Chapter 28- Partial Closure

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Guns rose up into the air, firmly pointed at the biological father of Kyle Broflovski. Stan poked his head inside the room, he saw Kyle handcuffed to the chair. "Oh okay, you wanna shoot me? Give me your best shot." Kyle's dad looked at all the cops like the guns were not affective harm to him. He pointed his own gun at Kyle's head. "Put the gun down and get on the ground, now!" A cop by the name of Officer Linzo commanded in a firm voice. The man who had been keeping Kyle hostage seemed so unbothered by all the guns pointed directly at him; he wasn't lying, he would shoot Kyle. "Just put the gun down. We won't do anything drastic if you just put it down." Another cop, Officer Tully, tried to be reasonable and polite about the situation that made Stan's stomach tie in so many knots, he felt like throwing up everything inside. The sight of a gun pointed at his beloved boyfriend and 2 pairs of handcuffs holding him against a chair against his own will was all so wrong in so many ways.

"Put the gun down right now!" Officer Linzo told Kyle's dad. "He fucked up everything, screwed up so many goddamn things in my life, little fucker deserves everything he's going to get." It's like this guy thought the cops were completely invisible. He was speaking without fear and acting without guilt. "Don't shoot!" was all Stan heard before hearing a gunshot go off. He was standing outside the room, he couldn't bare to look at Kyle fastened to that chair like that without wanting to vomit. He knew his eyes widened; he turned his head and rushed into the room. There lay the actual father of Kyle Broflovski. The gun lay next to him, still loaded and ready to make damage. "Did he hurt you anywhere else, sir?" Officer Tully examined Kyle's cheek closely as Officer Barlo used a tool to uncuff Kyle from the chair. She managed to get them off and helped Kyle to his feet. Kyle pushed past the many cops in the room and hugged Stan with the tightest grip he ever did.

With fear hidden under his closed eyes, he locked his arms around Stan's neck and cried into the crook of his neck. "I'm so fucking glad you're okay." Stan could feel himself about to cry, but he didn't let himself do it for very long. He let a few tears and small sounds of sadness slip, but that was about it. The cops let the two boys have their embrace a little longer before politely interrupting to talk with them. They all sat down, Stan, Kyle, and 4 of the cops. They looked through the list of escaped convicts of the United States and noticed that Kyle's biological dad had busted out from the jail he was in for years after what he did to his son; he always knew Kyle was his son; he never did plan on telling the truth, but he finally broke off that promise. Kyle held a place in this person's heart that was so intense, it caused him to act so abusively towards and possessively of him.

The kid he had in the car crash meant a lot to him, but Kyle was something more because he was a symbol; Kyle was the symbol of revenge towards his brother, Gerald Broflovski. He was basically repaying Sheila for Gerald saying he didn't want a kid at the time. It wasn't like that anymore, of course. Gerald adored his kids. "No," Kyle answered Officer Tully's concerned question weakly.

"Can we please talk with you alone?" Officer Barlo requested. Kyle didn't want to be away from Stan at that moment, he just wanted to be in his arms. "I wanna be near him." Kyle held onto Stan with his arms around his neck. "It should only take about 10 minutes," Officer Barlo mentioned for more persuasion. Kyle buried his face into Stan's shoulder and gripped him tighter. Stan could tell how relieved Kyle was to be close to him again, he felt the same way. Officer Tully was going to talk to Stan in a separate area from where Kyle was being questioned. It needed to be private, so Stan suggested that him and Officer Tully go up to the room that him and Kyle had been staying in. Officer Tully and Stan headed up to the room on the elevator. Officer Linzo was talking on the phone with the policemen who were standing at every exit of the hotel in case Kyle's dad tried to run out of there.

Kyle sat down on the bed in the room he'd been held captive in. He didn't like being in the room, but he worked through it because he just wanted to get all of the questioning over with. "Alright, what is your name?" "Kyle Broflovski," Kyle answered. "How are you related to the fugitive?" Officer Barlo asked as she wrote Kyle's name down on a mini notepad. "I thought he was my uncle, but he just told me he's my dad." Officer Barlo looked up at Kyle, she seemed a bit caught off guard, "Your dad?" "Yeah, he said he had a test done and that the guy I thought was my dad isn't my biological father." The redhead sat there trying not to release tears and have a breakdown. Officer Barlo examined a thick packet in a folder that one of the cops carried in. "He's on the FBI Most Wanted List, he escaped just recently from the penitentiary he was put into. Were you aware of his escape?" Officer Barlo wondered. "Yes. My boyfriend and I left our hometown because we knew he'd tried to find me there, so we came out here thinking we'd be safe." "Where's your hometown?"

"South Park," Kyle responded while feeling around his wrists. The cuffs had been secured too tight, so there were red marks circled like bracelets around Kyle's two wrists. "Lon Broflovski, age 38, correct?" Officer Barlo asked. "Yes." Kyle nodded. "We don't have the full records of what actually caused his sentencing, could you give me a rundown of it, Kyle?" Kyle explained all of what he could without breaking down. Officer Barlo wrote down everything she needed in the notepad. She asked a few more questions before asking Officer Tully if he was finished questioning Kyle's boyfriend through the small radios attached to both of their uniforms. Officer Tully was finished in the next few minutes and brought Stan back down to the room Kyle was in with Officer Barlo. Lon Broflovski's body had already been carried out and dealt with. Kyle was graciously thankful for that, he didn't want to see that torturous-looking face haunting his eyes any longer.

