Chapter 19 ★彡

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"I see that the two of you made up," Dawn leaned back in her chair with a smug grin. "Serena, you gotta tell me what happened yesterday after school."

Ash casually sipped on his water as the honey blonde almost spat out her juice.

"How did you know?!" She asked in disbelief.

"Because I'm psychic," she simply said, munching on a bag of ketchup chips. "And that I happened to see everything that happened after school since I was looking out the school window while anime club was going on. Serena, I praise you for making the first move."

Serena shook her head in defeat. She was planning to let anyone know what happened between her and Ash until they actually come together with a conclusion of what's going to happen next.

She snuck a glance at the heartthrob, who casually waved at some fangirls who were trying to snap some pictures of him with a nonchalant smile.

The kiss scene flashed back in her head and the honey blonde cowered in embarrassment. Dawn waved a hand in front of her, bringing her back to reality.

"So what's happening? Are you two dating or what?" She crossed her arms.

And in unison, Serena shook her head vigorously while Ash did the complete opposite.

"Wait, what?" They looked at each other and said in unison once more.

"But we already kissed." Ash stated bluntly.

Before he could say anything else, Serena cupped his mouth with her hands and vigilantly looked around to see if anyone was listening.

"Do you want me to be assassinated by fangirls?!" She whispered in exasperation.

The honey haired girl looked up just in time to see Dawn staring at the two of them with a dumbfounded expression. The chips that were on their way to her mouth had dropped on her plate.

"Come to think of it, where's Gary?" Serena decided to change the topic before her friend could start interrogating her like she was some type of suspect.

The moment she mentioned Gary, all the enthusiasm in the blue haired girl vanished in a mere second. She sweat dropped as Dawn started sulking in her seat.

"If you look closely," Ash leaned closer, "you can see the puff of grey clouds that's hanging above her head."

Serena smacked him on the back.

She looked at Dawn apprehensively. "Did something happen between you and Gary?"

"You see, I wanted to go to an anime fest that was going to happen shortly and I wanted Gary to come with me. " Dawn started. "But when I asked him, he turned me down because he had basketball practice. "

"Well, he did say something about a tournament coming up," Ash shrugged.

"See, well I didn't know that he had to prepare for a tournament since he didn't tell me. So when I asked him to skip practice just this once, he refused."

Serena nodded. "That's understandable."

"I happened to be in a bad mood that day, so  assumed that he liked basketball more than me," the blue haired girl sighed. "...So I kinda snapped."

Ash and Serena exchanged glances at each other as Dawn let out another long sigh. The raven haired boy leaned back in his chair and analyze the situation.

"So the two of you are technically in cold war at the moment." He concluded and Dawn agreed with a nod.

Suddenly, Gary paced into the cafeteria, causing Dawn to jolt up in her seat. The three watched as the mahogany haired boy headed straight for their table. Serena could hear her friend nervously gulp as he came closer and closer.

Just as Dawn was about to stand up to say something, Gary walked right past her, giving her a weary glance but nothing more. The blue haired girl sat back down and turned away with dejected huff while Serena tapped her in comfort.

"Ash, one of our players sprained their ankle during practice, so they're unable to participate in the tournament." He looked at the raven haired boy with pleading eyes. "Can you fill in as a substitute?"

"When's the tournament?" Ash asked.

"In five days. We're up against the Kalos Academy, which was always known to be a powerhouse in the field of basketball."

Ash took a moment to consider, then nodded in agreement. "Count me in."

"Thanks for helping, you saved my life." Gary slapped the him on the back, relieved.

Ash gave him a thumbs him, "but in return, gimme two tickets for the tournament."

Gary gave him a confused look, but pulled two tickets out of the pocket and handed it to him. Ash passed one to Serena.

"Are you going to come?" He said.

"S-sure, if you insist." The honey haired girl stuttered with a blush as she took the ticket out of his hand. Ash smiled at her, then handed the other ticket to Dawn. "This is from Gary."

"N-no, what are you doing?" The mahogany haired boy denied with a blush as he stomped away.

After he left, Dawn sat up straight and crosses her arm with a pout. "Jeez, what's with his attitude?" She complained. "I was going to apologize, but definitely not anymore!"

"Now now, I think you should calm down." Serena laughed nervously, then turned to the heartthrob. "I thought you were in the soccer team, you know how to play basketball?"

