Chapter 3

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Elissa's POV:
Damnit! How can I let my guard down?! I forgot to check their pockets!!!

I thought while running through the halls and dash towards the right. Unfortunately I was too late, their cell has already opened meaning they escaped.

"Sh*t..." I cursed, but soon I noticed lightly visible footprints where I trailed my eyes down to the right direction of the hallway. I then crept a small smirk.

So that's where you're heading off to eh?

I thought curiously as I heard a loud screech when I turn my head to see Yamato chasing after me.

"Oh my goodness! They escaped again?!" He yelled as I let out a sigh and adjust my glasses.

"Don't worry about it Yamato, just go find them." I ordered him.

"Alright but what about you?" He asked I gave him a sly smirk assuring him that I have a plan.

"No worries Yamato, I'll find a way." I reassured him as I turn my back on him and walk to right direction of the hallway.

Yamato's POV:
"Huh? Wait! Miss Carmichael!!" I tried to call her out, but no avail she left without saying a word.

I stood there silently regretting that I didn't warn her about my weakness....

I forgot to tell her that I'm not good at directions....

I thought regrettably, but I shook my head and held a bold smile.

"Haha! No worries! I'll just try my best!!!" I exclaimed as I dash through the halls to find the four inmates.

Hajime's POV:
"Seitarou, where are they now?" I asked curiously while observing from the security cameras.

"So far they have pass many of our traps sir! If this keeps up, then they'll escape for sure!!" He panicked.

"I highly doubt that they will Seitarou..." I bluntly reassured him. Soon I noticed something moving from the end of the left security camera. It was Elissa who is rushing through the halls left and right until she went downstairs of the hallway.

"What the-"

"Aaaahhh!!! What do we do sir?! If this goes on, then they'll actually get out! And if they get out, then both of us have to pay for it and they'll make us pay for it with our wages!!" He panicked as he grabs his small notepad and a pencil.

"Let's see, maximum cut us 30% for three months straight. Thus, my daily budget will be down to- Ah! I'll be very poor!!" He cried, but I sighed and grab the notepad to crumple it up and threw it to the floor.

"Where's Yamato?" I asked.

"The inmates should be encounter him shortly." Seitarou informed me as I turn back to the screen.

That guy better know what he's doing...

I thought to myself while staring at the screen.

Yamato's POV:
While roaming around the halls, I immediately spotted the inmates and I ran towards them with a huge smile on my face.

"Hello!!" I greeted as the four inmates stopped their tracks to see me.

"How's it going gentleman?" I asked them while running towards them.

"Oh look Yamato's here!" No.1325 shouted.

"Pleasant evening hehehe, you four are perfect for night training eh? Then I'll shall join you!" I exclaimed boldly.

"No thanks!!" They all declined, but I kept on running after them.

"Hey! Wait for me! Hehehehe!!" I chuckled while chasing after the inmates.

Hajime's POV:
"They entered block 21 with the deputy supervisor in pursuit sir." Seitarou informed me.

"Yes, that's good news! They won't even know what he's capable of." I said with satisfaction.

"Yamato, cornered them!" I ordered him.

"Could you tell where I am sir?" He asked which had me and Seitarou baffled and look at the screen where he smiled at the camera.

"I'm very lost. At this point, I can't even tell which ones are left or right. Hahaha!!" He chuckled wholeheartedly which had me punching the screen.

"There goes that plan, Yamato's pretty useless when it comes to directions.." He stated with a nervous grin, but then he flinched for a moment.

"Oh no...they cleared block 21, we're screwed!!" He shrilled much to my dismay.

Graaaah! This is bull*hit! How many times do these punks have to break out of their cell?! Just where the hell did Elissa went?!?

I thought irritably.

"Sir! Elissa's at the room with the other officers along with the guard dogs!!" He informed me.

"What?!" I shouted as I lean towards the monitor to see Elissa with an army of officers.

The hell is she doing?!

I thought while watching the monitor.

Elissa's POV:

"Yes ma'am!"

As I walked pass the guards, I stand in the middle where the four inmates stopped to see me and the guards.

