Chapter 16- More In Common

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The cops were talking with Sheila and Gerald Broflovski while Sharon was calling Stan's phone. Kyle ran in from outside and went straight up to his room. "Kyle is everything alright?" Gerald came to the bottom of the staircase. "Fine." Kyle said loud enough for his dad to hear him. Sharon opened the door to see if Stan was outside. Sure enough, he was running up the steps after Kyle. "What was that all about?" Sharon asked her son. "I gotta talk to Kyle." Stan walked quickly past his mom and hurried up the staircase to get to his boyfriend's bedroom. He knew he screwed things up bad. He never wanted Kyle to feel upset. He knocked on the door 3 times and waited. Kyle didn't answer of course. He didn't open the door, he didn't say any words.

"Kyle let me in, please. I'm so sorry." Stan begged. Kyle opened the door slowly and let Stan come in. "I don't want to break up with you." "Then why do you make it sound like you do?" Kyle questioned with sadness strung through his words. "I just want what's best for you." Stan revealed. "As long as I'm with you, I have the best. If you want me to be happy then why are you trying to take my happiness away from me?" Stan felt like a total asshole. He never meant for any of this to happen. He just didn't know how else to tell Kyle he wanted the best for him. In Stan's mind, he wasn't giving Kyle the best.

"I've just never made anyone as happy as you say I make you. It's just new and I don't know how to react to it." Stan explained. Kyle came forward, "I don't want you to think less of yourself because of things that happened in the past." "Same to you." Stan said back. Kyle nodded. "I'm sorry." Stan went in for a hug so Kyle did the same. "I can't lose you, Stan." Kyle admitted honestly. "I shouldn't of done that." Stan said coming out of the hug. "Yeah you scared the living shit out of me, you big bully." Kyle playfully punched his boyfriend in the arm and smiled. Stan returned the same facial expression to Kyle. Sheila knocked on Kyle's bedroom door, which caused him to go open it. "Everything alright, boys?" "Yep all good." Stan answered. "We're fine. Where's Ike?" Kyle asked his mom. "Getting questioned about what happened. He's pretty shaken up." Sheila answered trying to not sound upset. "Sheila I apologize I didn't think-" "Stan it's not your fault at all. Do not blame yourself, okay? It was your dad's own actions." Stan decided not to get into another argument about it because whether he believed it or not, none of this was his fault. None of Randy Marsh's ridiculous and bizarre antics were his own son's fault. "Okay. I just feel bad." Stan said.

Sheila nodded, indicating she felt bad too. One of the police officers came up the stairs with Ike next to him. He walked at a quicker pace up to his big brother and gave him a hug. He gave Stan a quick hug too. Stan was taken by somewhat of a surprise but hugged Ike back. The police officer took Sheila back downstairs to discuss a few last things. "What happened?" Kyle asked Ike shutting the door. "I was going to watch my friend's soccer game after school let out and he grabbed my arm and put me in the car. He took me back to some beaten up house and put me in the basement. I broke free from the chains he tried locking around my wrists and feet. He said if he has to suffer then so do I. I don't know why he'd go after me and not you." Ike explained to his brother. Kyle slung his left arm over his little brother's shoulders. Another knock on the bedroom door was heard. Kyle opened it and let Sharon come into the room, "Sheila offered for you to stay the night, I can pick you up in the morning so you can get ready for school." Stan looked at Kyle who nodded. His face showed that he wanted Stan to sleep over. "Yeah I'll stay." Stan said to his mom.

"Okay I'll be back in the morning at 6:00. Love you." Sharon quickly hugged her son and then left the Broflovski home. "I'm going to bed, goodnight guys." Ike said to both Kyle and Stan. "Goodnight." Stan and Kyle waved at Ike as he exited his brother's room. Stan was in comfortable clothes so he would be okay to just go to sleep in what he was wearing. "Do you wanna borrow any clothes to sleep in?" Kyle asked. "I'll be okay in this. Thanks though." Stan responded while Kyle walked over to shut the lights off. Kyle snuggled against Stan. He tucked his head in the gap between Stan's shoulder and head. Stan wrapped an arm around him and kept the other one to stroke his thumb over Kyle's cheek. Stan moved Kyle's head up so they could look into each other's eyes. "Were you and your sister close?" Kyle asked randomly. "Not really. We didn't get along well as kids." Stan answered. "You said she's off at college, right?" "Yep, her and my mom got into a lot of arguments and Shelly would try to blame things on me even when the thing they were arguing about didn't involve me." Stan explained. "That's not good." Kyle commented. "Nope." Stan put his face close to Kyle's. A couple more minutes of talking finally let the boys go to sleep. Kyle woke up first. He checked the clock on his phone which read 5:48 AM. He normally didn't wake up till 6 in the morning. Stan watched Kyle walk down the hall to the bathroom from Kyle's bed. He'd been awake for about 5 minutes, he just didn't tell Kyle because he was still asleep at that time. Kyle returned to his bedroom to find Stan sitting up in the bed on his phone. Sharon had sent him a text.

Sharon: Good morning Stan. I'll be there at 6. Be ready please.

Stan: Okay

"Morning." Stan said looking up from his phone. "Morning." Kyle said back. "Your parents up yet?" Stan wondered. "Nah, my dad's still probably snoring in their room downstairs and my mom gets up around 6:15." Kyle explained picking up a little around the room. It want messy, just a few shirts and socks were on the floor and Kyle liked to keep his room tidy and clean. The redhead picked up his phone and saw 2 new text messages had come in.

