Chapter 7 - "Memories"

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Author's POV

Hazel and Yoongi sat across from each other in Hazel's cozy cabin, enjoying a delicious lunch of noodles and dumplings. Hazel looked at Yoongi with a concerned expression, noticing the dark circles under his eyes and the slight tremor in his hands. She wondered how he was coping after the traumatic episode he had yesterday.

"So, Mr. Min, how are you feeling?" Hazel asked him softly, hoping to hear some good news.

Yoongi met her gaze and felt a surge of gratitude for her kindness and care. He remembered how she had stayed by his side and comforted him when he had a panic attack.

"Much better than yesterday, Ms. Kim." Yoongi replied with a small smile, nodding his head and slowly taking a bite of his noodles. He savored the taste and the warmth, feeling his appetite return.

Yesterday had been a horrifying day for both of them. Hazel had been sick with anxiety about Yoongi, who had collapsed on the floor, gasping for air and clutching his chest. She had rushed to him and held him in her arms, whispering soothing words and rubbing his back. She had saved him from his worst nightmare.

"Hmm, I'm glad to hear that, Mr. Min." Hazel said with a sincere smile, gazing at Yoongi, who resembled a cute dumpling himself. His round cheeks, puffy eyes, and pink lips made him irresistible. She found him adorable and wanted to hug him, but she restrained herself from doing so.

Song to play - Shameless-Speed up by Camila Cabello

Hazel chuckled as she watched Yoongi eat his noodles messily.

"Mr. Min, you have some sauce in the corner of your lips." Hazel said, pointing her finger at his mouth.

Yoongi tried to wipe the sauce, but failed. Hazel got up from her seat and walked towards Yoongi.

Hazel leaned closer to Yoongi and held the chair with one hand.

Hazel and Yoongi's breaths mingled as they were close to each other. Hazel's hand wiped the sauce from Yoongi's lips.

Then Hazel's lips pressed against Yoongi's lips.

Hazel sucked his lower lip as if she had been craving it for years.

Hazel tilted her head from side to side to capture his lips more, then Hazel sat on his lap and her hands wrapped around his neck to deepen the kiss.

The kiss lasted for five minutes, Hazel ended the kiss leaving a trail of saliva between them.

Hazel's POV

My fantasies were abruptly interrupted when Yoongi wiped his lips with a napkin, erasing the trace of sauce from his mouth.

I couldn't take my eyes off him, as if he was a delicious meal that I wanted to devour. I wondered if he was aware of how shy he looked under my lustful gaze.


But I couldn't help but notice his tiny mole near his nose, which added to his cuteness.

His small eyebrow scar, which contrasted with his soft features, and his doll-like lips, which were so plump and pink, they drove me crazy.

I desperately wanted to taste those sweet lips of his.

Damn you, Hazel, get a grip!

I reminded myself that I had to behave myself whenever I was with him.

"Mr. Min, we have a new upcoming project with Mr. Jung, who owns a dance studio. We will give him some tips and advice for the growth of his company." I said, trying to sound professional, as I looked at Yoongi, who was staring at his food with no interest.

Aish! I had messed up big time. I mentally slapped myself for being so impulsive.

He was a timid person who felt uncomfortable with new people and awkward situations. They made him even more shy and nervous around them!

He was driving me crazy with his innocence.

"We have one more piece of news: we are going on a business trip soon." I said, looking at him, who slowly turned his head towards me with curiosity after hearing the word 'business trip'.

Yoongi's POV

Okay, calm down! It's just a business trip, right? I wonder where we are going for the business trip.

Well, it will be my first business trip, so I'm super excited!

And an upcoming project with Mr. Jung!

Well, I'm pretty pumped up for the second project of mine!

Magical time skip - Still Yoongi's POV

I was waiting for the bus to arrive at the bus stop because I had no money to buy a new bicycle, so I had no choice but to go home by bus.

The bus was always late, no matter how early I got to the stop. I checked my watch for the tenth time and felt a surge of frustration. The sun was setting and the street was getting darker by the minute. I wondered if I should just walk home, but it was too far and too dangerous.

Suddenly, I heard a car engine and saw a flash of blue in the corner of my eye. A blue car pulled up in front of the bus stop and parked with a screech. The driver's door opened and a woman stepped out. She had long black hair and wore a black suit. She looked familiar, and then I realized she was Ms. Kim, my boss.