"Oh hi Elie chan!" No.1325 shouted with a wide cheery grin as he waved at me.

"Hello No.25, I would love to discuss you all, but sadly I can't because I will have all of you guys to turn back to your cell at once. If not, then I'll do it by force." I warned them.

"No can do Foxy, cuz these guys are breaking out!" The blonde haired inmate retorted.

"Then you leave me no choice." I said as I sprint towards them and kicked the blonde haired inmate with a strong kick in the stomach.

"Uno!!" No.1315 and No.1325 shrilled in shock. I cracked both of my fists as I approach them with the most intimidating glare.

"I did say I warn you, but now I'm not holding back." I bluntly informed them.

"Crap, she's stronger than Hajime!" No.1315 shouted.

"Yeah, not to mention scarier!!" No.1325 agreed.

"Ughh geez, what a pu- HOLY SH*T! She's looks terrifying!!" He yelped as he hides behind that green haired inmate. Soon I heard guns being loaded.

Oh no.

I thought nervously as immediately ducked down where the soldiers start to shoot the inmates causing them to dodge the bullets.

Sh*t! How am I supposed to stop them in a time like this?!

I thought irritably while dodging bullets from the soldiers.

"Elie watch out!!" No.1325 caught me off guard when ran towards me to push me out of the way and took the bullet to himself shocking me.

"No way..." I muttered with my eyes widen in shock when I saw him collapsing to the ground.

"Nico!!" Then the inmates ran to their green haired friend and I also went to him as well. While they're trying to check their friend, I stood their with a stern look, but deep down I felt guilt inside for letting him take the bullet for me. He did it to save me...

I was about to cry when I heard them calling his name until I saw his eyes wide open and he's...smiling? What's going on?

Soon the green haired inmate jumps back to his feet.

"Yay! My drugs are kicking in!!" He exclaimed with a cheery tone.

"Alright Nico!" The three inmates chanted which had me confused for a minute.

"I...I...I'm confused here..." I stuttered with my mind cluttering in perplexity. The inmates took notice and grinned each other.

"Oh yeah, he forgot to tell you about his condition. Nico here has been taking medicine in Nanba prison for years so he's immune to these bullets right here." No.1311 explained.

"Ah so that's why Mr. Sugoroku mentioned you about taking him to the doctors then." I finally understood.

"Yup!" The green haired inmate chimed with a grin.

Hajime's POV:
As we stood there watching the inmates on camera, I was in shock before I ask Seitarou.

"Did you shot him with-"

"Tranquilizer darts." He told me which had me faceapalming.

"That's a reverse on him! He'll be wild!!" I ranted.

Jesus Christ, how's Elissa handling this right now?

I thought irritably.


"Hey! Stop right there!!"

Suddenly I remove my hand from my forehead when I saw Elissa chasing after the inmates while no.1369 is punching the guards.

Elissa's POV:
"Excuse me, but we're in a rush!!" He shouted as he punched out a guard while running with his friends and I was chasing after them.

Jeez caught me off guard while you have the chance huh? Well you're dead wrong mister!

I thought pick up the pace to catch up to those inmates. Soon we all stopped when we saw guard dogs growling at the inmates before barking at them.

"Come here puppies!!" He squealed he rushes to them which had all of us worried.

"No.1325 stop right there!!" I warned him.

"Nico run away!!" No.1311 shouted, but as soon as he embraces the guard dog, its fur puffed up causing us to be dumbfounded.


I thought confusingly as I witnessed him petting the dogs gently while giggling.

"What the hell?" No.1369 baffled.

"Cute." No.1315 remarked.

"How did you-"

"Maybe it was the side affect of those drugs." No.1325 assumed while petting the tamed dog.

I don't know if that's possible...

I thought skeptically with a sweatdrop appearing on my forehead.

"Anyway let's get out of here!" The dark haired inmate stated.

"Yeah!!" The three agreed as they run off again.

"Oh no you don't!!" I shouted as chase after them, all of us went through hall to hall, dodge from trap to trap until we head straight to the entrance. Starting to get irritated with this, I took a huge leap over and block the entrance where I glare down at the boys.

