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Okay so this is the time where you realize, something you have never felt. Its either regret,jealousy, greed. Or you may have discovered a new part of yourself. You may think well why are you telling me this? How would you understand? Well you can't say you don't know me with out knowing them first. Now that you found out what you have realized. There is something stopping you from expressing it. Well I will tell you this. I have a hard time expressing myself so on the internet my talents pour out. That was my escape route. I want you to prevent this mistake. I want you to break this mistake. I want you to walk out of where ever you are. Look up at your crowd and express yourself. You may think what if they judge me? What if they hate me? Well let me tell you this their opinions don't matter. You shouldn't have to care about them. If you can't speak what you dream then find a new way. If there is a dead end break the wall because caging yourself won't work. If your situation is losing someone then put them in a box and leave it to your memory. It does not mean to forget about them. This only means to live up to the moment. When the time comes whatever they have told you will help.

{ Hi guys if you like this first page and would like to see more. Give me comments and suggestion thank you very much. May you beliefs be protected}

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