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I woke up with a groan and rolled over in bed. My head was hurting but other than that, there was no hangover.            

            "Fuck." I mumbled and sat up. I looked around and noticed I was certainly not in my flat. Everything from the nigh prior came back and I gasped. I found him. I found my Harry! I quickly stood up and put my clothes back on. I stumbled out of his room and down the hall. He was in the kitchen making breakfast. My breath caught when he saw that I was up and grinned widely.

            "Good morning, sleep well?" He asked. I just kind of stared at him in awe. My drunken mind the night prior didn't give me time to process it. "Luke?" He asked and I continued to stare at him. Luke? Or wait that was me.

            "Oh sorry, yeah I slept fine."

            "Good. I've made breakfast." He told me and then motioned for me to sit.  I slowly made my away over and sat down.

            "Um you made me breakfast?" I asked and he nodded.

            "Yeah you seem like a pretty cool guy. I was never one for hit it and go." He told me and I smiled. I bit into the eggs and moaned at the flavor.

            "This is great." I said and he sat down next to me.

            "Thank you." He smiled. As I was eating I felt his eyes on me so I glanced over to him. He blushed and coughed awkwardly. "I-I was just um wondering if maybe you want to go on a date tonight."

            "A date?" I almost choked.

            "Yeah I don't normally date people I have one night stands with but you seem... different."

            "A good kind of different?"

            "Yes. Like I'm connected to you somehow." He said. It's because you are.

            "Sure that sounds fun." I nodded. "You'll have to take me out though because I just moved in last week."

            "Ahh I've been here for ten years, my pa took me from... I forget the name, I have a bad memory but somewhere in England."

            "I see, you have bad memory but you're not gonna forget our date?"  I asked teasingly and he shook his head.

            "My long term sucks." He informed. "But I'll need your number so I can pick you up."

            "Okay." I nodded and took the last bite of my food. I felt around for my phone and pulled it out. I had a few missed calls from Blaise and texts.

            "Who's Blaise?"

            "My best friend and roommate." I told him and he nodded. I unlocked my phone and read Blaise texts asking where I was.

            "Why is he calling you Draco?" He asked confused and I searched my brain for an answer.

            "My last name is Draconian, so it's a nickname of sorts." I lied but he nodded. I had given him my phone to him to put his number in. He did and handed it back.

            "Luke Draconian. I'm Harry Potter." He told me and I nodded.

            "Pretty cute Potter." I smirked and he rolled his eyes. "I shall be going before Blaise notifies the police that I'm gone."

            "I'm sure he figured you hooked up with someone." He told me and I chuckled shaking my head.

            "On the contrary." I started. "I don't go out and party. Nor do I hook up."

            "But you did."

            "Well he wouldn't know that would he?" I sneered slightly and he just shook his head with a smile on his face.

            "Whatever you say." He told me. I got up and he walked me to the door. "I'll see you later."

            "Wait um where am I?"

            "Oh uptown LA." He answered and I nodded.

            "Okay, I live fairly close then." I answered. "Alright bye Harry, love you." I said automatically. I froze and stood there. I shook my head and he was staring at me oddly. "Sorry, it's a force of habit."

            "I get it." He chuckled waving a dismissive hand. He stood up on his tiptoes and kissed my lips gently. "See you later Luke." And then I was gone. I made it back to my flat and opened the door.

            "Draco?!" He called from what I'm assuming was the bathroom.

            "Hunny, I'm home!" I called. I threw the keys on my counter and then he ran out. He was in nothing but a towel and I raised an eyebrow at him.

            "Did you get some last night?" He asked smiling.

            "Yes." I told him and then smiled. "I found him."

            "What?" He asked.

            "Harry." I told him and his eyes widened.

            "Are you sure?"

            "I think I know if I found my boyfriend Blaise." I sneered and he shook his head.

            "You're pulling my leg. Who'd you really sleep with?"

            "Harry Potter!" I yelled. "He walked up to my last night Blaise, I swear." I told him and I felt the anger rising.

            "So we go out for one night and you so happen to just bump into him?"

            "I guess so! It was fate!"

            "Draco." He stepped closer to me and I bit my lip.

            "It was him Blaise." I told him as my voice wavering and I closed my eyes. I felt him embrace me. I was so fragile and I hated it.

            "I believe you." He said and I took a deep breath opening my eyes.

            "He didn't remember me." I told him. "I told him my name was Luke Draconian."

            "You didn't."

            "I panicked! He was my first love and he doesn't remember me. I was also a little more than tipsy."

            "Well what are you gonna do?"

            "We're gonna go on a date tonight."

            "After you lied to him?"

