Chapter 21- Best Gift

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It was only temporary. That was a gift from the best person in the world or something along those lines. Kyle didn't know who to thank right in that moment because he was too overcome with joy that Stan remembered who he was. The doctors were able to release Stan a day after his memory had returned to normal. Sharon was notified about her son's accident. She said she really wanted to see him so Sheila and Gerald decided to cut the camp trip a little short. They had already planned on doing that anyway because they figured Sharon would want to have Stan home. When Gerald pulled up to the end of the Marsh house driveway, Sharon exited the house and came out onto the front porch immediately. Stan hopped out of the van after giving Kyle a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Sharon opened her arms up and hugged Stan tightly. "I'm okay, mom." Stan said hugging her back. "I'm glad, come inside." Stan waved goodbye to the Broflovski family as they drove off back to their home. Sharon wanted to hear the story from Stan. She sat down on the couch and requested that Stan join her. "Sheila told me part of the story, but I want to hear the full story." "Kyle and I got  on a jet ski and he pulled the wrong clutch thinking it was the break but it was the clutch to make the jet ski go faster. We couldn't get it to slow down or stop. Next thinking I knew I go flying off the damn thing and hit my head on the boardwalk. I tumbled over into the water only to be woken up in the hospital." Sharon was holding her tears in but Stan could see the glisten in her 2 eyes as he explained the accidental tragedy. All Sharon could do was sniffle and tell her son to go on with the story.

"I guess Kyle came to visit me and I didn't know who he was. Then the next day I did remember who he was. It was part of the medicine they gave me. I still have a headache but the doctor said I should take a pain pill every 4 hours." After Stan finished talking he wrapped an arm around his mom's shoulders to comfort her. "Did they say you have a concussion or anything?" "No nothing like that." Stan said assuringly. Sharon nodded. "It wasn't anyone's fault-" "I know. I'm not blaming anyone." Someone had knocked on the door right when Sharon said she wasn't blaming anyone. Stan stood up only to find Kyle standing on the front porch. "I didn't want to go home until I said I was sorry." He said looking remorseful. "It wasn't your fault." Stan told his boyfriend gently. "Mrs. Marsh I'm so sorry I didn't-" "Kyle it's not your fault. It was all an accident." Sharon got up on her feet and made her way over to the boys at the door.

"I still should've asked the guy which clutch was which. I hate myself for this." Stan brought Kyle into his arms. Gerald and Sheila watched from the van what was going on. Kyle had asked to be brought back to Stan's house so he could apologize. He thought this was all his fault. He was just confused about which clutch was which. The guy who had let them on the jet ski should've done some more explaining. He really should've put them in lifejackets whether he was told that the Broflovski family and Stan didn't need lifejackets. A lifejacket would've helped Stan stay above water. He was knocked out from the harsh intake of sudden pain to his head.

Sheila got out of the van and walked up to the front porch of the Marsh house, "You guys have had a long trip, I think we all need some rest, especially Stan." Stan and Sharon nodded in agreement. "C'mon Kyle, say goodbye." Sheila said to her oldest son. Kyle buried his face in Stan's shoulder and whispered apologies. Stan hugged him back and said it was okay and it wasn't his fault. Maybe it was, but it doesn't mean it was on purpose. Maybe it wasn't, but it still happened. Either way Stan was alive and that's all that mattered to everyone. "Go get some sleep, Ky. Text me later. I love you." Stan said into Kyle's ear. "I will and I love you too." Kyle finally let go and headed towards the van at the end of the driveway. Stan got a good 4 hours of sleep after taking his pain pill. He was woken up by Sharon with a glass of water and another pain pill.

"How are you feeling?" She asked Stan. "Alright, my head still hurts a little." Stan took the pill and swallowed it down with 3 big gulps of water. "Good thing you don't have school, if you're hungry I can make you something." Sharon offered. "Grilled cheese?" "You got it." Sharon walked down to the kitchen to make her son the food he requested. Stan didn't know anyone who could make better food than his mom. Even his few friends back in North Carolina would say the same thing. Kyle had left Stan a text message during his well-needed slumber.

Kyle: I hope you get some sleep. I know you said I shouldn't feel bad but I do. I love you Stan.

Stan: I'm feeling much better than I did. The meds they gave me at the hospital really helped. I slept well, I hope you did as well. My head still hurts but nothing too major. You have nothing to be sorry for, Ky. I love you too.

Kyle: I woke up a few times but eventually was able to go back to sleep. Have you eaten anything?

Stan: Good. Mom's making me grilled cheese.

Kyle: Sounds good.

Stan: Yeah, I'll call you later on after I eat. Love you.

Kyle: Love you too.

Sharon flipped the toasted sandwich over in the buttered pan. It had turned out the perfect light golden brown color Stan always liked. After a minute more of being on the stove, Sharon slid the sandwich onto a plate before grabbing a bottle of water for Stan out of the tall silver fridge. Stan put 2 of the pillows on his bed upright so he could sit up and eat his food. He'd already gotten up out of bed to turn on the TV. Sharon grabbed a stand up tray so it would hold Stan's food and water. This way he wouldn't need to hold it himself. He wasn't ill and he wasn't injured, he just had a headache that would go away, he hoped. "Thanks mom." Stan said when Sharon got everything set up for him. "You need anything else?" She asked curiously. "No that's okay mom, you act like I'm sick." Stan laughed. "It's a mom thing to take care of your kid even when they aren't sick." Stan knew that. Even though Stan wasn't technically a kid, he knew what his mom meant when she said what she said.