"Jeez she's quick on her feet!" No.1311 remarked.

"I'll say." No.1369 agreed.

"Alright, I'm sick of this silly game. It ends here now-"

Soon I receive a call from the walkie talkie and I grab it to my ear and answered.


"Let them go Elissa." Mr. Sugoroku ordered which had me baffled.

"What? But sir-"

"Relax, just trust me on this one. I've been dealing with them for years, so let them." He calmly reassured as I went silent for a minute before letting out a reluctant sigh.

"...Very well then, you have my word." I complied.

"Good, now let them go." He ordered once again as I nod and put my walkie talkie back into my pocket. I glance back at the inmates who looked confused and I took one step aside to let them through making them shocked.

"Huh? You're letting us through?" The tall muscular inmate asked curiously.

"Very much so." I replied calmly.

"Ha! You're a big wuss than I imagine!" The dark haired inmate taunted with a smirk, but I wasn't fazed by his insult. Instead, I let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure of that young man. I was informed that someone will be meeting you once you open that gate, so please take it as a warning." I assured making them puzzled.

"Wha?" The blonde haired inmate baffled.

"Don't listen to her, she's just trying to scare us, so let's get going!" No.1315 reassured them as the four inmates run pass me, but I just shrugged and follow after them.

I'm just gonna to see how this is going to turn out.

I remind myself while following them. Soon we arrived at the last door of building 13.

"So this is it, the last door of building 13. It has a padlock, dial, and an electric block requiring fingerprinting and voice notification. Heh talk about an overkill." No.1315 remarked.

"Too much?" No.1369 asked.

"Who do you think I am? Some kind of amateur? I can handle this. I can get into anything, I'm the key to the world and don't forget it." He boasted.

"Shut up and show us what you got." No.1311 rudely retorted.

"I second that, I wanna witness this myself since I never seen an escape artist before." I stated.

"I'm sorry, but why are you following us?" No.1311 asked curiously.

"Oh don't mind me, I'm just here for the ride. Besides, I just wanna see all of your faces when faced the real boss of Nanba Prison." I boldly proclaimed.

"Again, still not following." No.1369 retorted.

"Who cares, just do it already." No.1311 impatiently complained as the dark haired inmate approaches the gate and push the finger print pad where we all could hear a loud ding from it.

"And done." No.1315 stated.

"That was quick." The muscular inmate remarked, but soon the alarm went off as the large clock appeared above the door.

"Warning: when the countdown reaches to zero, this door will explode. The explosion will kill you."

The clock announced as the countdown starts with the four inmates getting irritated.

"Anymore tactics to set it off?" No.1311 asked.

"Ugh pretty completing security coding." No.1315 sighed.

"What are we going to do?!" No.1325 shouted.

"This should work." He stated as he types in the passcode, but it was incorrect causing the whole inmates to panic now.

"We only have seconds now!" No.1325 panicked

"You keep on making things worst!!" No.1311 scolded. On the other hand, I was covering my mouth with my hand trying not to burst out laughing while trying to maintain my collected composure. Then the blonde haired inmate turns to me with an irritable glare.

"You are seriously enjoying this aren't you?!" He asked with a tick mark throbbing on his head.

"Hmm maybe." I casually replied while suppressing my laughter. Soon the dark haired inmate retypes the passcode again.

"Here we go boys." He told them as he presses the passcode to the door where the countdown goes off. Then the door opens where it reveals the clear night sky.

"Damn I'm good." No.1315 boasted.

"How the hell did you open that in ten seconds?" No.1311 asked.

"Got lucky." He told him.

"You always do." No.1369 stated.

"Oh Jyugo, you're so cool." No.1325 complimented. I stood there in surprise when that inmate could actually open the gate by a split second.

Huh, Mr. Sugoroku wasn't wrong when he said he could escape that quickly. I have to say that I'm quite impressed, but this fight isn't over yet....

I thought as I follow the inmates outside where I find myself fascinated by the beautiful view of the night sky as I stared at it with awe.

