Chapter 18 ★彡

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Serena sweat dropped as they arrived at Ash's house.

She had forgotten how big it was.

All the lights were turned on, highlighting the clear mosaic glass floor. The stairs swirled from the first floor to the second. It felt like she was in a castle. Serena was almost reluctant to step on the floor, afraid to stain the perfect surface.

"Um, why are we at your house again...?" She asked.

"You were the one that wanted to explain things to me," Ash shrugged. "I'm not planning to listen while we stand in the pouring rain."

Serena nodded slowly.

"You're all wet," she said, glancing up and down at him.

"Oh really?" The raven haired boy sarcastically remarked. "I didn't know that."

Rolling her eyes, Serena followed Ash as he led her through the long hallway. For a brief moment, it almost felt like they are back to the old times.

She smiled bitterly to herself as they entered Ash's room.

"Here you go," Ash said as he handed her a shirt. It was a bit large for her as Serena slipped it over her head, almost covering her knees.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Ash squeezed out the water out of his hair and shirt.

Serena's breath hitched in her throat as a blush spread across her face.

"Wait here," the raven haired boy said as he closed the bathroom door. Serena's heart pumped vigorously in her chest as she heard the water starting to run.

The honey haired girl started to go over the things she's going to say to calm herself down before her imagination could run wild. This could possibly be her only chance to say what she wanted Ash to know, or else this is never going to be resolved.

"Focus, Serena Yvonne," she told herself. "The most important thing right now is to clear up the misunderstanding. You can fangirl after all this."

Suddenly, the picture on the table caught her eye. It was the same photo she saw last time. Serena couldn't help but to wonder what had happened to Ash in the past. Just as she was about to take a closer look at the picture, the door opened, revealing Ash in a black tank top, water still dripping down his hair.

Serena's mouth automatically dropped open, her mind going completely blank.

"I swear that I'm not trying to pull some fan service shit," the raven haired boy pulled his hands up in defence. "All my shirts are in my closet and I couldn't find the blow dryer."

It took a second for Serena to process what he was saying. She cleared her throat to recompose herself. "... uh, okay. I understand."

"You want food?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

"How about a drink?"

She shook her head.

"Alright then," Ash said as he took a seat across from her. His usual thoughtful gaze fell on her and Serena gulped nervously.

"I-I see you have a family photo on your desk," she said tactfully. "You had a brother? You never talk about him."

She immediately regretted saying that when she saw Ash's gaze fall cold. He rubbed the nape of his neck uneasily and looked away.

"I don't talk about people that are dead." He said.

"Oh, I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought that up." Serena quickly apologized. She didn't know what to say. Part of her wanted to know more about his past, but she decided it was a sensitive topic to talk about.

"Well? Aren't you going to explain?" He diverted the topic and leaned back nonchalantly. The honey haired girl nodded as she started to explain.

"On that day, I was going to find you to give you my response, but then I ended up seeing you and Miette in the music room." She looked away, "she was hugging you from behind and I just kinda, um, assumed things."

"But what was your response?" Ash asked.

Serena blinked in surprised as redness flushed her face. She contemplated for a second wether she should confess now and how she would word it, but ended up settling for a simple nod.

"You're lying." He said bluntly.

Serena's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why would you think that?"

"Because of all the things you said the other day. That's what you really thought all this time, am I wrong?"

"You've got it all wrong!" She immediately retorted, surprised at how desperate her voice sounded. "What I said the other day was all done in the moment of anger. I didn't really mean what I said!"

"Yeah right," Ash mumbled.

"I'm serious." Serena leaned forward and gazed at him in the eyes. "I always felt guilty about my thoughtless actions and the things I've said to you so I wanted to apologize. I realized all this when Miette explained the situation to me."

The raven haired boy only shrugged.

"Please believe in me!" She leaned forward even more until they're faces were only inches apart.

Ash looked taken back for a second, but then he chuckled half heartedly. "Alright, I understand." He finally said with a smile.

"Do you really?" She asked again.

"Yeah, if you were lying, you wouldn't sound that desperate."