"You're not mad at Kyle, right?" Stan still had a feeling that Sharon was mad at her son's boyfriend even if it was in the slightest amount of anger or upset feeling. "No I'm not mad. I wish someone had given you more information on those jet skis though, considering you haven't ever been on one. Has Kyle ever been on one?" Stan shook his head. "Well then that place shouldn't be letting teenagers on jet skis let alone anyone who hasn't ever driven or gotten on one." Sharon was definitely right about that. The guy working there was pretty lazy and not very cautious about anyone's safety or knowledge of jet skis. Sheila and Gerald had no idea it would turn out to be such a hectic scene in the end. Good thing there was no end point for Stan or Kyle. That would've been horrific. Kyle was horrified to his core when the love of his life went flying off that jet ski. Safety precautions should've been reviewed.

What to do and what not to do should've been reviewed. Nothing was really gone over thoroughly, and that was a problem. But fortunately, Stan was fine. He didn't get any major concussion or brain damage. That would be only one out of the long list of Kyle's nightmares. He was surprised Stan made the fall without anything being incredibly damaged. From what he witnessed, it looked like quite a painful injury. The redhead hated having that scene in his mind. The whole thing was traumatizing. As dramatic as that may sound or seem to others, it was honestly very terrifying and made Kyle's bones go cold. Stan was this boy's whole world. Again, another statement that might sound dramatic. All these feelings and statements were nothing but the truth, though. It was a vice versa situation because Kyle was Stan's whole world.

Stan didn't have much to do because summer was present. No homework had to be completed and no studying had to be done for a test or quiz. He wanted to hang out with Kyle. He was at home up in his bedroom explaining the story of what happened on the trip to Kenny over video chat. "Nobody told you guys how to work the jet skis?" Kenny asked curiously. "No. I feel terrible. It's all my fault no matter what people tell me. I should've asked the guy working there if we could have a little review of the jet ski." Kenny hated seeing his close friend look and feel so devastated with himself over a mistake followed by an accident. Stan had said it wasn't Kyle's fault. Sharon had said it wasn't Kyle fault. Kyle's parents had said it wasn't his fault. Pretty much everyone who'd heard of the accident told Kyle to not beat himself up again and again over this. It was going to take time for Kyle to accept that. He was just so excited to get on the jet ski and so was Stan so they figured, how hard could it be?

Apparently very. Too much had happened in the past few days and Kyle just wished it all never occurred. "Stan's okay isn't he?" Kenny asked. "Yeah, he had a slight headache." Kyle answered taking a drink from his water bottle he'd filled up in the kitchen before calling Kenny. "The doctors took care of him. He's alright. Don't kick yourself around over this, okay? Yeah, it could've been worse. But he's fine now." The blonde friend was doing his best to help Kyle cope with the accident as best as possible.

"I know. I'm never going on a jet ski again." Kyle sighed. "If you change your mind on that one, just ask questions. Those things aren't easy to drive, especially one with more power. I can't believe someone let you guys go on one with more power than a regular jet ski." Kenny didn't understand why anyone didn't go over directions just like Sharon. All the hectic turnout of events had made Stan anxious and want to just have something take his mind off it. He needed something to release the anxiety. Kyle's anxiety had caused Stan anxiety, but that wasn't Stan's fault. Kyle's face wouldn't disintegrate out of his head. It had a permanent spot in the mind of Stan Marsh for as long as they both shall live. He shut the TV off with the click of a single remote button and dialed Kyle's number on his cell phone. "Hey, how's-" "I need you." Stan stated truthfully without letting Kyle finish what he was going to say. Kyle didn't need to think about it to know what type of "I need you" Stan meant.

"Me too...but you-" "Have a headache? So what? Can I come over?" Kyle ran downstairs to ask Sheila if his boyfriend could come over. Sheila said it was fine. "You can come over." Kyle told Stan through their phone call. "Good, I'll be there soon. Love you." Stan ended the call when Kyle said he loved Stan more. Sharon was nice enough to let Stan take her car to Kyle's house. When Stan got their he saw the Broflovski van pull out of the driveway and drive off. He saw a text from Kyle pop up in his notifications.

Kyle: My dad's coworker invited us to go to a hockey game but I stayed here. Door is unlocked.

Stan grinned of sudden relief. He parked his mom's car in the driveway and lifted himself out of the driver's seat. He met Kyle's beautiful face and body a minute after he exited the car. They attacked each other's lips instantly. Stan and Kyle crashed onto Kyle's soft comfortable bed awaiting to fulfill a spot for their needs of anxiety relief. Stan took Kyle out of everything he was wearing so he'd have better access to destroying any toxic feelings causing him to be stressed or anxious. It did help. Every inch of his skin felt amazing to be colliding beautifully with Kyle's. These two needed nothing but a world of no problems. As fun and great as that'd be, it wouldn't be possible. This was life and it simply didn't work that way. All they could do was make the best of a bad situation and continue to go from there.

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