Chapter 6 flatter me

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He just doesn't understand does he, will he ever understand? It's his fault I'm here, but I can't leave him, I'm apart of him, I can't let him do to that girl what he did to me, I don't want her dying...

Riders P.O.V

I thought I herd something, it definitely sounded like Goggles. But I know it probably wasn't. (Y/n) has made me feel a way I thought I would never feel again...
And when Goggles... Died.... I was depressed for as long as I could remember, I had to pretend I was okay even if I wasn't.

Your P.O.V

I put on some anime. I watch for about 2 hours than turn to my not so slient phone. It is buzzing like crazy.

This = you
This= whoever your texting

1 new message.
Hey (y/n)! It's yuuki! I saw you with Rider earlier, and let me tell you you guys make a good couple!

We aren't dating.

Oh not yet young grasshopper, not yet! I can see it in the way he looks at you. Your a sexy little ruibix cube, he can't seem to figure you out!

Wow... okay I'm sure he can figure me out!

By pealing off the stickers yah! Don't let him change you into his negative self!! Make him understand that it's the proper way, or no (y/n) at all!

He's not changing me!

Are you sure? You're more blunt than normal!

That's just me exploring my personality!

But that's NOT your personality! You are normally happy and fun!

Well I guess I'll just be a bit different.

(Y/n) wait!

(Y/n) has left the chat.

She does have a point, I just didn't want to admit I was wrong. I do love rider. But I made him smile... so do I even still need to see him? It boggles my mind knowing that he's getting happier and I'm getting more and more sarcastic and blunt. But I can't stop seeing him! I CANT! Rider has been through too much, I don't want him going through that again.


I see that Rider doesn't want to hurt (y/n). He's happy now, that means I can soon come back! But for now I must break free from these chains of guilt. I'm glad to see he is becoming more happy, but (y/n) is becoming more sarcastic and blunt. Luckily, I have yuuki to help her.
"I'm back."
"Ah Yuuki! Welcome back."

Sorry for the cliffhanger guys!
Now is Goggles boggling your mind or what? What do you think is up with him? Do you think he is okay?!
I'll let you go think now!

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