She walked towards me with a confident smile and said, "Mr. Min, let me give you a ride home. I won't take no for an answer!" She spoke in a commanding tone that left no room for argument.

I was stunned by her boldness and felt a pang of nervousness. What did she want from me? Why was she here?

I glanced at the bus stop sign and saw that the next bus was still 15 minutes away. I had no other option but to accept her offer. I sighed as I thought how much trouble I was getting into with Ms. Kim.

I nodded reluctantly and forced a smile. "Okay, Ms. Kim," I said, trying to sound casual.

She shook her head and gave me a stern look. "Stop being so formal, Min Yoongi. We're not at the office," she said as she walked towards the car. She opened the passenger door and gestured for me to get in.

I felt a surge of confusion and panic. What was she doing? Why was she being so nice to me? She was my boss, not my friend. She had the power to fire me or promote me. And she was opening the car door for me?

I stared at her in disbelief, wondering if this was some kind of prank or test. She looked back at me with her piercing eyes, waiting for me to move. She always liked to make eye contact with the person she was talking to, as if she could read their mind.

That eye contact always made me nervous around her. I felt like she could see through me, like she knew all my secrets and weaknesses.

I swallowed hard and tried to act normal. "Ms. Kim, you don't have to do that. It's embarrassing for me," I said in a shaky voice as I met her gaze.

She smiled and tilted her head. "I told you to drop the formalities, Yoongi. We're not at the office and I'm giving you a ride home, so I have to take care of you, right?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. She sounded playful, but there was something else in her voice that I couldn't quite place.

Why did she always do that? Why did she always make me feel so uncomfortable and curious at the same time?

She had a habit of doing that. She always raised her eyebrow when she asked me something, as if she was challenging me to answer.

"Thank you for the offer, Ms. Kim, but I don't think I can change the way I call you," I said as I slid into the car. I felt a wave of awkwardness wash over me.

"You have to, Yoongi. You're older than me, and I feel like I'm disrespecting you," Ms. Kim said with a tight smile on her face. She looked like she was trying to be friendly, but there was something else in her eyes that made me uneasy.

This was so embarrassing for me!

I guessed I would have to try to change this habit of mine. Maybe it would make things easier between us.

Hazel got into the driver's seat and started the car. She looked at me and said, "Yoongi, can you fasten your seat belt?"

I nodded and fastened my seat belt. I wondered what she was up to. Why did she want to give me a ride home? What did she want from me?

Ms. Kim - no, no, it was Hazel, not Ms. Kim - drove onto the road. She seemed to know where she was going, even though I hadn't told her my home address.

Wait, how did she know where to go? I was sure that I hadn't told her my home address, right? Did she stalk me or something?

I guessed it would be hard for me to change my habit. But I would try my best.

"Hazel, how did you know the directions correctly? I'm sure that I didn't tell you my home address, then how?" I asked, looking at Hazel who was focused on driving. She looked calm and confident, as if she had everything under control.

I felt like an idiot, who didn't even think of telling her the address of my home.

"Well, I have a good memory power, plus I got your address from your ID card that you wear every day to the office," Hazel said casually. She smiled at me.

Wow! Hazel had pretty sharp eyes. And a pretty sharp mind too.

I knew it was a rule that every employee had to wear their identity card to enter the company, but I pushed that thought away for now.

"Hazel," I called out softly as I felt a sudden urge to do something.

"What?" Hazel snapped coldly. She sounded irritated by my constant questions.

"Can I... play some songs while you are driving?" I asked timidly, expecting her to say no. But to my surprise, she nodded her head silently. Well, that was better than nothing.

I started playing a random playlist on my phone, hoping to enjoy the long drive ahead.

I closed my eyes, letting the music fill my ears and soothe my mind. It was pure bliss!

Music + long drive + someone you love sitting beside you = heaven. That was the equation of happiness for me. But there was a problem. I didn't have the person whom I loved beside me. She was somewhere out there, waiting for me to find her. My baby bear.

I felt a wave of sleepiness wash over me.......

Hazel's POV

He drifted off to sleep within a few minutes.

I had the ability to scan his mind and tell what he was dreaming about in an instant.

He was probably dreaming about the thing he had said earlier: music, long drive, and someone he loved with him.

How long would he have to suffer because of the haunting memories of his past?

I vowed to erase all the traces of sadness and trauma from his mind!

It stabbed me in the heart to see him unhappy because of me or anything else.

That damned black car was still on our tail. It had to be her.

