Chapter 6

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Nobody's POV:
Later in the office, Elissa was in the office where she lets out a yawn and adjust her glasses.

"Man what a long sleep I had..." She mumbled as she stirred my coffee until she heard a fainted sound.

"What the-"

Elissa approach to where the noise is coming from until it gets louder when she heard a loud snore coming from the other room. Without thinking, Elissa kicked the door open and widen her eyes to see Jyugo sleeping in the night duty room.

She then lets out a sigh and walk on over to wake him up by kicking the bunk of the bed with her feet causing him to flinched.

"Gah!" He screamed as he turns to her and groans.

"Don't do that to me El, I'm trying to sleep here." He grumbled.

"Hajime's going to punish you if he finds you sleeping here." She warned him.

"Ughhh come on, just let me sleep!" He complained, but she rolled my eyes and pull the sheets off of him.

"And I said get up before I make you." She bluntly commanded.

"Well Hajime he can kiss my *** for all I care of." He grumbled while slouching on the bed.


Not wanting to hear any complaints, Elissa lifted Jyugo up without any thought whatsoever.

"Whoa! Hey! Put me down!!" He whined while flailing his arms and legs like a child.

"Sorry no.15, but I can't failed my duties as an officer again." She told him while carrying out from the room, but soon the alarm went off and she sighed.

"Of course Hajime found out about your escape, now come along. I must get you back to your cell." She told him.

"Oh come on!" He whined.

"You heard me, now let's get going." She reassured him with a blank look as we left the room and head straight to the halls while the alarm is on.

Hajime's POV:
Goddamnit, of course he'll be running off like that after telling the warden that there won't be any more problems!!

I thought irritably while rushing down the halls with Seitarou who is panicking like crazy.

"Oh my god! Not this again!! He's always do this!!" He cried while running with me.

"He's an inmate Seitarou, what do you expect?" I bluntly retorted, but we soon stopped our tracks when we saw Elissa walking down the halls while carrying no.15 over her shoulder.

What the?

"Good to see you Hajime." She greeted politely as she approached us while holding no.15.

"Oh thank goodness you found him! But how did you find him that quickly?" Seitarou asked curiously.

"He was sleeping in the night duty room, so I dragged him out." She calmly explained with a blank expression and no.15 starts to squirm like a damn little brat.

"Hey can you let me go now? I can walk by myself." He rudely asked while being held by Elissa.

"Oh right, my bad." She then puts the dark haired escapist down except she holds his wrist.

"Um ok when I said let me go, I mean let go of my wrist too." He pointed out.

"If I did, then you'll be running off again." She bluntly retorted with a deadpan look making him groan in response.

"But why were you in the night duty room?" Seitarou asked curiously.

"I couldn't sleep over there. Rock snores a lot, Uno's constantly grinding his teeth, and I can't even hear them with Nico sleep laughing." He explained.

"Oh so that's why you're sleeping in the night duty room." He understood. However, I can't ignore the back of my head when I realized that Yamato wasn't here to lookout for the inmates.

"Hang on a second, Yamato was supposed to be in charge last night. What the hell was he doing?!" I exclaimed still confused. Just then, Yamato came in and salute to me.

"Sir, allow me to report. I spend the whole night and this morning training to work up a sweat from my body. Report complete!" He explained, but that made me feel more annoyed and I grabbed his shirt.

"I don't care if you have to have training yesterday and this morning! Do your job, so I don't have to!" I scolded while shaking him roughly.

Elissa's POV:
While watching Hajime shaking Yamato nonstop, I remained deadpan through the entire scene.

I wonder what hobbies does he have besides training...

I thought curiously while staring at the two arguing.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria, we send the inmates to the cafeteria where they could eat their lunch. Honestly, I was surprised that the meals here looked pleasantly decent. The foods back in Canada were quite horrible and one inmate puked once from eating that god awful grits with a dead bug that he accidentally ate. Ugh I never want to eat grits again.

While the inmates are chatting and eating their meals, I was about to head back to building 13, but I was soon stopped when the head chef, Shiro, grabbed my shoulder and handed me a plate of scrumptious and chocolatey brownies.

"Oh no please, you don't need to do that. I'm not even hungry." I assured him, but he shook his head and gave me the plate of brownies as a warm greeting from him.

"Oh..well...I guess eating one won't be so bad..." I complied as I grab one piece of brownie and took a bite of it. Soon my face lit up as I can feel how sweet, chewy, and scrumptious the brownie tasted. Once I swallow it, I look at him with my eyes filled with awe.

"It's delicious, thank you Shiro. I shall bring these back to the office as an afternoon snack." I said as the muscular chef pulls out a thumbs up to me. Once I left the cafeteria, I bump into someone and I almost spilled my brownies. As soon as I got up, I saw that monkey-like prison guard with ginger hair and green eyes from the warden's office.

"Ugh watch where you're-" He soon stops his words when he took a glance at me and widen his eyes.

"Oh god! Carmichael isn't it? I am so sorry about that!" He apologized and got up and bow his head with a flushed look, but I shook my head to him.

"No need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. And you don't have to be so formal either, I prefer to be called Elissa." I assure him.

"Hehe thanks, I'm glad. Oh and I'm Samon Gokuu by the way, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself before you left to go to building 13." He said.

"No worries, besides we both know our names now, so there shouldn't be no hard feelings." I reassured him as he grins back.

"Yeah you're right, but where are you heading off to?" He asked.

"Oh I just finished dropping off the inmates and now I'm heading back to my building so I could put these brownies back to my desk." I told him.

"Oh..." Soon he glance at floor and heard him whispering something.

"I'm sorry that you have to put up with him. It must been rough. If I were you I would keep my guard up for Hajime." He grumbled, but I didn't understand a word he's saying.

"Pardon?" I looked puzzled.

"Huh? Oh nothing, I'm just talking to myself that's all." Samon reassured me as he took a glance at his watch and widen his eyes.

"Shit I better get going. The inmates back in my building are probably waiting for me, but it's great meeting you Elissa. I'll see you later?" He asked as I nod with a blank look.

"Ummm Okay...I guess I'll see you later afternoon then." I said.

"Hehe yeah...see you." He chuckled awkwardly with a slight grin while blushing. As soon as we walked our separate ways, I went back to building 13 for taking the inmates for their work.

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