It was going to be pressed into his brain for all of eternity, but his death would hopefully bring Kyle a bit of closure, closure from worry that is. The cops said they'd take care of everything, they got Kyle's cell phone number to discuss anything else they needed information for. The two boys left the hotel room and went back up to their own. Stan shut the door and knew Kyle was going to climb into his arms sometime soon. Sure enough, Kyle said he was going to take a shower and Stan ended up hearing him crying in there. He knocked on the bathroom door asking if he could come in. Kyle said it was okay in a shaky broken voice. Stan entered, Kyle had the curtain pulled in front of his body slightly, all Stan could see was the left side of his chest at an angle. "Want me to come in?" Kyle nodded his head. Stan unchanged and got in with his distraught boyfriend. He hugged Stan with his arms around his waist instead of around his neck this time around.

"He's gone now, we can go home." Stan said, softly touching the top of Kyle's head with his lips. Kyle brought his face up and gently held onto Stan's cheeks; he sniffled before kissing him. They kissed each other softly and slowly for a good solid 5 minutes and then washed up. They gathered up everything in their suitcases and checked out of the hotel. Stan for sure thought him and Kyle would be there longer, but now there was no point in staying. Kyle called his mom as him and Stan climbed into the car. Sheila answered on the third ring, "Good morning. How did you sleep?" "Good. We're coming home." Kyle announced to his mom. "You are?" Sheila seemed surprised. "H-he's dead, mom." Kyle said into the phone, curiously wondering what kind of reaction he was going to get out of his mom. "What did you just say?" Sheila said after about 6 seconds of silence. "He's dead, a cop shot him at the hotel we were at." Stan drove off as Kyle was explaining the details of the incident to his mom as best he could.

Sheila started to cry when Kyle told her that Lon smacked him and held him captive once again. Now that Lon was dead, there was relief that swept over the parents and brother of Kyle Broflovski. Gerald was still going to be called dad, he wasn't any less of a dad to Kyle, and Lon was never more of a dad than Gerald ever was. Kyle held nothing against his dad; he wasn't furious with him for not wanting a kid at the time. All he could think about doing was getting back home, trying to get things back on track, and do his best to block the years of captivity and the one last incident out of his mind. Sheila and Kyle were on the phone for a full half hour. Stan focused on listening to the GPS to get back home. The GPS did take some pretty long roads, but it didn't matter to Stan or Kyle, they were just happy to soon be back in South Park. They wondered in what possible way would they explain the situation to their friends, where to start and where to finish?

Sheila, Gerald, and Ike all returned to their home they had to vacate. They were there a little bit before Stan and Kyle showed up. Stan called his mom to let him know he was back in town while Kyle was getting hugged tightly by his parents and little brother. Sharon was overly relieved to hear that her son hadn't been killed or injured in any way. Kyle didn't want to part from Stan, but he knew Sharon would want to spend time with him, so he hugged him goodbye and watched him back out of the driveway so he could return to his own home.

The Broflovski's all sat down at the table after Sheila prepared a big lunch for everyone. Everyone talked about what happened while out of South Park. Kyle didn't mention every little detail obviously, he didn't need to bring up how long of a night it was for him and Stan. After discussing all of that, they tried to put themselves in higher spirits and talk about better things.

Stan didn't even get to grab his bags out of the car before his mom ran out of the house and pulled him into a long hug. Stan could tell how happy she was to see him, he was just as happy. The two had created such a better and close relationship since they first moved to South Park. It was nothing like it used to be, and that was certainly a good thing. "Hungry? I made lasagna to have for a few days." Sharon's lasagna was something Stan would die for. She helped her son get all his bags back into the house and said she'd help him unpack after eating. Stan and his mom sat down with their pieces of lasagna and chatted about the quick getaway him and Kyle had to make. "I was so worried." Sharon said. "I know, me too." Stan said after swallowing a bite of the food he hadn't had in so long. Sharon didn't do much while her son was gone, she picked up around the house and worried about him, but that was about it.

The black-haired boy talked about what happened earlier that same day. It wasn't easy reveal the words of the truth, but he felt his mom should know about it all. The feeling it put inside Stan was more than uncomfortable, it was terrifying and felt so wrong. "They shot him?" "It was so fast, I was outside the room, so I thought he had shot Kyle." Stan felt his stomach go a little queasy again from remembering the scars that washed over him when the gunshot went off. It went away and let him finish eating. The other residents in the hotel had been ordered to stay in their rooms with the doors locked.

"Thank god he didn't shoot Kyle." Sharon said. Stan nodded. He didn't want to cry, but the memory of it all and the feeling was still fresh and it bothered Stan to his inner core. He got up to put his plate in the sink; he got there and placed it on top of another dish. Sharon was carrying her plate to the kitchen when she caught sight of her son standing there, frozen in place, not knowing that tears were surrounding his eye sockets. She looked at Stan over his shoulder and immediately set her plate down to hug him. He cried silently and mumbled, "I love him so much, mom." into Sharon's shoulder. Sharon knew this; she knew that her son was in love. She couldn't of been more grateful that her son had found such a strong love connection with another person.

"I know, Stan. He's lucky to have you and you're lucky to have him." Sharon said. Stan smiled at his mom's words. Sharon's son knew he had the best mom in the world. She understood him through the depression and anxiety and helped him out as best she could. "Let's go unpack your things." Sharon walked off to go get Stan's bags, he followed her up to his room. Stan was in the middle of hanging up one of his hoodies when Kyle texted him.

Kyle: Hey. Thank you for coming with me and making me feel safe. I love you so much babe.

Stan: No problem, Ky. I love you so much more.

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