Vacation Part 3

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"Well, let's go inside" she said and I nodded as I followed her inside. It was even nicer inside than it was outside. "Put your stuff down anywhere" she said so I put my stuff in the corner of the room, next to the couch. "We can look at the stars at night too" she said. There are like windows on the ceiling to look out of. "Want to go swimming?" I looked at her and nodded.

After putting on our swim suits we went outside, the back door and saw a pool, it went from roughly 4 feet to about 8 feet. It had a water slide next to it as well. "Wow" I said staring at the blue water. There was a box next to the pool as well where there were goggles and life jackets and stuff.

"We have family reunions here every year, so there are allot of stuff for people who don't know how to swim yet too," she said and I nodded. I rushed and jumped in the pool. "Hey! No running" she laughed "what if you slip?" she said and went up on the water slid and slid down it. The time flew by. We played games like Marco, Polo, and with ducks that squirt out of the bottom. It was about 5:00pm so we went in to eat.

Water usually makes people hungry. For dinner we had Fried chicken, corn, rice, and a few other things. It was delicious. "Thank you for the food" I said and stood up to take care of my plate. After dinner we played cards, games like go fish, uno, 2 handed spaids, and Rummy. She must be good at guessing or something because she won like all of the games we played. Actually, the only game you really guess in is go fish but, well she must be lucky then.

After playing all those games for a few hours we went outside again to make smores. "This is nice" I said "I've never had so much fun in my life."

"I'm glad to hear that" she smiled. I wonder what she's thinking. "here's a stick and here's a marshmallow" she said and grabbed the marshmallow and put it on the stick. The fire was already going because someone put it together while we were playing cards. I put the stick above the fire and twisted it continuously until it was brown on all sides. Yuzu got the gram crackers and chocolate ready so I put the marshmallow onto the chocolate and put the other gram cracker over it.

Yuzu did her smore next, she did it quicker than mine so it wasn't as perfect, she put it into the fire which burned it a bit. After she was done she also put it into the gram cracker and chocolate and sat next to me eating her smore. When we went inside it was about 9:00pm and we lied on the living room floor in sleeping bags like in a sleep over. We were looking at the stars and making up constellations. It was nice, I'm glad I had a nice time.

In the morning I woke up and Yuzu was on the phone "yes?" she said "what!?" she yelled "I'll be there right away!" she finished and hung up and rushed and saw me awake.

"What happened?" I asked

"It's mom. She suddenly collapsed!"

Yes, 3 parts for a vacation, a small vacation at that...sorry, anyways, thank you for reading, I haven't been writting an A/N for the last few chapters either, because I don't feel like it, and I don't update here the same time I update quotev so yea...but I'm trying to get this story finished here too so I don't have to worry about it.

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