Chapter 26- Peculiar Concern

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It didn't necessarily mean that Kyle's uncle was in the area, it just meant he knew where Stan and his nephew were located. There was a line filing up at the fast food restaurant. "So much for going to get more fries." Kyle saw how long the line was getting. "I told you to get a large." Stan laughed. The boys weren't homesick yet, they didn't like being away from their families for a long period of time, but they didn't really miss South Park all that much. Something out in Colorado Springs was surprisingly refreshing to them; maybe the air was a bit warmer, maybe the people were nicer, or maybe for Kyle, it was just nice to be away from the possibility of getting kidnapped. Hopefully, the possibility would just drift away into thin air and never happen. That's all Kyle wanted.

"I'm almost done if you wanna get out of here soon." Kyle stated while putting a fry into his mouth. Stan nodded, he was in the middle of taking a sip through the straw of his soda. A man was lingering around Stan's car. He wore dark-tinted sunglasses even though the sun was coming to a close of its daily bright show. It wasn't really the appropriate time of day, at least in some people's opinion, to wear sunglasses. He walked around the small black car and had already examined it with his 2 eyes from the outside; he didn't have the key, but Stan did; the man knew who the car belonged to. Kyle finished his food, Stan refilled his plastic drink cup, and out they went. The man wandered away once Stan and Kyle were getting closer and closer to the car. "We'll have to eat there again." Stan said to his boyfriend. He had the key in his hand so he could unlock the car; Stan pressed the button and the car unlocked.

"Yeah they're pretty good." Kyle agreed on going back to that fast food place sometime. He noticed the man, he recognized his dark-tinted sunglasses. "Stan, look." Kyle whispered and pointed to the man walking away from the restaurant. Did he not park his car in the fast food restaurant parking lot? "What?" Stan was confused. "That's the guy that was on the elevator with us, he stared at me for a few seconds." Kyle was in the middle of putting in his seatbelt. "Yeah, that was weird." Stan said starting the car up to go back to the hotel and talk to Kenny. "Did you see what he looked like?" Kyle hated to give bad judgement to the man, since he did not know him at all, but something just felt off to him and it wasn't compromising with his gut feeling very nicely.

"He was wearing those sunglasses, so no not really. He was tall but that's obvious. He had short dark hair, I wasn't really looking at him. It's hard to look at anything else when you're in the same room." Stan said. Kyle grinned at Stan's words that made him feel special. He was very special to Stan, an improvement to his mood, a boost to his self-confidence, a good feeling in his heart, and a positive thought in his mind. "Same with you." Kyle returned the compliment. Stan didn't take his eyes off the road, but he smiled, to let Kyle know he heard him and that he was happy to hear his compliment. "So, what're we gonna tell Kenny?" Kyle asked changing the subject. "Whatever you wanna tell him, I don't care." Stan shrugged. He wasn't going to hide anything from Kenny, he wasn't the one with the disturbing-sounding uncle; what he had was a disturbing-sounding dad instead.

Randy Marsh was quite the character at times. He went through a phase of drugs and tried a good handful of them, he was lucky he didn't end up dying. Overdosing almost happened, but that's only because he was already way too mind-fucked at the time from the previous drugs taken. From pills to plants, it was chaos with an extra kick. It wasn't anyone's fault except his own. Sharon never knew about the drugs, she did however, know about the alcohol like anyone else who knew Randy. Friends and family knew, neighbors knew, and Stan of course knew. It was almost like a staple to Randy, he wouldn't be himself if he stopped drinking. It was an escape for him, it was an escape from his mini to giant problems. Stan used to have an escape, cutting; he quit doing it and now he has a better escape, Kyle. Kyle used to have an escape, meaningless sex; he quit doing it and now he has a better escape, Stan. Randy was a horrid mess. Since being in prison, he barely had any alcohol. Somehow, he ended up making peace with one of the security guards; they offered to get him alcohol if he would do something for them.

Randy began making peace with a lot of inmates at the penitentiary. Some of them had some ideas up their sleeve to sneak stuff from the kitchen and to bring in other things from the outside world they could not interact with or be in. Lots of trading occurred and went back and forth on various occasions. He talked to Kyle's uncle quite frequently, bad luck was discussed to be sent towards two certain boys in hiding from an enemy. Kyle's uncle was a new enemy of Stan's, but an old enemy to Kyle; in other words, he was a familiar enemy, better way of saying it. The elevator carried Stan and Kyle back up to their hotel room alone, nobody was let on this time. Kenny was chilling in his room when Kyle texted him that he would be calling him in a few minutes. Kenny said that he was ready to talk when Kyle and Stan were. Kyle changed into pajamas as well as Stan. He set up his laptop on the bed so Kenny could see both of his friends. When his face took a minute to come into a clear focus of vision on the screen, Stan and Kyle went over the story in their heads at different paces.