My breath quickened as I shot a glance at that damn car. Was it really following us?

For thirty minutes, that car didn't give up on us. I was losing my patience right now. Alright, let me put an end to that damn car right now!

I reached for the gun in my hands, but a sudden ring from my phone stopped me.

I glanced at the caller ID and picked it up.

"Yes, brother Namjoon-ah, what is it?" I asked in a monotone voice.

"Nothing urgent, I just wanted to see how you are doing. You know you have intense anger issues. Plus, I hope you didn't have any crazy ideas about using the pistol again." Brother Namjoon said in a casual tone.

I laughed softly before answering, "Well, you know me too well, brother. And I need a favor from you. Can you do it for me?" I asked brother in a low tone, not wanting to disturb the small human sleeping beside me.

"Of course, I can!" Brother Namjoon said in an enthusiastic tone. I could almost see his smile through the phone.

"Okay then, XXXX 5471. Write down this car number and find out everything about it." I said in a commanding tone, making him flinch. I heard a loud crash as he probably knocked something over. He cursed under his breath and apologized.

"Call someone to help you tidy up the mess you caused." I instructed, and heard a muffled hmm as he agreed.

"Bye." With that, I hung up the phone.

I slowly turned my head towards Yoongi, who was in a deep slumber with his lips slightly parted. He looked so peaceful and adorable, and he never failed to make my heart flutter with love for him.

Okay, snap out of it, Hazel! You are getting sidetracked again, aish!

I turned my head towards the window, scanning the road for any sign of the black car that had been following us. But it was nowhere to be seen. Had it given up on us? Or was it waiting for another chance to strike?

I need to drop him at his home, but the traffic is slowing us down. I feel frustrated and anxious as I look at the time on my watch. It's already past eleven thirty. Shouldn't I be dropping him home and heading to the mansion by now? I have some unfinished work waiting for me there.

But I guess it will have to wait, because I'm too drained to do anything right now. I feel my eyelids getting heavy and my muscles getting sore. All I want is to rest and forget about everything for a while.

The drive to his home seemed endless, draining me of my energy. If Yoongi had been behind the wheel, he would have fallen asleep for sure!

I feel like I can't go on driving any longer, so I decide to stay here at Yoongi's home. I'm sure they won't mind me staying here.

Okay, now I have to wake him up, but I don't have the heart to do so.
How can I disturb his slumber, when he is lying so calmly and cutely beside me?

Enough of gawking, Hazel. Let's go and call his sister to help me carry him to his room.

I tiptoed out of the car and shut the door softly, careful not to make any loud noise that could disturb his sleep.

As I reached the front gate, I swung it open and tapped on the door. I heard a faint 'coming' from Yoonji.

"Hey, b-" She stopped mid-sentence as she saw me standing in front of her, instead of the person she was expecting.

I guessed she was waiting for her brother, but I couldn't be sure.

Her face turned icy as she saw me instead of her brother and asked me in a cold tone, "Why are you here again?" My mind froze as I saw the Yoonji in front of me. She was not the same person I knew.

I felt like I was losing my grip on reality. Pull yourself together, Hazel!

"Listen, Yoonji, I have an offer you can't refuse: let me crash here for the night, and I will reward you handsomely for your hospitality. How does that sound to you?" I said, flashing a charming smile and hoping to win her over. Her eyes lit up when she heard the words 'reward you handsomely', and she nodded her head frantically, with a grin on her face.

Wow, that was a breeze! I barely had to break a sweat to convince her, with just a few words. Now let's go and escort Yoongi to his room. I hope he's not too drowsy to walk. He looks like he's about to fall asleep on my shoulder.

As I reached the car I slowly opened the car door and held Yoongi by his shoulder.

Soon Yoonji came held her brother from the other side and we both slowly took him towards the gate.

After some more efforts we both effectively escorted him in his room.

We made our way to Yoongi's room, which was surprisingly neat and tidy. He had a large bed, a desk, a closet, and a shelf full of books and CDs. I gently laid him down on his bed, and covered him with a blanket. He mumbled something in his sleep, but I couldn't make out what he said.

"Thank you for your help," Yoonji said, as she closed the door behind us. "You can sleep on the guest room next to Yoongi's room. There are some pillows and blankets in the closet. And don't worry about the payment. You can give it to me tomorrow morning." I nodded my head in reply.

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as I reminisced about those days. Well, these days I seem to smile a lot more than before, and it's all thanks to Yoongi!

