Where's Subaru???

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Yumi's POV:
While everything is quiet in the Sakamaki mansion, I was sleeping in my room dreaming about my boyfriend Reiji until I heard a loud scream from the side of my room. I then slowly get up from my bed and irked by Yui's constant problems.

Honestly Yui, Can you not be a bothersome for a split second? Jesus Christ Yui, how am I going to do with you?

I then reached my glasses and put on my face as I get off from my bed, I went to the hallway and walked towards Yui's room to hear her crying in pain.

Then I politely knocked the door to hear Laito's voice and later laughter as I opened the door, I find myself mentally face palming at the sight of Yui getting bitten by Laito where I stood there leaning against the door and irritably asked her.

"What is the meaning of this Yui? As you can see it's 12: 17 pm in the nighttime so why are you still awake?"

"I-I was trying to get a glass of water but Laito appeared out of nowhere and attack me."

She said it innocently as I twitch at the thought of Yui being submissive towards Laito's advances.

"And is there a reason why he's in your room just now?"

"~Fufu~ I'm just having fun with bitch chan as you can see."

"Oh REALLY now?"

I said irritably just before I planned to hit her, I twitch even more when I saw a knife on the edge of the end table, I asked Yui about the knife on the end table.

"Yui answer me this, why is there a silver knife on the table?"

I asked as she softly explained while looking down and locked her eyes on me.

"Oh umm...I g-got this from Subaru kun...and...h-he said t-to k-keep it just in c-case."

After she answered, I got even more irked by Subaru's rash decision and Yui allowing to keep such a hazardous material, but I slowly walked towards her and knocked her in the head.

"Ow! Please sis I'm sorry I did that but I can't just say-"

"You could have just said no to him but you don't because you're a dumb coward!"

"Please Yumi please! I'm sorry for what I did please don't hit me it hurts!"

She cries as she desperately begs me not to hit her, I reluctantly stopped punishing her.

"Do you know where Subaru is now?"

"H-He's outside walking in the gardens."


She said it as I think to myself about Subaru.

That's strange? Why would Subaru give Yui a blade for?...

I quickly stop thinking as I pushed my glasses up, strictly looked at Yui and told her this.

"Yui, do me a favor and stay in your room?"

"Huh? Wh-"

"Do I made that clear or do I have to repeat myself?"

I strictly asked as she nervously gulps, she fearfully answered.


Then I turned to Laito who is standing against the wall smirking deviously.

I looked at him for a second then sighed and asked him.

"Laito, can you keep an eye on Yui while I'm out?"

I asked as she flinched at my request, Laito smirks even more and happily accepts my request.

"It would honor to keep Yui by my side because we're going to have a VERY long relationship."

He said it while smirking, he immediately grabs Yui by the arm just as she's about to escape, I reluctantly sighed.

"Very well then as long as you keep her out of trouble."

"Oh don't worry Yumi, I'll make sure that she won't run away."

"P-Please help-"

"Remember Yui, stay in here or else you're going to face my whip."

She strictly and coldly reminded as she immediately flinches by the whip while Laito is amused by my harsh words and I can tell he's imagining me holding a whip but in a perverted way.

*Sighs* he's probably thinking dirty things about me right now I can feel it! I tell the filthy look on his eye! Geez no wonder why he's so deplorably lewd.

I thought to myself as I twitch at his lewd thoughts.

Laito's POV:
*sighs* the thought of Yumi chan punishing bitch chan just turns me on *sighs* oh how I wish Yumi chan would punish me for my actions.

*Yumi's punishment outfit that Laito's daydreaming about* XD 😂😂😂

Just as I was dreaming about Yumi punishing Yui in a sexy bondage outfit, I quickly snapped myself back to reality when I felt pain on my head.



I yelped in pain as I rubbed my swollen head when she knocked me in the head aggressively.

"Laito did you hear me?"

She asked strictly as I immediately smirked.

"Why course Yumi chan. I'll do everything I can to look for bitch chan!"

I happily proclaim as she nodded her.

"Very good now if you excuse me, I need to go outside to find Subaru and teach him a lesson!"

She strictly exclaimed as she walks out of the Yui, I immediately turned to Yui who is sitting on the bed frightened by me where I immediately smirked at her fearful state.

"Now bitch chan where were we?"


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 oh my god that was most funniest chapter that I've ever made so far! Please type the comments to see what you think about this chapter and I promise I'll update more! Bye!

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