"Nice view isn't it?"

"Huh?" I turn around to see No.1315 smiling at me along with the inmates. I blink twice before I could respond with a nod.

"Yeah, it feels...nice." I replied while remaining stoic, but my eyes are filled with awe.

"I miss the taste of fresh air." He stated as we wander around outside, but soon we caught up a familiar figure when I realized Mr. Sugoroku is standing in front of us with his stern gaze.

"Mr. Sugoroku..." I muttered as I saw him approaching the inmates.

"Well damn." No.1369 grumbled.

"Hajime's here." No.1325 whimpered. No.1315 then turns to me.

"So this is what you're talking about huh?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied to him as Mr. Sugoroku approaches them.

"If you want your freedom, you have to get through me first." He told them as he stops his distance when he glance at me to give me a nod assuring me that he's got it under control. To that, I respond back with a nod as well. Then Mr. Sugoroku turns back to the four inmates.

"Listen up, you won't be going any further because you been send to Nanba prison and it's the greatest prison in history." He sternly informed them.

"Maybe it is, but we're the best escape artists in history." No.1311 retorted.

"Pretty genius idea for you to put us into the same cell!" He shouted as he charges at Mr. Sugoroku to punch him, but he dodges and punch him uppercut. Then the blonde haired inmate lunges at the supervisor next.

"Hope you're ready!!" He yelled as he runs towards him.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" He exclaimed.

Wait what?

I thought confusingly as I watched them play rock, paper, scissors. Mr. Sugoroku wins the match and punch the blonde haired inmate out. After that, Mr. Sugoroku approaches the tiny green haired inmate who looks nervous upon seeing him. Poor little boy.

"Look, I advised against this. Touch me now and you'll grow weird hair. Mr. Sugoroku please, I'll stop. I'll be good..." He pleaded, but no avail, he kept on approaching him.

"U-Umm...Hajime, hold up...I'm really...sorry.." He apologized in a nervous tone as he took a few steps back, but he ends up fainting upon Mr. Sugoroku intimidating him with his predatory eyes.

Once he's fainted, I ran up to the three inmates to help them up where I watched Mr. Sugoroku and No.1315 facing each other.

"Alone at last Hajime." He stated with confidence as Mr. Sugoroku remained stern making me feel anxious about what's going to happen next.

What's he going to do?

I thought curiously while holding no.1325 along with no.1311 and no.1369. Then the dark haired inmate poised in combat.

"Too bad for you..." He proclaimed with a smirk, but quickly gets knocked out by Mr. Sugoroku.

"Stop acting tough when all you're good for is lock picking. What do you mean "too bad" for me? You couldn't even fight my cat!" He ranted as I stood there with a deadpan look.

"Why am I not surprised by this?" I asked dryly. Soon no.1311 and 1369 came over to pat my shoulders.

"Told ya, he only thing he's good at is lock picking." No.1311 told me.

"Yup, that's our Jyugo alright." No.1369 agreed.

"Of course..." I sighed as I adjust my glasses. Suddenly no.1325 has awaken and rises up.

"Mmm what happened?" He mumbled while rubbing his left eye.

"Oh nothing much, Hajime's beating Jyugo up as usual." No.1311 told him.

"Yeah and it ain't pretty..." No.1369 said with a sigh.

"Oh." He responded.

"How are you feeling no.1325?" I asked politely as he responded with a nod.

"I'm fine Elie chan, but is Jyugo winning though?" He asked curiously.

"Obviously not." We all replied as I let out a sigh.

Okay I have just enough of this bull***.

I thought to myself as I stand up and walk over to Mr. Sugoroku who is beating up no.15, I grab him bybthe collar and pulled him away.

"Ack! Elissa, what are you doing?!" He shouted, but I ignore his complaint and keep my stern dark teal eyes locked to his.

"That's enough Sugoroku, I believe he gets the message." I reassured him.

"But I'm not done with h-"

"I said THAT'S ENOUGH Sugoroku, now stop with this fighting at once." I menacingly restated with a dead serious death glare as Sugoroku shut his mouth before letting out a groan and nod unwillingly.

