Chapter 1

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New day, new me. I peer out of the window, the day seems very bright, maybe the mayor's wife took control for the day. Well a bright day always cheers me up, so I dash and complete my morning routine quicker than I expect. Just in time for breakfast. I run down to where mom and dad were. Dad, as usual was reading the daily while mom cooked up some scrumptious breakfast. Dad is a bit of a bore, so I rarely communicate with him, cause as usual he is going to nag me about my studies and manners, and today is too bright for that. Instead, I strike a conversation with mom: she seemed upbeat. Well we all were, today is my first day in our town's public school.

A year ago, the mayor got married to a right brained, which was actually revolutionary since it was a norm that rights and lefts would mingle between their own kind. The couple then decided to integrate the left and right brained people in every aspect. Just a month back the town's integrated public school was built and today is my first day. Oh, forgot to mention, how silly of me, I'm Choi Miyeon and I am a certified right brained. Mom over here is right brained while dad is a left-brain wuss. I check the time, and nudge dad, he is supposed to drop me to school.

He sighs inwardly and goes to get the car keys. Mom, looking at dad gives me a pity look. "Don't worry dear, im sure dad is very excited, he just" she pauses and continues "he just doesn't know how to show it" Meanwhile dad comes over and signals me to come outside. It was a quiet and silent 30-minute drive. The awkward silent kind of drive. The silence which makes you feel uncomfortable, the kind that urges you to speak but you just can't. But you can't change him, he is who he is.

Before leaving the car, he holds my hand and talks to me. "New schools aren't that scary, don't worry pumpkin, you will get used to it. Just focus on your happiness and studies. Don't cause any fights, and don't get too friendly with the boys. Have fun" With wide eyes, I leave. I turn over to wave at dad, which he returns with a crooked smile. I mean dad tried.
I gape over how big the school is. I mean it is going to facilitate tons of children. I take a deep breath and climb up the stairs, my hands running along and feeling the railings. I open the double doors, and gasp. This school is just, I don't even know how to explain it to you. The brick wall gave it a rustic feeling, while the painted floors and ceiling had a fun vibe.

I kept staring at the ceiling, not knowing where I was walking, when I bumped into someone. It was more like a crash because it sent whoever's papers and books flying out of their hand. I couldn't face the person, so I just dug my head down and started picking up the scattered material, while they just stood there, arms crossed. I stand up to give the things back while taking a good look at his face. Why is he this angry? I just knocked the things off his hands, not robbed his house. He abruptly takes his things back and doesn't even thank me. What a stuck up! Well, I'm not going to sit here and bear his attitude. "Hey punk!" he turns around "Next time have the courtesy to thank someone for helping your clumsy self. Can't even help the person helping you, at least have some manners, you rich snob." I huff and walk away.
After getting my timetable and locker number from the front desk, I run to find my class. B-33? No... B-35? Oh, there it is, B-37. I enter the class and put my stuff down on a desk. I don't talk to any one of the kids present, they all seem too snobbish like the guy I ran into or some had this bad aura around them. I rather be alone than have a bad or greedy friend. I'll just take my book and sketch.

I jump in my seat when I hear the loud bell ring. It's as loud as a fire alarm. I think my ears are going to bleed. Finally, the noise stopped and our teacher entered the class. We all bow and she does the same. Honestly her smile is just so addictive, it makes me want to smile. In her honey voice, she introduces herself. "Hi dear students, I'm Mrs. Lee, and I'll be your math teacher" Her eyes wander over us and then turn right. We do the same. A boy enters our class. Wait he is very familiar to me? Isn't he that guy I bumped into? What is he doing here?

"You seem to be late for class, young man. Don't worry, since it is the first day, I'll let you go. Why don't you sit next to her?" All eyes follow to where she was pointing at. I turn and see, next to me? I was frozen, not moving a single muscle. But there is always more than what meets the eye. Inside, I was screaming, I tell you I never hated fate this much until now. He just stared at me with his cold eyes and sat down next to me. I shivered.
"Now class, I want you all to tell me your names, and your personality; feel free to interact with me." The teacher says. One by one, everyone says their name. "I'm Choi Miyeon and I'm right brained" I smile and say when it was my turn. "Jeon Wonwoo, left brained" He says, with a deep voice. Is this guy the ice king? No wonder he is left brained, such a cold, stuck up, spoiled brat.

"Ok, now that everyone has told me, I want you all to open page 34 of your textbook. Read the material and I'll take a small test so that I can know where you all stand. Don't panic, this doesn't prove how smart you all are." I take out my book and try to retain all the information. After a while the tests were hand out and I tried solving the questions. Soon after correction, the tests were given back.

"So all of you did well, maybe a few didn't reach up to my expectations but we can fix that. Learning is all about making and correcting your mistakes and remembering it so that you don't do it again. Although I am highly impressed by Jeon Wonwoo over here, he scored the highest mark, and showed more than one way to solve many of the problems. Well done." The students clap, while I just huff.

The noise of the bell cuts through the clapping. "Ok, class dismissed. Except Miyeon and Wonwoo , please stay back" Once the class becomes empty, Mrs. Lee begins to speak. "Wonwoo, I am really impressed, but Miyeon, your marks are really poor. I am not ridiculing you, but I just want to propose you a solution to raise your marks, cause it seems you can't understand the material, which is a shame cause I think you have a wonderful brain. Right or left, any brain can do anything. So to help, I want Wonwoo to tutor you from now on."

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