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Blaise, Harry and I set off for the airport at 7am. I hated mornings and I hated airports but I knew it would be worth it. I wheeled Harry outside as Blaise held our bags. Harry started physical therapy but he was having trouble walking which frustrated him even more.

"Okay so since we already printed our tickets, all we have to do is go through security. And check our bags." I told them and they nodded. I lifted Harry up and put him in the back of the taxi. I got in next to him. Blaise folded up his wheelchair and packed that away.

"Do your parents still live in the same house?" Harry asked me.

"Yes." I said and then Blaise got into the front.

"Can we um maybe see my old house?" He asked and I nodded. We were silent the entire time being too tired to talk. We got there at around eight which was perfect timing for our ten am flight. Blaise hopped out of the car and got the wheelchair. I got out and then helped Harry into it.

"Do you wanna hold your bag?" I asked and he nodded. I grabbed his bag from Blaise and placed it on his lap. I wheeled Harry as Blaise grabbed our bags and walked behind us. We walked to the bag check and waited. "I hate waiting."

"We've been here for two minutes." Blaise pointed out.

"Yeah but this line is so bloody long." I groaned. Harry patted my hand gently. He was out of his cast which made him feel a little better about himself. The line moved up so he wheeled himself forward... into the lady in front of him.

"Hey watch it!" The brunette screeched turning around.

"Sorry." Harry said.

"You could have hurt me! Just because you're handicapped doesn't mean your brain needs to be." She hissed. I was about to speak up but Harry cut me off.

"Listen bitch, you're lucky I can't stand because if I could, you wouldn't be. I suggest you turn the fuck around before we have a bigger issue." He sneered and she rolled her eyes. She turned around with a huff and I looked down at Harry. He was fuming, I had never seen him that way before. I turned to Blaise and he was wearing the same concerned expression.

After the lady went, we got up and then weighed our bags. Because I'm a doctor, I get a discount on the bags. They were checked and we had no carry-ons other than the wheelchair so we went through security. The lines weren't terrible so we dumped all the electronics in the bucket. Harry was taken to the side so they could manually wand him. We met up and we still had an hour before boarding. Harry hadn't said a word since the lady was mean to him so I took a deep breath and began.

"Let's get some food before we board." I suggested.

"That sounds like such a good idea." Blaise rubbed his hands together.

"I'm not that hungry." Harry spoke quietly. I sighed and dropped a kiss on his head.

"Eat something, we'll be traveling all day." I told him and he reluctantly agreed. We made our way to the food court and got some pancakes from McDonalds. "So are we excited?" I asked.

"Yeah I can't wait to see mum." Blaise smiled. "She's excited to see me."

"That's great. My parents can't wait to see us." I said and Harry took a bite of his pancake. He smiled shyly and I kissed him. "Are you excited to see your friends?"

"I'm nervous." He admitted. "So much as changed. I think I'll feel awkward."

"Well if you feel uncomfortable we'll leave."

"Where does Hermione live?" He asked me.

"She lives just outside of London. It's not too long of a drive."

"Okay." He ate up quite a bit and I smiled.

"They've agreed to let us find our seats first because you're in a chair." I said and a slight smirk appeared on Harry's face. "What are you smirking at handsome?"
"I guess the chair does have its perks." He joked and we all laughed. Harry actually laughed and it was the first time since we got home from the hospital. We finished eating and made our way to the gate. They were calling to start boarding so we gave them out passports and boarding passes, then we were on our way. I had booked us first class so I wheeled Harry to our seats which were relatively close to the bathroom. I lifted Harry up and placed him down near the aisle. Blaise took the other aisle seat next to our row as I put the chair in the overhead. I sat next to the window and grabbed Harry's hand. People were starting to shuffle in and Blaise got a cute girl to sit next to who he seemed to instantly be intrigued with.

"Are you okay Harry?"

"Yeah fine. I'm just a bit tired." He told me and I sighed.

"I meant about what the lady said." I pointed out. "I've never heard you so angry."

"I was tired and she got me angry when she said that. I'm trying my best with everything."

"I know you are and I am so proud of how far you've come. You have full function of yours arms and it gives you some freedom."

"I'm happy to have that cast off. I let Teddy have it."

"That sweet of you." I chuckled. I opened my shade to watch the air planes. Everyone was just finishing coming on and we were gonna get ready for takeoff.


"Yes?" I looked at Harry.

"I left your present at home." He told me and I frowned.