I always watch the television before I go to sleep; especially the news channel. I like to keep myself updated on what's happening in the world.

I slowly made my way to the living room and saw Yoonji on her phone, smiling. She looked happy and relaxed, unlike the first time I met her.

Does she already have a boyfriend? Then I remembered this.

As I reached the front gate, I swung it open and tapped on the door. I heard a faint 'coming' from Yoonji.

"Hey, b-" She stopped mid-sentence as she saw me standing in front of her, instead of the person she was expecting.

So, I guess she had someone else on her mind besides her brother. It must be her boyfriend, no doubt.

Why am I here, and what am I thinking? Am I jealous of her happiness? Or am I curious about her relationship?

I feel like I'm losing my grip on reality, but then again, was I ever in touch with it?

Ever since Yoongi entered my life, he has turned it upside down and inside out.

Haha !

I was jolted back to reality when Yoonji started to wave her hand in front of me, as I was lost in my thoughts.

"Miss, you are drifting away. If you don't mind, you can share it with me!" Yoonji said with a bright smile.

"No, thank you, but can you turn on the TV for me?" I asked her politely.

"Sure, no problem. I'll do that for you!" Yoonji said with a radiant and warm smile.

I turned towards the couch, and sank into its soft cushions. I reached for the popcorn that was sitting on the counter next to it, and took a handful.

Yoonji turned on the TV, and handed me the remote with a friendly gesture. She sat beside me on the couch, and smiled.

I grabbed the remote and flipped to the news channel. I focused on the screen, while popping the popcorn into my mouth.

Near the Mapo river, the police discovered a horrifying sight: a dead body that was floating in the river. The body was covered with cuts and bruises, and bore evidence of other unspeakable torture. It is believed that the body was that of a person named Ha-Jun, who had been missing for a week.

He was a ruthless bomber and a cold-blooded murderer, and the reports say that he took the lives of more than 10 innocent people and wounded hundreds more with his explosive attacks at some major events.

The reporter delivered the news in a grave tone, making me smirk at the information.

Yoonji gasped in horror as she caught a glimpse of the photo of the mutilated body that was shown on the TV screen.

Yoonji slowly turned her head towards me, her eyes wide with disbelief. She asked in a shaky voice, "Are you not surprised by this?" She was trembling as she spoke, clutching her hands together.

I shook my head from side to side, showing no sign of emotion. The news did not affect me at all. "No!" I said firmly.

"WHAT?" Yoonji yelled, his voice piercing through the air. I quickly covered my ears, feeling a sharp pain in my drums. I forgot that I was holding the popcorn bowl in my lap. It slipped from my grasp and crashed on the wooden floor, scattering the kernels everywhere.

"Hey! Why are you screaming in the middle of the night?" Yoongi said as he woke up from her scream. He rubbed his eye with his right hand, trying to clear his vision. He walked to the living room, where he saw Yoonji trembling on the couch.

Cute, that was the first word that popped into my mind when I saw him rubbing his eye. He looked so adorable, didn't he?

Yoongi rubbed his eyes until his vision cleared and his sleepiness faded. He blinked a few times and yawned, stretching his arms. He looked like a sleepy kitten, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Ma'am, I mean Hazel, what are you doing here?" Yoongi gasped as he saw me sitting on their couch, in their home. He looked stunned and confused, his eyes darting around the room.

Did I even need to explain myself now? I knew he would be surprised, but I didn't expect him to be so shocked. I wondered what he was thinking, and how he would react.

Ugh! Why did Yoonji have to scream all of a sudden? If she hadn't, he wouldn't have woken up either!

"Yoongi-shi, I'm going to stay here for tonight since it's already midnight and I'm very exhausted. Plus, your sister allowed me to stay." I said in a flat tone, making eye contact with him.

His eyes locked with mine, and I saw a flash of nervousness in them. He tried to look away, but I held his gaze with a piercing intensity. I knew him better than anyone, and I could read his every thought and emotion. He was an open book to me, and I enjoyed flipping through his pages. I let out a soft chuckle, amused by his discomfort, and watched him squirm under my scrutiny.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'," I announced, feeling triumphant.

I felt a surge of satisfaction as I saw his nervousness. He couldn't handle my intense stare, and I knew I had the upper hand. I sauntered to the guest room, flicked off the lights, secured the door, and sprawled on the bed.