Serena felt a huge boulder being lifted off her back. She sighed in both happiness and relieve. It took her a moment to realize how close their faces were, and when she did, the honey blonde immediately backed up, her face as red as a tomato.

"S-sorry about that," she stuttered, blushing. Ash gave her an amused look, which made her heart pound even harder in her chest.

The two remained silent for a few long seconds before Serena decided to speak up again.

"How about you?" She asked, her voice now tiny. "Were you really just playing around all this time?

"I was at first," the raven haired boy admitted, emphasizing the word 'first'. "It was entertaining watching your reactions and stuff, but I dunno when it happened. I just ended up falling for you."

Serena's eyes bulged slightly. Was she hearing things right? Did the person she like just confessed (in a very straightforward way) to her?

"I, uh," she fiddled with the shirt. "Then why did you say all that the other day?"

"If I didn't then everyone would end up thinking that you're some egoistic Miss Perfect with a salty attitude," he explained with a shrug. Serena nodded thoughtfully, surprised at how perceptive he was. She felt a tinge of guilt in her chest.

Even after all she said to him, he was still trying to help her.

"I wanted to tell you earlier about how I really felt, but I couldn't do it because you seemed so laid-back all the time."

"That's just who I am," Ash said, smiling.

"I'm sorry... I said all those terrible things to you." The honey haired girl sniffed.

"Please stop," Ash cringed, dramatically placing a hand on his forehead. "This is not like you, what happened to the usual composed and calm otaku-chan?"

Serena stared at him for a few long seconds, then started giggling. At first Ash looked at her with a puzzled reaction, but then soon joined.

She's so glad that she decided to stay after school.

After their chuckling moment, the honey haired girl stretched out her hand, signalling for a hand shake. Ash tilted his head in puzzlement.

"Since we're good, let's start over." She decided.

"Oh god," the raven haired boy took a few steps back dramatically. He looked at her teasingly. "What is this overly cliché plot? I'm seriously cringing."

Serena rolled her eyes.

"Well then," with a grin, Ash took her hand and shook it firmly. "Nice to meet you again, otaku-chan!"

She could feel the warmth of his palm, making her stomach tingle. Without thinking, she grabbed a fistful of his shirt with her other hand and yanked him forward as their lips collided together. Her eyes grew wide, and could see that Ash was also shocked by her action. Serena's blood ran could, realizing what she had done.

Did she just kiss him?

To be honest, Serena didn't know why or how she managed to actually kiss him. Maybe it was the feeling that he might disappear if she doesn't hold on to him, or the thought of saving him from his past.

Either way, it felt like that it was the right thing to do.

After they parted from the kiss, Serena crossed her arms and averted her eyes. She frantically searched for an excuse. "I-I'm just returning the kiss at the pool, okay?"

"I thought you said it was CPR, that it didn't count? I didn't expect you to be so feisty and demanding." He insinuated with a teasing look. "What should I call you now? Mrs Ketchum?"

"Just call me Serena," she mumbled, heat flushing her entire face.

Ash raised an eyebrow in amusement as the honey haired girl remained quiet, still flustered over what she just did.

He took a step to the honey blonde, and leaned towards her. "This isn't like you. I've been expecting you to insult me at least once by now. Have you really fallen for me this much?"

Right after he said that, Serena elbowed him in the stomach.

"There we go!" Ash leaned back, wincing from the action and started to laugh. "That's the Serena I know."

Serena blushed at how he mentioned her name. It sounded perfect. The way he pronounced it, the flow of the sound... she turned around, so he couldn't see her flustered face.

"You're an idiot, you know?" She said.

"Yeah, I'm your idiot." Ash beamed, and Serena couldn't help to smile.

She's just so happy.

➖➖➖ ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡ ➖➖➖

And I announce that the ship have finally sailed!1!1!

Yay after 16364728474 years there's finally a new update!! I'm losing inspiration and that is like rlly rlly bad ;-; so pls comment some plot ideas and stuff and I might use it in a chapter heheh cx

Thank u all for supporting me and being patient with the occasional updates ilyasm


~Lori ☆〜(ゝ。

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