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"Dragon, the social worker will be here very shortly!" Harry called me from the kitchen. I smiled and finished brushing my hair. Harry and I were married for two and a half years. We moved into a house that was close to the flat we used to live in. Blaise was living there alone calling it his own "bachelor pad." He was loving the single life. I walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs to see Harry pacing in the kitchen. He was almost to his own walking self. With the help of a walker and extensive PT, Harry was able to regain the mobility in his legs.

"Sweetheart, stop pacing you're gonna make a hole in the floor." I teased and he stopped. "You look fantastic."

"I-I'm just nervous." He smiled shyly. "What if she doesn't like us?" He asked and I embraced him in a hug.

"She is going to love us." I kissed his cheek. "We've got this in the bag."

"I'm scared." He admitted.

"I know you are." I told him. "But there is nothing to be scared about. I was cleared by the doctor for the mental illness and they are positive that we've got it under control." I told him and he took a steading breath.

"What if I'm not gonna be a good dad?" He asked and I gasped.

"Harry Malfoy, you are going to be a great father. Any child we get will be lucky to have you." I told him. The doorbell rang so we pulled away. "I'll get it." I told him. He nodded so we pulled away and I walked over to the door. I opened it revealing a woman with long strawberry blonde hair.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Draco Malfoy. You must be Lori Peterson." I shook her hand and she gave me a smile.

"Nice to meet you."

"Please come in." I allowed her to come in and I brought her to the kitchen where Harry was. "This is my husband Harry, Harry this is Ms. Peterson." I introduced.

"Pleased to meet you, call me Lori." The woman said as she shook Harry's hand.

"Pleasure, could I get you anything?" Harry asked.

"A water is fine." She said and I motioned for her to sit at one end of the table. I sat down with her as Harry got the drinks. "Your home is gorgeous. Very homey." She told us.

"Thank you." We said in unison. Harry gave her her drink and took a seat next to me.

"Now let's get started."



"And this is Mindy." Lori introduced. Mindy was a teenager with long brown hair and brown eyes. Her eyes were kind and she was around 7 months pregnant. "I'll leave three alone." She said. We sat with the girl who seemed to very shy.

"So how old are you?" Harry asked her.

"I'm 17. I didn't plan on getting pregnant. You must think very low of me." She said softly and I smiled.

"No we don't. It happens. So what if you're 17 and having a baby." I shrugged and she smiled. She put her hand on her belly.

"When I told my boyfriend, he wasn't angry, quite the opposite actually." She smiled fondly. "But we got into a fight and he left. He told me he didn't want anything to do with me or the baby." She sniffled and then tried to wipe her eyes. Harry handed her a box of tissues and she gratefully took one. She wiped her face.

"So you decided that you were gonna have someone adopt the child?" Harry asked and she nodded.

"It's the best way." She told us and then took a deep breath. "Is it true you're a pediatric doctor?" She asked me and I nodded. "And you own a toy store?"

"Co-own but yeah. I was a vet but I couldn't work anymore since I was temporarily in a wheelchair."

"The accident. It's in your file. I don't blame either of you and I know it happens." She told us and the started to cry again.

"What's wrong?" I asked giving her a tissue.

"If I ask you to be my baby's parents, can you promise to send me pictures?" She asked and I was too choked up to say anything.

"We promise." Harry spoke up grasping my hands. Mindy smiled and we did too.

"Thank you." She said. "Then it's settled. You are the best couple for my baby." She said and we cried out.

"Thank you." We said.

So two months later I held my baby girl in my arms. Harry and I settled on a name that wasn't connected to either us. It was a name of a relative nor anyone we were friends with. A name that meant life and beauty. Ava Belle. She was, in layman's terms, perfect. My long lost love was now my husband and we had an actual family. Two pets, a baby and an Uncle Blaise. Life couldn't have gotten any better than this.

Well it's done *cry* these two were fun to write. I should be publishing a new story either later today or tomorrow, depending where you live. So keep an eye out!

Also check out my internet besties' Oneshot series  NoelleWB  

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