"Hey, where are you guys? That a hotel room?" Kenny was already puzzled. "Yeah, we're in Colorado Springs. My uncle busted out of prison so I had to leave. My mom tried to get the whole family to leave somewhere, but she wouldn't tell me where. I refused to leave Stan and we drove here so now here we are." Kyle didn't realize how short of a story he could make out of the situation. Kenny was still stuck on his friends uncle busting out of prison, "Wait a sec, is this the one who..." "Yep." Kyle's head nodded briefly as he answered Kenny's unfinished question. Kenny hated the story of his friend being kidnapped. He was told about it at one point and was astonished by the story. "Wow, uh...Stan, your mom didn't mind you leaving?" Kenny figured Sharon wouldn't let Stan leave the home so abruptly and so soon, but he was mistaken. "She misses me and is worried as fuck, but I wasn't about to let him go off alone." Stan responded, referring to Kyle. Kenny liked knowing that his long-time friend had found someone who genuinely cared about him and wanted him for his personality, not just his looks and his body.

Kenny cleared his throat, "When do you think you'll be back?" Stan had no final answer to that question, Kyle didn't either. The boys just sighed and shrugged simultaneously. "I've got a get a job, though." Stan said. "You think you'll be there longer than a week?" Kenny didn't think they were planning on staying that long.

"We might have to, I don't know." Stan shrugged again. There wasn't really any finalizations on anything, Stan and Kyle were just trying to make the best of a bad situation and go with what they knew and had. They had less than $1200 so they were definitely going to need more money if they planned on starting longer than a week. "That sucks, when did he get out?" Kenny asked. "I don't know, he could've been gone longer than when the police told my mom he got out." Kyle explained, "She freaked when she found out I left and didn't tell her." He added. Kenny knew how Sheila was, he had been at Kyle's house many times. Sheila was protective, but she still let Kyle go places and always told him to be careful and to text her when he got to a friend's house or to the mall or wherever he was going at the time. Kenny felt speechless the whole time even though he had a few questions; he was speechless to how surprising and out of the ordinary it was to happen to his close friends.

Stan had actually become quite close with Kenny over the last months of their senior year. They both had made a good friendship connection and had some things in common. "Did she tell you to come back?" Kenny questioned. "She wanted me to for sure. I told her I would be as safe as possible and I'd check in with her, I should do that right now." Kyle called his mom on the phone while Stan chatted with Kenny about what was going on in the McCormick household. Not much had changed. Kenny wasn't planning on going to college; what he planned on doing was getting a full-time job and help out his parents around the house with bills and such.

Sheila was overjoyed to hear from her oldest son, "We're staying with your aunt and cousin Kyle." Sheila's sister had moved just out of South Park a few months ago. "Good, tell them I said hi." Kyle said. "I will. We are getting ready to have dinner right now, promise you'll call me in the morning, please Kyle?" Sheila was scared of the worst happening just like Sharon was. "I will. Love you, mom. Get some sleep." Kyle told his mom. "I'll try, you too." Sheila didn't hang up first, she wanted to keep talking to Kyle, wanted to keep hearing his voice because she imagined that it might be her last time hearing it. Kyle set his phone on the TV stand and made his way back to the bed. "Kenny's dad was yelling at him to do his chores so he had to go." Stan said to Kyle, "Your mom all good?" "Yeah, she really didn't want me to leave, but I had to." Kyle looked down at his feet resting on the room floor.

There was 2 worried moms, 1 worried dad, 1 worried brother, and one cruel dad. All Randy was looking for was revenge; he wanted to find someone to plan it all out with and someone to help him do the plan. The Broflovski family was worried about the runaway member. Kyle ran away because he knew that if he couldn't see Stan for a long time, he'd be a mess. In his own opinion, Kyle didn't think that his aunt's house was far enough from where his uncle could be. On the other hand, he had no clue where he was and he could be nowhere near South Park or the town that his aunt and cousin lived in. There was a very good chance that he was closer than Kyle thought. He hoped that nothing bad would happen to his family, he knew that it wasn't his family that his uncle wanted, it was him.

Kyle couldn't help but wonder who that man was in the elevator and at the fast food place. Why did he give Kyle such a weird feeling? Something just felt strange about that person. Although it felt strange, it also felt like the man was a bit familiar. The sun had fallen asleep and Stan knew that he and Kyle needed sleep desperately. "You tired?" Stan commented. "Eh, I was, but not so much anymore," Kyle looked over at his boyfriend with a grin, "I know a way to get tired, though."

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