Getting to Know Each Other...

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Yumi's POV:
You are such a disgrace.

As we saw Ayato on top of Yui, Reiji kept talking about Ayato's unrefined manners.

"I can't believe that you would commit such deplorable acts in the school building."

Then it's my turn to talk.

"Speaking of deplorable acts, Yui tell me everything. What happened between you and Ayato and BE honest with me. And if you don't..."

"Aah! Please forgive me! I didn't do anything wrong! Ayato wants me to make him takoyakis and I tried to say no but he wouldn't listen!"

Then I twitch my eyebrow in irritation when she made a bullcrap excuse.

"So then you just ditched the class and you made him food anyway?..."

"I have no choice!"

She yelled as I walked towards her and knocked her head with my fist.


"Ow what the heck was that for?! I just explain everything to you and you're just going to hit me?!"

"Yes because you let your guard down! And you just have to commit a deplorable act with THAT man anyway!"

"But I tried many times to say no to him, but he just won't listen!"

"Saying "I tried" doesn't convinced me to believe such nonsense story!"

"It was never nonsense it was the truth!"

"SURE it is." -_-

Reiji's POV:
While the twins arguing, I then focus on Ayato who is acting very deplorable today. My god Ayato what am I going to do with you?

"As for you Ayato, you are going to have a lot of discipline when we get home."

"Tch! Whatever, at least Melons doesn't hit me in the head."

Then she suddenly turned her head as she twitches, she glared at him.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

She then stopped punishing Yui and walked towards Ayato where she hits him in the head with her fist.


"Oi! What the hell was that for?!?"

He complained to Yumi.

"That's for calling me melons back when we first came to the house Baka!"

I smirked at Ayato's misfortune when she scolded at him.

"That's what you get Ayato."

"You shut up! And the name is not Baka! It's yours truly got it?!"

"Tch! Yours truly, what kind of a crappy name did you get it from your mom?! Besides I hate people who act like that it makes me sick to my stomach!

"Don't you dare defy yours truly bitch!"

"You watch your language young man or else I'm going to hit you again with my right fist this time!"

As she kept scolding at Ayato, I watch myself smiling at Yumi as my heart starts beating as I watch.

Yumi's POV:
While I kept scolding at Ayato, I slowly formed a smirk on my faced as I asked Reiji.



"Tell me this. If you find the definition of arrogance in the dictionary, will there'll be a picture of Ayato in the background?"

I smirked as I saw Ayato turning red in anger with Yui looking worried, Laito and Kanato appeared out of nowhere laughing their ass off while Shu is standing in the corner smirking at the scene and Subaru is trying so hard to suppress his laughter, Reiji smirks back as he said to me this.

"Why yes Yumi. It will definitely have picture of Ayato in it."

Then the two triplets started dying in laughter when Shu and Subaru started laughing as well, Ayato became more flustered as he gets more pissed.

"Wow Ayato that was awesome! You just got burned by a human!"

Laito said pointing it out as he reverts back laughing while dying.

"S-Shut up all of you!"

Then he storms off in anger as all of us are dying in laughter in the room.

Then Reiji calms all of us down as he told us to get home safely due to Yui's blood being suck too much, she fainted from blood loss from Ayato.

After school was over, all of us went back to the house where all of us are send to eat dinner with all of us not talking to one another since I find all of them different from each other.

As we eat in the table, I politely stand up from my seat where I finished my dinner.

"Excuse Reiji, but I'm done with my dinner and thank you for the food it's delicious."

"Why thank you for the compliment Yumi and your manners are perfectly refined unlike SOMEBODY."

He looks down at Yui where she glared at him, but I glared at her as she shrinks back to her table where she barely ate.

Then I turned back to him.

"Thank you Reiji and if you need me, I'll be upstairs in my bedroom."


Then I politely pushed the chair back against the table and left the table as I walked passed by Yui who is being harassed by Laito.

While I was in my room, I started talking to my three friends back in my old school. They're the Minamotos and I've been friends with them since middle school. I haven't talked to them for a day so I think I should say hi to them.

As I opened my laptop, I turn on my FaceTime and chat with my three best friends, Hikaru, Hikari, and Hinami where the three of them smiled at me.

"Guys hey!"

"Hey." Hikaru greeted.

"Sup." Then Hikari greeted as she blows her gum forming a bubble, it popped where she keeps chewing her gum.

"Hi." Hinami politely greeted.

"I'm sorry I didn't contact you after I moved in, I was in night school."

"You went to school in the middle of the night??"

She asked confusingly.

"Dude, don't you get tired when your going in school in the night?"

I sighed in exhaustion before I replied.

"Yeah, I know it's weird, but they do have great books in the library though!"

"You and your obsession with books."

Hikari teasingly said.

"But that's how she is, she's our lovable intelligent Yumi."

Hinami politely said as she grins sweetly.

"So true!"

Then all of us laughed.

"So how's everything going back there? We're you okay living with your sister?"

Hikaru asked curiously.

"Everything is going fine Hikaru no worries. And I'm pretty much okay living with Yui."

"Okay? Pfft! Yeah right, I bet your so irked when you're living with her."

Hikari playfully retorts.

"Yeah do have a point there, but she needs to learn how to adjust her life in the mansion with six handsome men.

Then the three of them shocked to hear me saying I'm living with a bunch of hot guys.

"Really?! Are serious?! Are really hot guys living with you?! *gasps* Are they're hot as my boyfriend?!?"

She excitedly and curiously asked as Hikari lightly bounces up and down on her bed.


Hinami shouted as Hikaru rolled her eyes.

"You think every guy is hot Hikari. Even though you're dating Haru.

Then Hikari playfully glared at her older sister.

"Oh come on you guys, I maybe find all guys hot, but that doesn't mean I'm going cheating on him just because I have an obsession with hot guys. Besides if Haru caught me with another guy, I would be so dead."

She said as all of us agreed with her opinion.


Then I slowly laid back on my bed as I sighed.

"Yeah besides, Haru is pretty much a chill guy so he can handle pretty much everything."

I said as Hikari nodded at my statement.

"Yeah true, but he won't be as chill when it comes to his guitar being stolen or damaged."

She explains as all of us cringe at the image of Haru bursting raging outbursts since the last time I saw him.

"Yeah....that wasn't a great picture to imagine."

"You got that right."

Hikaru said as she pointed out.

"But he's also a nice guy once you get to know him though."

I smiled when Hinami pointed out the truth.

"Yeah true, he's a very nice chill guy to hangout with."


Said the three of sisters as me and the three started laughing eventually, I heard a light knock on the door.

"Excuse me guys but I'll talk to you later alright?"


As the three agreed, I gently closed the laptop and I opened the door revealing Reiji.

"Oh hello Reiji. May I help you?"

I asked when he gently pushed his glasses up, he politely asked me this.

"Yes Yumi. I was wondering if you would come to my room for tea so the two of us can get to know each other."

I stood there in surprise since no boy has ever asked me to spend time with me before.

Get to know each other?....

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