamed of something bigger for their futures. As of right now, their only dream was to have as much as they could have as just Sungwoon and Hwana.

Not YGKPlus's model actress and Wanna One's vocal.

Their arms swung together in sync, as well as their footsteps. Hwana grinned from ear to ear, she couldn't have imagined this moment to finally come true for her one day. It couldn't be any better.

"I heard from Hyunbin you're going to be in a drama with Seo Kangjoon." Sungwoon's soft voice pierced through the night.

Hwana looked over at the man she truly admired, her eyes crinkling with her smile. "Ah, I wanted to surprise you and the others with that," The actress uttered. "My first script reading for it was going to be in a couple days."

"You weren't planning on telling, at least, me? Your own boyfriend?" Sungwoon scoffed. "I'm hurt! And this was going to be your first official main lead too."

Hwana slowed to a stop, holding on Sungwoon's hand tighter in hers. She pouted at him. "Sorry. Maybe also I wasn't sure how to bring it up without it sounding I was rubbing it in."

"You would never though!"

"Yeah, I know..."

Now that they given themselves to just stop, they just gazed each other for a good couple seconds, well, Hwana did. Again, she noticed their height next to each other. He wasn't wearing his insoles today, as her gaze naturally turned down to meet his eyes.

He must be comfortable with their height difference now. Hwana felt happy.

"Hwana-yah, can you believe how far we've come to get here? A lot has changed since we both left high school." The girl agreed and she gave a small nod in reply. "I just sometimes wondered what would have happened if I didn't recklessly reject you back then."

"Don't feel bad about it, Sungwoon-ah," Hwana told him. "You were right. I hated myself back then. I didn't like a single thing even as much as I tried. I couldn't do anything right." She leaned into Sungwoon to rest her head on his shoulder. "You've taught me that I should learn to love myself first, before loving someone else. You weren't reckless, you were being thoughtful."

Sungwoon hummed. So gently, he placed a kiss on top of her head. "I'm just happy that you never hated me after that day..."

"I would never. You were my first love for a reason, and it wasn't going to go away so fast."

Hwana could feel Sungwoon rumble from his small laughter. "Funny, when I think back on us in high school, I should've known how obvious we were with our feelings. Have you ever found out that I was the one that left that note when you had that short, cute haircut?"

The lass pulled away to gaze at her boyfriend clearly. "That was you?!"

"Of course!"

The two laughed over the matter. Hwana thought back through her high school life, Sungwoon really did make such an impact even when she didn't know about it.

She couldn't help it at that point. She quickly gave Sungwoon's lips a quick kiss, one that the boy could barely process on time. "Oh? Jeon Hwana is being bold. What was that for?"

"Nothing really. I just... kept thinking how it's nice that first loves don't have to die."

Sungwoon's hands gently held Hwana's face, and returned the kiss too. When he pulled away, he beamed so bright, Hwana could've sworn she'd seen sunlight at night. "It is, more so when it's strong."

A/n: Ending Note next!

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