Chapter 3. A call for help

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Riders P.O.V

I walk over to the door, I open it and walk out, I go into town and desperately search for (y/n).
"Um hello miss, do you know (y/n)?"
I ask a dark blue tentacled octoling girl.
"Oh yah! I know her!!"
"Okay cool ...."
"Yuuki... anyway where is she?"
She points to an inkling on a bench. I take a deep breath and walk up to her.
I say bluntly.
"Oh hi Rider. What brings you here to me? Pity?"
"No no! It's not that at all!"
"Than what is it?!"
She snaps.
"This is not like you!"
"You want a medal?"
"NO! I was wondering if you could help me?"
"With WHAT?"
"My- my personality..."
She looks at me, it's a mix of sadness and happiness.
She jumps up.
"I see you met my friend Yuuki!"
"Yah I have."
"Go and talk to her! Make a new friend!"
"Goggles? You mean the inkling boy?"
"I-uh- SHUT UP!!"
"We'll go talk to her or I won't help you."
"That's not like you!"
"How would you know? You never took the time to get to know me!"
"WELL EVERY ONE DID THAT! They got to know me! Well! But you just WONT! You refuse to let me help you and when you do ask for help it's so blunt!"
"Well I'm sorry princess but life is like that!"
She pushes my chest hard but I don't fall over, she scoffs and looks up at me.
"I don't get it."
"Get what?!"
"Why are you so miserable all the time? Lighten up. And if you don't I won't help you."
"You can't have friends, if you only care about yourself."
She looks up at me with deep eyes and shakey breaths.
"Good day Rider."
She leaves.
She is long gone.
"Ouch, that's gotta sting."
I look behind me and see...

Sorry for da cliffhanger!! I had to! Oh and yuuki, you will be in the story a lot more, so don't worry!

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