            "I still love him Blaise!" I yelled and shoved him slightly. "I fucked him last night. I told him the morning I loved him! I don't know what else to do!" I felt the tears coming so I just shook my head.

            "Draco don't go back-."

            "I'm gonna go take a shower Blaise." I told him and he nodded. "I told him Draco was a nickname so don't reframe from calling me it."

            "Okay." He said and then I walked to the bathroom.


            "Hi um I'm here to pick up Luke." I heard Harry asked. My heart sped up as I was finishing my hair.

            "Ah I'm Blaise, you must be Harry." Blaise answered. "Dr- Luke as you call him, is finishing his hair."
             "I see." Harry laughed. "So how long have you and Luke been friends?"

            "A long time Harry." Blaise answered. His voice grew quiet trying to tell Harry in secrecy. However I heard what he said. "He's still recovering Harry. He went through a rough breakup a long time ago but still isn't right from it."

            "Oh, he seems like such a nice guy."

            "Treat him well." Blaise said and then I walked out. I walked down the hall and they were sitting on the couch. I bit my inner cheek not to cry because of the hurt I had been feeling.

            "Harry, you look great." I complimented. He looked so stunning. He was dressed semi casually but matched my style of attire.

            "I can say the same thing for you Luke." He said and I nodded. I looked at Blaise who smiled.

            "You can call him Draco if you want." Blaise chimed in and I gaped at him.

            "Which do you prefer?" Harry asked and I shrugged.

            "Anything really." I told him and then walked over to him. I greeted him a kiss on his cheek and then stuck out his elbow.  "Ready?" I asked and he nodded.

            "Goodbye Blaise, it was nice meeting you." He said and Blaise nodded.

            "You too Harry." He said and then we walked out.

            "Your place is really nice." Harry complimented.

            "Thanks. I liked yours from what I saw. Very modern." I mentioned and he nodded.

            "Yeah my pa likes it too." He told me and we walked into the elevator. "My dad on the other hand hates it."

            "Whys that?" I asked.

            "Too modern. I supposedly grew up in a very old vintage house." He said.

            "Oh I see." I nodded. Harry's house back in England wasn't that vintage.

            "Do your parents live here?" I asked and he nodded.

            "My papa and dad live in about an hour away with my little brother Teddy."
             "Oh how old is he?" I asked and he pondered a bit.

            "Ten I guess." He answered. "He was born in England too."

            "Oh so he was born and then you came here?"

            "I don't really remember. I told you my memory is crap. I don't remember anything from when I was 16 and younger."
             "Whys that?" I asked and we walked out of the elevator. Of course, I knew all the answers. Except the little brother thing. I suppose Sirius and Remus adopted another son.

            "Bad accident I was told." He shook his head and then we walked out. "How about you? How was your childhood?"

            "My mother died at child birth so I didn't really know her." I said and he looked at me sympathetically.  "So my father, Lucius, married my dad Severus." I told him and he nodded.

            "Is that why your name is Luke?" He asked. "Cause your father's name is Lucius?"

            "Yeah." I lied. Hey at least he was making sense of it. We walked out of the elevator and towards the lobby doors. He grabbed my hand once we stepped outside and I took a deep breath.

            "So um, can I ask you something?"

            "Sure go for it." I nodded and he looked up at me.

            "What did Blaise mean when he said you weren't right?" He asked and I shook my head.

            "I- I had a bad late teenage years. Something happened and it screwed with my brain." I told him and he took that as an answer.

            "He said it was a bad breakup." He told me and my hand tightened in his. "You know, we can talk about this another time. You don't see too comfortable with talking about it"

            "Yeah that would be great thanks." I gulped and he nodded. A silence between us fell and I couldn't stop the thoughts from coming. Harry didn't even remember me and I was trying to be something I wasn't. I spent ten fucking years looking for him and now that I had him, I was a giant lie.

            "Luke." He called and I was still mumbling to myself. "Earth to Luke."

            "Huh?" I asked and looked down at him.

            "I didn't mean to make you angry." He said and I realized I was holding his hand pretty tightly. I loosed my grip and shook my head.

            "You didn't." I sighed and then smiled. "Where are we going?"

            "I was thinking we can grab a bite to eat and then maybe um catch a movie or um do something else."
             "I don't fuck on the first date potter." I teased and he snorted.

            "Yes, you just sleep with them the night before." He told me and I let out a laugh. One that I hadn't heard in a while.

            "Movie is fine and then maybe if you treat me nicely, I'll like you take me home." I joked and he laughed.

            "Duly noted."   He told me and the dragged me into the burger joint. It wasn't like a dive and we were dressed appropriately, He took me towards the window and sat us down.  "So Luke, what do you do for a living?"

            "I'm a doctor in the Pediatric unit of the hospital." I told him and his eyes widened.

