Chapter 10- Genuine Confession

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Kyle wanted to spend the night because he couldn't get enough of his boyfriend. He doubted that would ever be the case where he would get enough. Conner had been warned to back off. He hadn't talked to Kyle or Stan for the next whole week at school. Danny hadn't come around to be a bother either. Kyle was relieved about that. He hated having to know that his ex boyfriends were out to sabotage his relationship with Stan. Danny and Conner were in his past and being reminded of them didn't help things to be positive and happy. At one time he was happy when he dated them, not at the same time. Now he was with Stan, and he didn't seem to be just another one of his boyfriends. Kyle liked being himself and didn't change for anyone. Stan didn't change himself for anyone either. Both of them had that in common.

As opposite as these two were, the other things they had in common still had yet to be discovered. Kyle had been home from school for 2 hours now. He was doing homework up in his room when his mom walked in after knocking two times on the door. "Is there anything you're in the mood to eat for dinner, Kyle?" "Did you have anything in mind?" Kyle set down his pencil. He was working on homework for history. "I was going to have your father cook pork chops on the grill and then I'll make that rice dish you and Ike seemed to like last time I made it." Sheila explained. "That sounds good." Kyle responded.

"How was school?" Sheila asked her son. "It was good. I actually wanted to tell you something. You remember Stan? The new boy who moved from North Carolina?" Kyle had wanted to tell his mom for awhile but never really saw a good time to. "Yes I do." Sheila nodded her head. "I'm him." Kyle confessed a little bit less nervous then he thought he'd be. His mom was always supportive but for whatever reason Kyle always got nervous to tell her things like this. "Is he a nice boy, Kyle?" Sheila wondered about the new boy her son had been dating. "Yes mom, he's amazing. He's really nice to me. I've never met anyone like him." Kyle smiled thinking about his boyfriend. Sheila wasn't furious at all, she was happy, "Well that's wonderful. I'm so happy for you." Sheila beamed. "You are?" Kyle asked. "Of course I am. If that boy makes you happy then that's great. As long as he's making you happy I have no problem with it, Kyle." Sheila came in and gave her son a big hug. "Thanks mom." Kyle said during the hug. "You know I'll always love you no matter what happens." Sheila kissed his cheek and left the room after saying she would get dinner started in a little while.

Kyle was happy to get that off his chest. Sheila would let Gerald know about it either at the dinner table or when he got home, which was in the next 20 some odd minutes. He finished the last of his history homework and headed downstairs to help with dinner. Ike was on the couch watching TV. Sheila said that Kyle could make the rice dish and she'd get the pork chops started since Gerald told her he'd be a little later coming home from work. He got held up a few minutes at the office. Gerald was a pretty good lawyer. He'd helped with a lot of cases in South Park over the years. Ike came into the kitchen while Kyle was stirring the rice in the boiling pot of water, "Can you help me with homework after dinner?" "Yeah, for what class?" Kyle asked his younger brother. "Science." Ike replied standing by Kyle. "Yeah I can help." Kyle said for assurance.

"Ok cool, I overheard you told mom you have a boyfriend." Ike said. "Yeah, his name's Stan." Kyle turned down the stove heat a little. "Mom's always cool with it." Ike noted. "Mhm." Kyle nodded. The two brothers talked in the kitchen until Gerald walked in the door. "Did your mother already start cooking the pork chops?" Gerald asked his sons. "I think they're almost done yeah." Kyle looked out the window at Sheila flipping over one of the pork chops. The Broflovski family sat at the dinner table around 5:00. It was an earlier dinner than usual. Usually the family had dinner around 5:30-6:00. Kyle's new boyfriend didn't get brought up at the table, which wasn't a big deal to Kyle. He wasn't dying to tell his dad he had a boyfriend. He didn't mind if Gerald knew about him and Stan, he just wasn't ecstatic to tell him. That'd be kind of weird anyway.

Ike talked about the lockdown in the junior high school today. It wasn't a drill, so the parents were notified. Sheila was very worried but then got a message a half hour later like the rest of the parents to let all of them know everyone was safe and nobody got hurt. That didn't happen at the high school. Ike had texted Kyle when he was in English. Kyle asked if he was okay and if he was safe and Ike said he was. His gym class had gotten locked in the large gym with all the lights off. Actual lockdowns didn't happen very often, so when Sheila and Gerald got the message, surprise became present in both of their bodies. After the 4 members of the Broflovski family finished eating dinner, Kyle went to go help Ike with homework. They had gotten to the fourth question when a text from Stan came in on Kyle's phone.

Stan: Can I come over?

Kyle: I can ask, are you okay?

Stan: My dad came back.

Kyle: What?

Stan: He's here. My mom and him are arguing downstairs, if he's going to be here all night I'm not staying here.

Kyle: Let me go ask mom

This was a huge surprise to Stan and it was to Kyle as well. From the things Stan told him, it sounded like Randy wouldn't ever return to his family ever again. He had somehow found Sharon and Stan and stopped by for a little visit. Stan was freaking out because he hated his dad and never wanted to see him again. His mom was trying to tell Randy to leave calmly but he wouldn't budge. Sharon told Stan to go upstairs to keep him uninvolved in this argument. Stan tried to stay and defend his mom but she didn't want him getting all worked up so she said for him to stay upstairs. Sheila said that Stan could stay the night. Kyle quickly texted Stan that he could come over.

