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I was half tempted to make this mpreg but I am not going to 
Cute puppy huh?

Blaise and I made our way to the phycologist's office. I hadn't heard the voice since Harry and I got into the argument. I tried to get Blaise to rethink making me go but he had his mind made up and was making me go. Harry assured him he'd be okay by himself until his family came to get him. After all, we had gotten home the day prior.

"And then maybe if you're a good boy, I'll take you out to lunch." Blaise teased making me smile.

"Fair enough." I shot back. "But you're paying." I told him and he touched his hand to his heart.

"Oh you wound me Draco. I, Blaise Zabini, would not take you out to lunch and make you pay."

"I beg to differ." I said and he snorted.

"Fine yes. I shall treat you to lunch." He told me. "How's it going with Harry? It seems like you two are better from the argument."

"Yeah we um we made up." I told him.

"You fucked him, correct?" He smirked.

"No, we made love. There is a difference. But yes, Harry told me he was so hostile towards me because I hadn't touched him in months. I explained to him I was afraid of hurting him."

"And he said you wouldn't and one thing led to another and Harry is pregnant." He said and I snorted.

"Well everything except the last part."

"Obviously." He pulled into the parking lot of the psychologist and parked near the doors. I started to chew on my lip and Blaise stopped the car then patted my knee. "It's gonna be okay." He assured and I just shrugged. We got out, walked into the building, and then went to the elevator. We went to the fifth floor and landed on a black marbled floor with wood walls. We made a left and then walked into the white walled and light carpeted office. I walked over to the window and sighed myself in. I sat next to Blaise and chewed on my lip.


"Yes?" He cocked an eyebrow at me and I sighed.

"What if I need to go back?" I asked and he knew exactly what I'm talking about. He grabbed my hand and gave it a slight squeeze.

"You won't. You're not hurting yourself right?" He asked and I shook my head. "And you're not depressed?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know. I could be. I feel happy but I'm not sure if I am."

"Okay well then you'll be okay. Think of it this way, you're improving so much." He told me and I smiled.

"Dr. Malfoy!" They called so I stood up.

"I'll be right here." Blaise said and I nodded. I walked over to the woman and she smiled. We walked into the room before introductions.

"Dr. Malfoy, I am Dr. Nelson." She introduced. "Now I understand that you've come here because you're experiencing voices?"

"One voice. It happened when I was younger because of an event that happened. It was a coping mechanism. But it seems now that it's nagging me."

"How so?"

"Well for instance, I got into a fight with my boyfriend and then I heard the voice."

"Is your boyfriend the one outside?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No that's my best friend." I explained. "My boyfriend is at home." I told her and she nodded.

"Do you think he is the reasoning for this trigger?"

"Most definitely." I told her. I went into the explanation of how Harry was my high school love and what happened when he left and such. He listened intently and then when I was finished, she concluded.

"I'm thinking of giving you something to make the voice hush. An antipsychotic." She was writing the prescription. "Are you taking anything else?"

"No." I told her. "Um I work in a hospital with random drug tests." I disclosed.

"Well talk to your superior and explain the situation."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Plus you can buy something to flush out your system."

"Alright, thank you ma'am." I shook her hand and then showed myself out. Blaise was reading a magazine about home décor and he looked up as I walked out.

"How did it go?" He asked breaking the small silence.

"She gave me an antipsychotic to hush the voice." I told him and he nodded. "We can just stop by the pharmacy." I said and he nodded. We walked out of the building and into the car.

After we dropped the prescription off, we got lunch a little dinette in the middle of town. I got a burger and fries as Blaise stuck to a chicken wings.

"I have a shoot tomorrow." He told me.

"Okay, do you need to borrow the car?" I asked.

"Nah I can walk. But I also have a date." He smirked.

"Oh with whom may I ask?"

"This really hot model that I met." He told me and then pulled out his phone to show me a picture. "I met her at a bar and lost her number but she found mine." He told me.


"She's hot huh?"

"Blaise, that's a dude." I pointed out.

"What? No she's not!" He defended.

"Blaise, it's a drag queen." I told him. "She has an Adam's apple." I pointed and his eyes almost bulged out of his head. I started laughing at his face. My phone started ringing so I answered it.

"H-hello?" I chuckled trying to compose myself.

"Draco? What's so funny?" Harry asked. I composed myself enough to answer him.

"Blaise is dating a drag queen." He told me and he chuckled.


"Yeah." I giggled. "What's up baby?"

"I was wondering when you're coming home."

"We'll be home soon. We stopped for something to eat. Do you want anything?"

"Um no papa and dad brought me out to eat." He said.

"Oh okay. We'll be home soon."

"Okay, I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait to see you either." I told him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said. "See you soon."

"Bye love." I hung up and looked at Blaise who seemed to be raged texting. I rolled my eyes and took away his phone.

"Alright stop. Eat now." I told him and he ate his food. We kept the conversation light for the rest of the time and he paid for the food. We made our way back to the apartment and we walked through the door. Harry wheel over to me immediately and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you." He told me and I hugged him back.

"I missed you too." I chuckled. We pulled away and he had a giant smile on his face. "Why are you so happy?"

"I have something for you." He told me and his eyes wandered over to the closed bedroom door. I smirked but he shook his head. "It's my Christmas gift to you. I didn't really leave it here, I hadn't picked it yet. I wasn't allowed."

"What?" I asked.

"Come on." He urged. He started to wheel towards the door as I followed. I heard Blaise just chuckle and retreat to his room. "Close your eyes." He told me and I did. I walked forward and heard him open the door. He led me in and then held my hand. "Okay open your eyes." He told me. I opened my eyes and gasped loudly. On our bed was a puppy. A golden retriever puppy. It was fuzzy and a beautiful yellow golden. Their eyes were a dark brown.

"You got me a puppy?" I whispered.

"Sure did." He smiled widely. I made my way over to the puppy and it lifted its head at me. I let it sniff my hand and then it licked me. I gently picked it up and put it on my lap. Harry wheeled over to me and smiled.

"Do you like him?" He asked me.

"I-I love him." I said snuggling him into my chest. Tears trickled at my eyes and I looked at him. "Thank you. How did you get him?"

"Well Mrs. Miggs, Missy's owner, let me have him. She was happy to give him to us because we're such nice people." He told me. I placed the puppy on the bed and lunged at him. I sat on his lap and gave him a searing kiss. I pulled away and sprinkled kisses on his face.

"Thank you Harry. Thank you so much." I told him through the kisses.

"I'm glad you like him. Dragon and he have gotten acquainted already." He told me and I smiled. I got off of his lap and lied on the bed next to the puppy.

"Is his name still Bambi?" I asked and looked over to him.

"Of course." He wheeled over to me and then somehow got on the bed. I helped him sit up and put the puppy between us. It perked up and started to chew on my hand. "So how was the erm doctors?" He asked.

"It went well. I got some meds that will help with everything."

"That's good. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you." I put my arm around Harry. "I love you baby."

"And I love you daddy." He said automatically and I snorted covering the puppy's ears.

"Shh not in front of Bambi." I scolded.

"Sorry Bambi." Harry apologized. Like he knew his name, the puppy stopped biting me and yipped at Harry.

"He accepts." I laughed. I laid my head on Harry's shoulder. We stayed there for what felt like hours just soaking in each other's presence. I had my perfect little life finally... for now. 

Sorry that it's short but I am ill and couldn't think of what to write. Thank you, glad you all are enjoying this story!

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