"He should know how since he agreed to play so easily." Dawn pointed out.

"Oh yeah, you're right." The honey blonde sweat dropped as she looked at Ash for confirmation. But he only shrugged indifferently.

"No, I don't."

The two girls stared at him blankly.

"You've got to be kidding me."

➖➖➖ Σ(゚д゚lll)➖➖➖

The last school bell of the day rang with a lingering echo, which was quickly replaced by the sound of footsteps that travelled through the halls to the outside. Everyone hurried through the school gate like a swarm of bees and in minutes, the school yard was empty.

"I'm going to practice in the basketball court. Wanna come?" Ash slipped on his jacket, his school bag comfortably hanging off one shoulder. Serena nodded and followed him to the back of the school, where the courts were.

"You shouldn't say yes so carelessly when you barely know how to play." She scolded him.

"Gary knew I wasn't specialized in basketball, but he asked me anyway, which meant that he was really out of options." Ash rested his hands at the back of his head and looked up at the golden sky. "What was Dawn's reaction?"

"She was determined not to go, but I'm almost certain that she'll end up going." Serena giggled softly.

Ash shrugged a smile. "I figured that's what she would do."

The breeze carried the scent of grass into the air. The two walked side by side, silence was in between them. A warm feeling arose from inside of Serena. Although it was silent, it felt comfortable and normal when she's with Ash.

As they arrived at the court, Ash grabbed his basketball and started dribbling across the court while Serena plopped herself down on a bench. She pulled out a book and started to read, but really she was secretly looking at the raven haired boy.

She watched as he scored one point after another, most of his shots all going in the net. Serena raised an eyebrow. She didn't have much knowledge about basketball, but that definitely don't look like the skills of an amateur. After practicing for awhile, the honey blonde handed him a water bottle and he sat down beside her.

"It doesn't look like you're new to basketball, and you say that you don't know how to play." Serena looked at him with a questioning look. Ash averted his eyes and drank from the water bottle.

"I used to play in middle school, but then I quitted in high school." Ash explained, bending down to adjust his shoes.

"Why did you quit?" She asked. The raven haired boy stopped for a second. He stared at his shoelaces, as if he was deep in thought. Serena could sense the slight change in the atmosphere.

"... Just because."

And with that, he stood up and stretched his arms. He let out a long sigh. "So we're not dating..."

Heat ran through Serena's face. "I can't just assume we're dating just with just a kiss."

"You kissed me." Ash corrected her.

"I was simply returning the CPR kiss at the pool." She retorted.

"Okay, you're just playing hard to get now," Ash said.

"ANYWAY," Serena diverted the topic. "Are you really going to be okay? You're going up against the powerhouse after all."

"Hey, although I haven't played for three years, I still know the basics. I'm just not as proficient as the team players." The heartthrob's expression contorted to a frown. He pouted at the girl. "Do you not believe in me?"

"I'm simply worried," The honey haired girl said. She poked him by the arm and looked at him demandingly. "You better take this seriously."

Ash deliberately let out a yawn. "I can't make any promises unless I have some sort of motivation."

"What type of motivation do you want?" Serena asked.

The heartthrob leaned forward, his face only inches apart from hers. His eyes were locked on hers with their usual thoughtful and mischievous glint. He whispered in her ear.

"If we win this, then you'll be my girlfriend."

Serena's breath hitched in her throat and she blinked twice. "Are you being serious right now?"

"I'm always serious." He replied, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Yeah, sure." The honey blonde stood up and looped her arms through her bag. She turned around in an attempt to leave. "I'm going home. I have to study for the final exams."

That was a lie, she just didn't want him to see how joyous she was.

"So that's a yes, right?" She could hear Ash yell behind her as she kept walking. Serena stopped and turned around to face him, a grin spread across her face.

"Only if you win."

That was also a lie.

The raven haired boy jumped in victorious, as if he had already won the match. Serena giggled to herself as she started walking home, smiling like an idiot. To be honest, she would of said yes either way.

Because she love him.


So the ship is not quite sailing just yet, but you'll see ;))

Also, this is a surprise but there will be a special character that I have placed in the next chapter. I'm sure you all know him very well... so stay tuned!!

AND MOON!1!1 I got the moon
copy the day it was released
and oml it is so fun (о''о)

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Thanks very much for reading everyone!!!

~Lori ☆〜(ゝ。

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