As I gazed at the ceiling, I noticed numerous glowing stars and a solitary moon in the center, surrounded by stars.

Does he still remember them? I suppose he does!

Play - Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi (in loop)

{ Flashback }

Hazel was clutching a small teddy bear in one hand, while her other hand was busy rubbing her eyes to clear her vision.

Once her vision was clear, she scanned the room, searching for the person she desperately wanted to see at that moment.

Upon realizing that the person she had been waiting for was not there as she had expected, tears began to well up in her eyes. She thought back to the promise that person had made before she drifted off to sleep.

"I promise I'll be there for my baby when you wake up," the person had said before leaving the room.

Hazel began to cry like a little girl who had lost her favorite candy. She sat there, sobbing loudly.

Awakened by her weeping, Yoongi, who was sleeping in the adjacent room, was roused from his sleep by her sobs.

Yoongi was jolted awake by Hazel's piercing sobs in the dead of night. As he squinted at the wall clock, which displayed two thirty-four, he rubbed his eyes to clear his blurry vision. He couldn't help but notice that Hazel's sobs were escalating with each passing second.

When Yoongi's vision cleared, he hurried into the hall. There, he found Hazel clutching her teddy bear, Candy, and sobbing uncontrollably.

Yoongi approached her and sat beside her, wrapping his arms around her in a warm hug. He whispered softly, "I'm here, don't cry please," over and over again. Tears welled up in his eyes as he heard her sobs not subside.

Yoongi held Hazel in his arms, trying to comfort her. He knew that words were not enough to ease her pain, but he hoped that his presence would make her feel less alone.

Hazel felt Yoongi's hug and heard his voice, but she couldn't stop crying. She was too heartbroken and scared.

He didn't know what to say to Hazel. He didn't want to lie to her, but he also didn't want to hurt her more. He decided to tell her the truth, as gently as he could.

"Please, my bear, stop torturing yourself with these illusions. He's gone and he's not coming back. You have to face the truth," Yoongi said with a trembling voice as he cupped her face in his hands and wiped away her endless tears. He didn't mind how much she cried, he just wanted her to be happy again.

Hazel felt a surge of pain and anger as he spoke those words. She couldn't believe he would say such a thing, after all they had been through. She jerked away from his touch, feeling his fingers slip from her face. She buried her head in his chest; feeling the warmth of his body and the steady beat of his heart.

She sobbed even harder, letting out all the emotions that had been bottled up inside her. She wished he would take back what he said, but she knew it was too late. He had broken her heart, but he didn't really want her to be stuck in the delusion of her.

Yoongi felt Hazel's breathing slow down and her body relax in his embrace. He realized she had drifted off to sleep after shedding so many tears. He gently lifted her up and carried her to her room, careful not to wake her up.

He was exhausted too, but he wanted to stay with her a little longer. He placed her on her bed and sat next to her, brushing her hair away from her face. He looked at her rosy cheeks and red eyes, the signs of her intense sorrow. He wondered why she had to cry so hard.

The moment he was about to fall asleep, she woke up feeling thirsty and found herself in the room. She wasn't surprised but she felt guilty for tormenting him like this yet she couldn't find an escape from her illusions.

As he felt her hand slip from his hands, it startled him. He stood up and sat on the bed while he held her head in his hands.

“Where is he?” was the first sentence that came out of her mouth. Although she was feeling thirsty, she brushed it off and asked it. Even when she knew his answers would be the same, he replied with a warm smile.

“Baby bear, look above you and do you see those shining stars above you? You see those stars are shining bright, right? Just like that, he's also one of them!” He replied with a soft smile as his fingers brushed off her falling hair.

{End of flashback}

Even though he doesn't want to remove his favourite memories with her, that's not the thing here. It's him who's making me feel an indescribable feeling, which has no words to describe it.

I was pleased when I heard her scream after hearing me say that I wasn't shocked.

Wondering who's behind his murder? Well, isn't it obvious that it would be me?

Word count - 4721

To be continued....

Hello Kitties, how are you all? I hope you all are doing well. So, I know that this update is way more late than I imagined. My apologies to you all!

This long update is for you all and I really wanted to write further but I made you all wait for so long, so I decided that I should update it by now.

Remember Kitties, that I love reading your comments. So this time I want more than 150 comments. Each paragraph should have at least 5 comments. And I want at least 30 votes!

I know that I asked big this time, though it's an easy task for you all Kitties. Stay healthy and hydrated. I Purple you all !

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