"...Fine." He reluctantly complied. After breaking up the fight, Mr. Sugoroku and I went back to our building where we put the inmates back to their cell. Only for the supervisor to scold at the inmates for escaping.

"That's the third time you tried to escape this afternoon! I think one attempt today is a pretty reasonable limit! I have better things to do than chase you around!!" He ranted.

"Okay we'll slow down." No.1369 grumbled.

"Well it was pretty excited when we're outside." No.1311 whispered to the escape artist's ear.

"I think we set a record." He grinned.

"Yup." No.1325 agreed with grin which had me surprise for a minute.

"Wait, so you're not actually going to escape?" I asked confusingly.

"Yup." They all replied.

"And the reason why you break out a lot is because you enjoy it as entertainment?" I asked again.

"Yup." They all replied again with smiles on their faces and I stood there with no comment as I turn to Hajime with an unimpressed expression. He then sighed and nodded.

"Sadly it's truth, they do this every time and everyday and it NEEDS TO STOP NOW!" He yelled at the inmates.


Seriously? What's wrong with these boys?

I thought curiously. We then left the cell where we both strolled the halls, but none of us haven't said a word since then. I felt guilty for letting this happen. I should apologize to him.

"Mr. Sugoroku."

"Hm?" He turns to me curiously as I look down and bow my head to him.

"I apologize for my ignorance today, I should've checked their pockets before we left their cell. Please give me a chance." I begged him while lowering my head to the ground, but his response caught me off guard when he turns around and sighed.

"I'm not mad at you Elissa." He told me much to my surprise and confusion.

"But sir, I failed to keep a close eye on them. I have my reasons to apologize to y-"

"It's not your fault." He assured me cutting me off as he turns around and gaze at me.

"Rise up." He ordered and I did what commanded and look at him in the eyes.

"Listen, whether you failed your job or not, I would never look down on my co-workers with contempt. Not even Seitarou, not even Yamato, and especially not even you Elissa." He reassured me as I blink my eyes feeling touched by his soft words. Then he patted my head gently.

"Don't look down on yourself, you did well on your job today so remember what I said okay?" He assured as I widen my eyes before giving him a firm nod feeling joy in the inside of my heart while remaining calm and composed.

"..Thank you sir." I thanked him feeling satisfied with his response as he turns away from me.

"Don't mention it, and don't just call me "sir". Most people in this building call me by my first name Hajime." Then he turns his head to me with a grin.

"So call me that next time got it?" He reminded me and I nodded firmly at him.

"Yes, thank you Hajime." I thanked him again.

"Good, now let's go." He ordered.

"Right." I replied as we both head back to the office where I felt relief when Hajime didn't punished me. Once we arrived at the office, I wrote down an entry letter to my grandfather about my first experience in Nanba Prison.

Dear grandfather,
Today's my first day in Nanba Prison. At first glance, it was just as strict and strong as the one that I once worked at back in Canada. The warden in Nanba prison is quite the stern type, but I'm pleased to hear that she recruited me to be part of Building 13. Though, the supervisor can be rough around the edges, I can be a bit soft at times. I'm also quite fond of meeting one of the supervisors, Yamato and Seitarou. They were both quite polite and welcoming people. As for the inmates, they're quite the troublemakers than the rest of the inmates that I watched over back in Canada; however, I didn't expect the four of them to be so chill. Surprising, but in a good way. Overall, I have a peasant day in Nanba Prison and I'll be looking forward to work with Hajime in the future.

Elissa Carmichael.

Once I finished writing my entry, I closed my journal and glance at the night sky with my eyes glimmering in joy. This job isn't going to be as bad as I imagine to be...and I'm looking forward to enjoy my time here in Nanba Prison...

Heeeey sorry for the long hiatus, I was so busy looking for a job so I didn't have time, but I hope you guys enjoy the new chapter of Opposites Attract. I'll make sure I'll update the next chapter and I'll see you guys next time in the next chapter of Opposites Attract, bye bye!!

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