Dark Hearts

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Prompt Profile: romance

Prompt: You have a timer that counts down to when you meet your soulmate. One day, your timer is left with only two more minutes.


"So, this thing you've made is supposed to help you break past Gravity?"

"More like ignore Gravity," Roko replied, clicking his mouse repeatedly.

"Planning to take over the world?" Jess laughed, her rich voice coming in through Roko's headphones. She had told him she felt insecure about her voice, saying it did not sound 'girly' enough, but each time he had brushed her concerns away.

"The idea has crossed my mind now that you mention it," he replied. "I'll start from the corners and work my way inward."

"Wait a moment," she said, and a few seconds later a notification popped up on his screen; a message from Jess.

It was a picture of a crudely drawn circle with a large arrow beside it and words that read: IT'S A SPHERE, NO CORNERS.

"Your artistic capabilities are blowing my mind," Roko told her, chuckling. He switched his focus to the second screen where his latest attempt at creating something useful ran.

The palm of his left hand was pressed against a sensor pad, originally meant to track metrics for Gravity's mental health app, but that Roko had modified to serve his own cause. Different graphs on the screen displayed several factors being recorded; heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration among others. The data would be compared against a library of millions of personal records stored by Gravity. It had taken him a few weeks to bypass Gravity's 'uncrackable' authentication software, only so he could complete his program.

"Okay, what were you saying?"

Roko heard the sounds of traffic in the background when Jess finally unmuted her mic.

"Are you outside?" he asked.

"I'm going somewhere," she replied, sounding out of breath.


"None of your business."

"Already got skeletons in your closet?" he prompted.

Jess giggled. "About that?"


"I got in," she said.

"Wait, what!?" Roko stood up, and a series of warnings flashed on the screen, indicating he should stay calm and move as little as possible. He sat down and leaned closer to the screen. "That's really great news Jessica, I'm so happy for you."

"Full name," Jess hissed. "Sure you don't want to meet my father?"

"In due time," Roko replied, smiling. "When do you start?"

There was a moment of hesitation from the other side.


"Yeah, I heard. I have to go in a few days," she murmured.

It was Roko's turn to go silent, because of the fact that his program had just run successfully. A timer had appeared at the center of the screen, counting down from two minutes.


The concern in her voice made Roko sit up. "Sorry, I zoned out for a sec."

He blinked to register what was on the screen before him.

"Do you think it would be okay if I came to see you?" Her voice was so gentle, hopeful even.

"I do," Roko replied with sincerity.

Jess let out a short breath.

"In that case, I'm at the door."

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