The Mystery Rises....

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Yumi's POV:
After we shared a romantic loving making last night, I slowly got up from my bed where Reiji is sleeping next to me.

I smiled sweetly at his adorable sleeping face where I slowly put my face closer to his admiring how irresistibly adorable he is while he's sleeping.

Awwwww Reiji's so cute when he's sleeping like this.....

While I was staring at his adorable sleeping face, I was suddenly pulled into a sweet kiss from Reiji where I slowly closed my eyes kissing him back.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his shoulders where he turns me over as he is now on top of me while kissing. We slowly broke our kiss where Reiji is smirking down at me.

"What a lewd woman you are, staring at me with those lustful eyes while I was sleeping."

He lightly kissed my cheek then my lips where I wrap my arms around him smiling lovingly at him.

"I couldn't help it Reiji heehee~"

I giggled adorably with Reiji kissing me once again, but this time I kissed him back where I slowly got on top of him while we're kissing, Reiji wrapped his arms around my exposed waist.

We then break the kiss once again as we giggled happily.

"Last night was magnificent Yumi."

Reiji said with a sweet smile as I nodded at him, I kissed his forehead.

"Of course it was, it was very satisfying night for us."

I replied with a loving smile where I giggled when Reiji nuzzles my shoulders.

We both then stood up where we were staring into each other's eyes lovingly.

"I'm so happy to have such a loving man like you."

"And I'm so happy to have a beautiful woman like you Yumi."

He grinned as he kisses my neck lovingly, I almost forgot something and I stop Reiji from kissing my neck.

"I almost forgot to tell you something."

"What is it?"

He asked curiously.

"I forgot to tell you that yesterday, I saw Ruki with three other guys and they we're talking about something unusual...."

I explained with Reiji staring at me intently.

"Unusual how?"

He asked.

"Well....I don't know what they're talking about but one of them called me 'eve' yesterday...."

I explained clearly which causes Reiji to frown at the thought of the four guys I mentioned.



He spoke harshly.


I tilt my head confused by what he's saying until I remembered what Ruki told me.

I'm Ruki Mukami.

Then I have another memory of the three boys that I saw from yesterday during school.

Oi what was that you annoying little Sow?!

Mneko chan? Why are you out of the house? Bad kitties like you should be punished.


After I remembered what happened yesterday, I finally understand who those four boys are.

".....Those guys.....they have my they?..."

I asked with a serious gaze, but he didn't respond while gazing at me.


"....I'm not sure....she might be, but I have no idea what they want with her....."

He replied sternly.


As I thought about the Mukamis, Reiji suddenly patted me on the head lovingly with a smile.

"Come on, we don't want to be late school understood?"

He grinned as I grin back at him, I nodded.


As we got up from my bed, Reiji got out of my room so I can changed my clothes for school.

After I changed, I went to the limousine where everybody is doing there own business. While Reiji is reading his book, I sat there silently where I couldn't stop thinking about the Mukamis and Yui.

The Mukamis.....what do they want with her....I hope I could see her again, but....the real question is WHY do they need Yui for? WHEN is she coming back to us? And how am I going to find her?.....

I thought curiously until I was cut off by Laito.

"Oh glasses chan.~"

I then twitched when Laito called me.

"You've been zoning out today, were you thinking about me? ~fufu~"

He smirked pervertedly as I turned to him, I gave him a cold stare.

"No I was thinking about jumping off he cliff rather than thinking about a lecherous pervert like you."

I coldly replied.

"That's mean, I was just joking."

He pouts as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Wasn't a joke when it comes to you."

I retort with Reiji and Shu agreeing with me.

"She's got a point there Laito."

Reiji agreed.

"True dat."

Shu nodded with his eyes closed while listening to his music.

Speaking of which, I never seen Ayato today. He didn't even bother to come to school with us. I wonder what's bothering him?

I thought curiously where I turned to Laito and asked.

"Hey Laito, have you seen Ayato this morning? I didn't see him coming out of the house."

I asked politely, but he responded with a light shrug.

"Who knows? I never seen Ayato acting like this before."

He sighed.

"Geez he can be such a child at times."

"Maybe it's because of Yui. She's the one who left us alone, ne teddy?"

Kanato stated that causes me to be curious.

"Hmmm come to think of it, he does have a point there. I do saw Yui and Ayato getting closer than before ever since me and Reiji started dating...."

I spoke curiously.

"Keep it down will ya? You're ruining my music, and she'll come back someday."

Shu sighed while trying to listen to his music, but still I couldn't stop thinking about her and the Mukamis.

I wonder what kind of people are the Mukamis...and why would Yui love with them?....

I thought until I heard the abundant of fan girls screaming like complete mindless idiots.

Ughhh unfortunately this is going to be a unfortunate day for us.

As we arrived at school, all of us got out the limousine, but this time the fan girls start to flinched when they saw me getting out of the limo, they immediately ran away from me once I gave them a dark stare at them while walking down the school entrance reminding them not to mess with me.

Once we got into the school, I went to the library staff where I started to sort out the books. While I working at the library, I bumped into someone familiar where I saw the gray haired young man from yesterday.

"Oh hello Ruki."

I politely greeted while holding the books.

"A pleasure to see you again Yumi."

He grinned as we gazed each other's eyes, I felt something suspicious about this man that I'm unsure about.

Ruki....Ruki Mukami....who are you?.....

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