Kyle: Pack a small bag, come over whenever you want

Stan: Thanks Ky

Ky; nobody had ever called Kyle by a nickname. It was always his full first name. Kyle loved it. He really loved it. It was cute and it was Stan's nickname to call him. While coming down the stairs of the house, Stan had his small gym bag of pajamas and a few other things and his backpack for school. "Stan where are you going?" Sharon looked at her son going for the door. "Kyle's." Stan tried walking past his dad but Randy grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back. "Let go of me asshole!" Stan shouted. "We're still a family so you can't leave." Randy said. "Fuck off, you're not my family." Stan yanked his arm away and ran out the door. He asked Kyle for his address again since he forgot it. He had to walk so it took longer than a car ride to get there.

Stan felt like crying but he wanted to be strong. For Kyle, his mom, himself. Seeing his dad just triggered a giant tsunami of anxiety. It came at him without a warning. Randy wasn't a good father. Abandonment stands as something that cannot be forgotten and sometimes never forgiven. In this particular case, Stan hated his dad and wanted him gone forever. He never wanted him to come back into his life. He wanted to stay with his mom to make sure Randy didn't end up hitting her or something, but he couldn't stand hearing them yell and knowing the presence of his father was only several footsteps away. Kyle waited on the couch for his boyfriend so he could just run to the door quickly and let him come inside the warm house. It wasn't very chilly in South Park. Normally it was coat weather, but on some days the weather warmed up the town a bit.

Stan knocked on the door 3 times. When Kyle met face to face with him, he saw how upset Stan was. Kyle circled both arms around Stan's neck for comfort. "Come in." He said, taking Stan's overnight bag. Sheila and Gerald heard what happened at the Marsh household and felt bad for their son's boyfriend. Kyle ended up throwing that in there in the middle of asking the both of them if Stan could stay the night. Sheila was on the couch as Stan entered the Broflovski home, "Hello Stan, nice to see you again." "You too, thanks for letting me stay over." Stan said taking off his shoes. "Oh it's no problem at all." Sheila said to Stan. Kyle motioned Stan to come upstairs to his bedroom. "He grabbed me by my arm and tried pulling me back into the house before I left." Stan told Kyle. "C'mere." Kyle reached out his arms and waited for Stan to fill the space around them. Stan took the hug of comfort gradually and thankfully. "I'm so sorry that happened." Kyle whispered. "I don't know what I'd do without you." Stan whispered back emotionally.

Kyle felt a rush of happiness hit him square in his emotions. "Same here." Kyle said to his emotionally wrecked boyfriend. Stan came to terms with the fact that it was okay to feel so...passionate about another person. At first, he didn't think he should've felt that way about Kyle or anyone for that matter at all. Once he started to get the happy emotions to fight off some of his anxiety and depression, he noticed and realized that he needed this. He wanted this with Kyle. "I-I r-really care about you, you know that right?" Stan cupped his boyfriend's face with both hands carefully. "Mhm. I care about you too." Kyle replied with a confession.

Without hesitation, Stan brought Kyle's face closer to his own and intersected their lips together. It was slow and filled with emotions of passion. Kyle pulled Stan on top of him as he backed up and crashed onto the bed with his back facing flat on it. Stan still let his lips move into a slow rhythm on his boyfriend's lips. I think I'm in love with him, Kyle's head presented his thought silently in his head. He kept the kiss going but tried to flip himself over on top of Stan. They ended up on their sides, still kissing slowly. Kyle moved his lips to Stan's neck. Stan tilted his neck back slightly to allow Kyle to keep going with what he was doing. They weren't rough, just loving. The redhead found himself straddling his boyfriend. He wasn't always a dominant boyfriend. He didn't mind being either or.

As long as the other guy was comfortable, he was comfortable with whatever decision. He could sense a little bit of nervousness with Stan. He wondered if Stan had ever wanted to go farther than kissing with him. Kyle decided not to ask that question right now and just resume with their kissing. Stan suddenly backed his lips away from his boyfriend's. He sat up with Kyle still in his lap. He wrapped his 2 arms around Kyle and buried his face in his chest. Kyle hugged back with both of his arms around Stan's neck. Stan liked kissing him, but he had finally opened up about hugging.

This boy brought so much out of him. Kyle Broflovski had came into his life and showed him the sunlight of life. The bright effect that he caused Stan to notice in himself was intended. Kyle wanted him to feel that happiness did exist. It could exist with another person, it just had to be the right person. It was possible that Kyle was Stan's right person. This boy could've been someone he just happened to take a quick glance at, that just wasn't how the story played out. Stan was glad he wasn't just an acquaintance. Kyle was much more than that. The pace was starting to become less of a concern to Stan. He saw no problem with the pace he was going at with his new boyfriend.

"Kyle?" Stan said into the redhead boy's chest. "Yeah?" Kyle asked. Stan was about to say it. He knew for sure he felt this way. "I think I love you...m-maybe I' love with you." Stan said the words into Kyle's eyes, but the minute his mouth closed back up, he buried his face back into Kyle's chest because he was afraid Kyle would not feel the same just yet or maybe ever. "It's okay, I think I'm in love with you too." Simple as that. Easy as that. The confession had been revealed.

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