20: First Hug

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"I'll die," Ari spelled out and fell on Aviral's chest directly, stunning all her friends as they got up and jogged up to the duo.

"What the- maana ki kuch logo ka alcohol tolerance bahut kam hota hai but itna nahi ki alcohol sunke hi behosh ho jaye," Anna exclaimed with disgusted expressions as all of them only stared at Ari to see if she has passed out or just being dramatic.

"Yah-" Anna dug her nail on Ari's skin on her left shoulder trying to talk to her but she didn't budge.

"What if she is passed out?" Samar said as he took a sip of his drink, a hand in his pocket standing all casually as if it's not a big deal, but not to his fortune, he went under Anna's surveillance as she folded her arms in front of him with a quirked eyebrow.

"What?" Samar asked nonchalantly when Anna snatched his glass and kept it on the counter with a thud behind her as she stood ahead of him again.

"First of all, stop drinking and stop imagining things and also stop being so derelict about stuff standing in a club, got it?" She said and Samar obediently kept a finger over his lips, dramatically to avoid conflicts and arguments with the all the time hothead amongst them or who knows...

"Chup nahi hua to ye kaccha chaba jayegi mujhe yahi," Samar exhaled to himself in relief when Anna rotated to look after Ari who was still on Avi's chest.

Avi scrupulously placed his one hand on her right shoulder and from his free hand, he pushed back her hair tugging them behind her ear to see her face.

When Anna couldn't see properly even after bending down, Avi softly touched her cheek to see her temperature and jerked his hand off instantly from her skin.

"She's hot," he said with a painful expression as if he kept his hand over a burning stove.

"Did you just compliment me Mr. Aviral Kaushik? Hmm hmm hmm?" And all of them heard Ari's voice coming from Avi's chest as she whisked her neck to look at him from his chest with partially closed eyes and a drunken smile.

"Are you...really drunk Arranya?" Samar questioned with jutting eyes as he held her arm to get her off from Aviral's chest but she resisted, pushing his arm back she hugged Aviral's waist and comfortably oriented her head on his chest again making Aviral sigh.

All of them were surprised at her sudden change in behavior.

"I guess she's really drunk otherwise she'd never be this close to a guy," Anna kept her hands in air to surrender, making sense to the other boys when Samar suggested Aviral to take Ari home by car and Samar and Anna would book a cab to home as it was not so late so it'll be safe for both of them to go together.

Moreover, Anna would be safe with Samar more in the cruel world so they agreed as Samar helped Avi in taking Arranya to the car and helped him make her sit on the passenger's seat next to Aviral's driving seat.

"Go safely," Avi said to both of them as their cab arrived and they went off soon leaving Avi with a sleepy Arranya.

Her door was still open when he stood there with his one arm over the door and another over the car's top as he gazed at her sleeping figure. He tsk-ed at her stupidity of drinking vodka like frooti.

"Silly Miss little beast drank vodka like Coca-Cola, nice," he chuckled to himself. However, Aviral was standing at the door with a dazed mind as he was only looking at the girl. He didn't know what he felt, but he realised one thing today...

"You're a good person, Ari. You're a really good person, but your situations haven't been good on you till now. If you give me a chance...probably I'd love to make it right for you somehow and make you feel things you've missed on your whole life...maybe?"

He thinks to himself, just standing there when he noticed 2 creeps were passing by their car and looking at Arranya, then at him so as he was about to close the door to keep her safe, she kept a leg on the door to prevent him from shutting it.

"You're not drunk, right?" Avi revealed with a suspicious eye and he was right when he saw her gawking at him with properly opened orbs. Not drunkenness at all in her eyes.

"Not exactly but I do feel sleepy and a bit of headache," she eventually came clean as she opened her orbs and stared at Aviral with an ear to ear, playful smile who was standing next to her door.

He bent down, not keeping his knee on the floor but sat in front of her in the air as his eyes didn't want to leave their sight from her.

"Why did you do that?" He questioned without directly mentioning about her falling on his chest and she giggled once more.

"Oh well, didn't you ask me to be frank? And I thought our friendship hug was pending so I gave it to you today but look at you...such a selfish and arrogant person you are who didn't even hug me back,"

Arranya cleverly blended the topic and made him the culprit, sending the lad in amazement at how good she's at talking and twisting words.

"Whoaaa," he exclaimed with a chuckle, shaking his head in denial at her childish way of mixing topics.

"So," Avi exhaled.

"If I'm at fault, shouldn't I repent my wrong doings then?" He asked as he got up and stepped two feet away from the car, opening his arms wide with a smile when Arranya cackled at his smart brain.

"You should definitely," she laughed and took a long leap jump from the car and directly into Aviral's arms as he swiftly caught her by her waist so that her feet didn't even touch the ground for once.

Aviral caught the shortie in his embrace and he lifted her up when she circled her arms around his neck tightly and both of them laughed together at their fun-loving hug.

"What a moment," Avi says to himself in his brain as he couldn't express how jubilant his heart felt in the moment.

He couldn't even decipher it for the first few seconds that she was in his arms. In his arms. Arms? Is this even for real? The Arranya Awasthi, who doesn't like being touchy with anyone around her, be it a girl or a boy, her safe distance is always maintained was in Aviral's arms? This moment is somthing worth capturing but how?

For some reason, he was happy as it was their first hug. No strong feelings of love, nothing was there but he did feel that... elevated heartbeat type of moment after such a long time in his life which he didn't want to lose anytime soon so he tightened his arms around waist more as their smiles were just everlasting today.

As for Arranya, even if she might regret or be embarrassed about this later someday, her mind was full of positive thoughts about her new beginning with her new friends and specially, her khadoosman.

Aviral's excitement couldn't be forced down so he held her tightly as he spun themselves around in circles making both of them laugh out of joy. Ari tightened her hold over his neck and so he did.

"I don't wanna leave you now or who knows, the shortie vanishes again," Avi spoke as he stopped spinning her around when she slapped his shoulder and they laughed again.

She kept her chin on his shoulder as her head started spinning more due to alcohol.

"I'm sorry Avi, I couldn't really give in my best to you in the past few months but I promise, I'll be the same girl who used to love without conditions," she said keeping her cheek on his shoulder lazily as she got more comfortable.

"Let's talk about all the emotional stuff some other day, right now just enjoy and ride back home, yeah? You're not okay, you need to rest," Avi words out as he moved by himself and helped her sit in the car directly after their sweet moment without letting her stand as she wasn't wearing her footwears.

He yet again sits down in front of her with an exuberant smile reflecting all his felicity in just that reaction to her and so was hers.

"I didn't know I'm such a good motivator that within seconds you understood me and really became crazy after that?" He guffawed thinking how easy it was to talk to her and change her mind so swiftly. He was impressed by his own convincing skills.

"Oh please, it wasn't you but me myself. I knew it already that I need to be open but for some reason I was just resisting the excitement of my life as first, I was new to this city and this college lifestyle and it's not easy at all to be in med school and second, I have never lived or made close friends other than my childhood ones so I was taking my time understanding you guys, that's all."

She stated with an attitude and he laughed yet again. Getting up, Avi muffled her hair, annoying the girl but he locked the door before she could hit him and jogged to the other side to take his seat on her right and drive off to their PG.

Starting a new life is always tough, but we need to do it someday. One day before or later, it will eventually happen but if it happens on its own, it might risk our mental health so we must start taking our mental health, our emotions more carefully and mandatorily before we go insane about our suppressed emotions.

It's necessary to let them all out and cope up as fast as we can otherwise...they will mould our lives how they want to and then we won't be able to rectify the things we could have earlier.

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