"Oh it's no worries. All that matters is that you're spending Christmas with me." I told him honestly.

"I do have a backup gift though." He told me and I nodded.

"Okay sounds great. I can't wait to wake up on Christmas with you in my arms." I told him. "I love you so much Harry."

"And I love you too." He told me. He rested his head on my shoulder as the flight attendants announced we were getting ready for takeoff. They checked all the overheads and then the captain announced everything he needed to. Finally we pulled away from the airport and we were off.


"There you are Harry." I heard Blaise say and groggily got up.

"Whatshappening?" I slurred and blinked open my eyes.

"Nothing, Harry needed to use the toilet but you were sleeping." Blaise said and I shook my head from the sleepiness.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked Harry who smiled.

"You were sleeping so peacefully." He gigged. "I'm good though. How was your sleep?" He asked and stretch.

"As good as it could get on a plane." I chuckled.

"Well I slept too and it was wonderful." He informed me and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, you make a great pillow." He told me with a smile. I laughed and hugged him tightly. "We should be landing soon." He informed me.


"Yeah the captain said another twenty minutes." He said and I nodded.

"Are you sad you're not spending Christmas with your parents?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"A bit but I'm glad to spend it with you." He told me. "Hopefully there will be no cherries in the cake."
"Oh ha ha." I smirked. "I'm sure he'll avoid those." I said.

"When are we visiting Hermione?"

"Um the day after Christmas." I informed him.

"Okay." He sighed. As we were descending, I grabbed Harry's hand. The landing was always the worst. He squeezed my hand tightly and then we landed.

After we landed and got off the plane. Went through the normal customs, got our bags, and we walked out.

"We're here!" Blaise shouted and then he spotted his mother. "Mum!" He yelled and ran over to her. He embraced her tightly and swung her around planting a kiss on her head.

"That's so sweet." Harry grinned. I checked the time and it was around three am.

"Yeah, it is." I laughed. I spotted my parents and pointed them out to Harry. As we walked over there, Blaise hugged us goodbye and wished us a Happy Christmas which was two days away.

"Father. Dad." I greeted and they smiled.

"Welcome home Draco. And Harry it's nice to see you again." They greeted.

"Nice to see you again too." Harry smiled.

"Got all your stuff?" Dad asked taking the bags from me.

"Sure do." I said and they nodded.

"Let's go then." He said and I nodded. Father led the way as Harry wheeled behind him. I walked next to him as dad trailed behind. We got to the car and dad put our bags in the trunk as I lifted Harry.

"Thank you Draco." He whispered and kissed me. I smiled and put him down in the backseat getting in next to him.

"So you must be wide awake. It is only 8pm at home." Father said.

"Yeah but traveling all day makes you exhausted." I said. "I slept on the flight and I'm tired still."

"Yeah, I am too." Harry laughed. I squeezed his hand and it fell silent in the car. The airport wasn't far, maybe about forty minutes away. We got home and I noticed my parents had installed something for Harry so he could get up the stairs.

"Harry we have to apologize for the lift, we've tried it out and it seems to work. We mean no disrespect by it, only trying to make things easier."

"Oh I understand." Harry spoke. "I appreciate it, thank you." He said and wheeled over to it. "Um I guess this is where we part. Thank you for it really. Goodnight, I'll see you later." Harry spoke and transferred himself into the lift. He clicked the button and it lifted him up slowly. I sighed and folded up his wheel chair, bidding my parents a goodnight, and met Harry up the chairs were he sat. I chuckled and unfolded his wheelchair. I picked him up and placed him back down in the wheelchair.

"I didn't think it all the way through." He sighed brushing a hand through his hair.

"It's okay. I'm glad to help." I said and brought him into my old bedroom. I pushed him inside and helped him on to the queen sized bed. He took off his shirt and tried to slip his pants off. He was struggling so I helped him leaving him to his boxers. I moved the chair to the end of the bed and stripped into my boxers myself. I got into bed with him and he snuggled up with me.

"Draco?" Harry whispered and I could see him blinking in the darkness from the moonlight shining through the blinds.

"Yes Harry?"

"Will I be normal soon?" He asked me and I frowned. I snuggled close to him and took a deep breath.

"You are normal Harry."

"No I'm not."
"You're normal. A special kind of normal but normal nonetheless. I love you Harry and nothing is going to change that."
"Thank you." He kissed my lips gently and then rested his head on my chest. He yawned and said, "Goodnight Draco, I love you."
"I love you too Harry. Sweet dreams."

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