Kenny: Did you see the photo?

Kenny: He's not joking dude

Kyle: Who's not joking? What photo?

Kenny: Conner's bringing a knife to school today. He's got his buddies all armed too. He wants Stan hurt.

Kyle: Are you fucking kidding me?

Kenny: No. Craig and the guys and I are all gonna bring shit.

Kyle: No don't do that, you'll get expelled probably. I'm just gonna tell my mom. She'll call the principal and they'll deal with it.

Kenny: Fine, just be careful today.

Kyle showed Stan the messages between him and Kenny. Footsteps in the kitchen were heard. Sheila was up early today. Stan and Kyle went downstairs and told Sheila what was going on. She immediately called the school and said there was proof of weapons coming into the school today. Kenny had sent the post to Kyle. The principal made Sheila aware that nobody would be bringing any weapons into the school and they would call Conner's parents. When Sharon got there, Sheila and Kyle explained what was going on. Kenny and Conner had a big text argument last night. There was more proof that he particularly wanted to hurt Stan. Conner said stuff like he wanted Stan to feel the pain he feels and he wants to bash his face in. "I called the principal and they're calling his parents." Sheila told Sharon.

"Should we even let them go to school today?" Sharon asked worriedly. "Yes of course, the school is handling it." Sheila replied to Stan's mom. Stan went up to go grab his phone in Kyle's room before leaving. "Meet me under the bleachers when you get there, okay?" Kyle was worried about what might happen. "Yeah. I love you, Ky." Stan kissed him slowly but affectionately. Kyle let go of Stan's hand when they got to the bottom of the staircase.
Stan met Kyle under the bleachers as promised. They made out until 5 minutes before English class came around. "I'm scared he's gonna hurt you." Kyle said near Stan's lips. "I'll stay away from him as best I can. He hopefully doesn't have anything with him." Stan replied. "We should go home. I know he's gonna do something, Stan." Kyle really was afraid of his ex hurting his current boyfriend. The love of his life. His everything. His everyday thought.

Stan sat down on the gym floor and had Kyle sit in his lap. "I don't want you to worry. It wouldn't be the first fight I've been in that involved the other person having a weapon." Stan explained remembering the 2 other fights he got into where the other person had a weapon on them. "What happened?" Kyle asked referring to the fight. "This guy kept pushing me and calling me names and shit so I threw a punch and he whipped out a switchblade." "Did you get hurt?" "He would've gotten me in the stomach if I hadn't of tackled him to the ground." Stan rested his chin on Kyle shoulder, waiting for him to say something. "I brought something." "What?" Stan questioned. "I brought something." Kyle repeated, going for his backpack. He pulled out the shiny switchblade. It looked as if it'd never been used. "Why do you have this?" Stan gently took it from him. "To protect you." Kyle answered looking away. "Why won't you look at me when you tell me that?" Stan was getting suspicious. "It's nothing." "Kyle." "I used to have one just like it wasn't cutting like I wanted it too." Stan examined the switchblade and looked up at his boyfriend.

Stan pointed Kyle's chin down to look at him but all he could see were eyes that wanted to release tears. He noticed them on their way. Stan took the switchblade and put it in his backpack. "Stan please give it back." Kyle said sniffling to keep his tears from coming out. "You aren't doing that anymore." Stan said. "I haven't done it in months. Give it back, please." Stan refused to return the item to Kyle. "Stan c'mon." Kyle reached for it but Stan grasped his wrist. "I won't do it anymore, I promise!" Kyle kept reaching for Stan's backpack but Stan kept moving his hands out of the way. "How am I so sure you won't use that? I worry everyday that you'll do that." Kyle told Stan. "I don't want you ending up like me." Stan admitted. "I don't have a reason to use that because I'm happy." "Yeah and I'm happy too." Stan agreed with the confession. It wasn't exactly a confession, it was, but it was a known confession.

"I can't believe someone so beautiful would do something so ugly." Stan said in disbelief. "Yeah I could say the same." Kyle checked his phone which read that they needed to start heading to class. "We gotta get to class." Kyle and Stan both picked up their backpacks and walked to English class together. They snuck in a kiss that lasted 4 seconds before exiting the gym. Class dragged on for as long as usual. Stan and Kyle didn't talk much since a lot of the work assigned in English was told to be done independently. Stan was on his way to his next class when he texted Kyle.

Stan: I'm sorry about this morning. I just don't want you to feel like that's you're way out of whatever's bothering you. I love you Ky.

Kyle: I love you too and I'm sorry too. We both don't need to do that anymore because we have each other, right?

Stan: Of course

Kyle: Okay good I'll see you at lunch

Stan: Yup see you then

Stan's happiness hit the roof and kept going. It went past the sky and up past outer space. It shot up so fast he was so unsure what to do when it first happened. Now he felt more like a human being who could actually smile for real. His fake smiles? Gone. All gone. He didn't need to take being happy anymore. He was finally free from that. For Kyle, he was free from getting used. He didn't know why he continued to let it happen. In reality that was basically what it was with some people. He had boyfriends and they liked him and some even loved him like Conner. He truly did love Kyle but not like Stan. Stan loved him so much. There had been some problems but it wasn't like they were unfixable. Stan made the mistake of thinking Kyle was better off without him. He certainly wasn't. That was so far off and so far away from ever being the truth.

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