            "Really?" He asked smiling and I nodded. "Do you like children?"

            "Yes. I had this one boyfriend who was immature mentally." I told him and then shook my head. Harry was like a totally different persona and I hadn't meant to tell him.

            "Oh, what happened?" He asked and I just shook my head. He got the hint and dropped the subject. "I think that's impressive. Is that why you moved here?"

            "Yeah they were referring doctors to America and I was referred to come here." I smiled. "What do you do?" I asked.

            "I'm a veterinary tech." He told me and I cocked my head.

            "You can afford that apartment on that salary?" I asked and then gasped. "I'm so sorry."

            "Don't apologize, up front. I like it." He snorted and I felt my face grow beat red. "I am actually an investor in the little toy/joke shop downtown. I don't know why but I've been interested in toys for as long as I can remember."

            "Wow and they do well?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled because his teenage dream came true.

            "Yes. I can take you there after dinner." He suggested. A waitress took our drink order. I got a simple iced tea as Harry got a sprite.

            "I'd love to check it out." I agreed. "Shouldn't they be closed?"

            "Yeah but I have a key." He told me and I nodded with a smirk.

            "Oh we're going after hours?" I asked and he chuckled rolling his eyes. We got our drinks and ordered food.

            "So what does Blaise do?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

            "Blaise is an actor." I told him and he gave a cocky half smile.

            "Of course he is."

            "So he was all for coming with me. Besides my therapist suggested I had familiarity with me when I moved." I explained and then my eyes widened. "I di-"

            "Relax Luke. I don't care you've been in or are in therapy. I've been there. It's okay." He told me and I nodded.

            "Okay." I sighed. "So um what's the weirdest pet you've encountered at your job?" I asked and he smiled.

            "Oh one time this lady named Mrs. Wiggins called in and said she as bringing her cat in. So realistically we were assuming it was a little house cat. She walks in and it was a fucking lion cub!" He told me and I dropped my jaw.


            "Yes! And of course we needed to draw blood on the animal so everyone else was like 'Harry you got this, right?'"

            "Did it like hurt you or anything?"

            "No, it was the sweetest thing in the world. I took pictures with it." He told me and then pulled out his phone. He showed me the picture and the little thing looked so cuddly with him.  I awed and he laughed. "Yeah, cute huh?"
             "Very." I agreed. Our food came and we started to eat in a peaceful silence. I was nostalgic and wished I could have had those ten years with him. I pondered as to why he was brought back to me now. Had I suffered enough and the gods were done punishing me?

            "Luke?" I heard and looked at Harry.

            "I'm sorry?"

            "You were spacing." He told me.

            "Sorry." I said and he smiled.

            "So what's the weirdest thing you've encountered?" He asked and I shook my head laughing.

            "One time this little girl back in England came in complaining of stomach cramps. I checked her sides and I figured she had appendicitis." I explained and he nodded. "I get her attached to an ultrasound. As I was swirling it around, I noticed something moving around. I zoomed in and she had a bloody live fish swimming around." I told him and his jaw dropped. "I asked her about it and she told me that her mum told her they were having fish for dinner so she assumed that meant she needed to eat her gold fish."

            "But like how did it survive?" He asked. "Like after she swallowed it?"

            "I still have no idea. I sent her to surgery and then when she left, the fish was alive."

            "That's pretty gross."

            "You're telling me." I laughed. We chatted about work until we were finished with dinner. After dinner, instead of the movie, he took me to the little shop. It was small but packed with toys and things to play pranks on people. He was holding my hand the entire time and I smiled trying to push down my rising nerves.

            "Harry, is that you?" I heard.

            "Yeah it's me!" Harry called back. "Just showing my date the shop." He called and then the red head walked down the stairs.

            "Oh, he's attractive." He said in a British accent.

            "Yeah isn't he?" Harr laughed. "George, this is Luke." Harry introduced. The red head made his down the stairs and shook my hand.

            "George Phelps, nice to meet you." He smiled.

"Um Luke Draconian." I said a little slower to make sure I got it right. "Pleased to meet

you. I like your shop."
             "Thanks, my twin and I owe Harry everything really. He really helped us out."

            "Oh you have a twin?" I asked.

            "Yeah his name is Fred." He told me. "Why you have one?"

            "No, I'm an only child." I frowned. Harry smiled sadly and leaned up. He kissed my cheek gently and then wrapped an arm around me.

            "Well George. Luke and I have so plans to attend to, it was nice seeing you."

            "Oh 'plans' I get it." He winked and I blushed.

            "Shush George." He scolded and smiled. He hugged the tall red head goodbye as I simply waved.

            "So?" He asked and I smirked.

            "My place or yours?"

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