1 | Don't Break the Bed

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"Jesus, woman. How much stuff did you stack up in a single apartment?" Minho complained as he placed the last box in the car.

"She's a fashion designer, babe. Of course she has loads of useless stuff at her place." Jieum said, pecking her whiny boyfriend on the lips.

"I don't know whether you're taking my side or mocking me." Soomin said, eyeing her best friend sceptically.

"I gotta balance between by best friend and boyfriend you know?" Said Jieum in a duh tone.

"Fiancé." Minho muttered, correcting her.

"Of course, baby!" Jieum said so sweetly that Soomin gagged, earning a hit on the head with a random shoe from her best friend.

Soomin closed the boot of her car and made sure the last batch had everything. On the backseat boxes upon boxes were kept neatly, all thanks to her best friend and her boyfriend, the couple who agreed to help her shift.

After setting up her own company, she decided to move out. Turns out her father already had a free apartment and gifted it to her despite her denying such an expensive gift.

But of course, once her dad made up his mind, there was no one who could change it. Not even Soomin, which was saying something.

"Crockery, fabrics, more fabrics, clothes, Sky's toys... Wait, where's Sky?" She immediately questioned as she was checking her stuff.

As if on cue, a little 'meow' was heard from under the boxes, making Soomin sigh out in relief.

"You little devil, I nearly got a heart attack." She said to her crazy orange cat.

The mentioned furry just tilted his head and looked at his human with a bored look.

After scratching her cat's head she got into the car with Jieum quickly taking the passenger seat, leaving her boyfriend to fit himself in the little space in the backseat.

"Women." Minho muttered after getting inside. "It's hard being a man, right Sky?"

Sky purred as if agreeing.

"You'd agree anyone but me, you evil cat. I pay for your food and toys, not him!" Soomin scolded as she started the car.

"Well, I'm irresistible. Cats love me." Minho scoffed proudly.

"They don't love you, they just stay around you because you spoil them with treats, you idiot." Said Soomin, making a face. "Sky doesn't do anything I say unless I offer treats, all thanks to you spoiling him!"

"I love it when you guys fight." Jieum mumbled, nibbling on her chocolate. Where she took that out from, no one knew.

"You're supposed to tell your best friend and boyfriend to get along instead of fighting." Soomin said, giving her best friend a distasteful side eye.

"Exactly." Minho agreed.

"It's not like you guys are gonna bite each other's heads off. I'll get in between when things get physical. I love me some drama." Jieum replied, making the other two sigh.

"I wonder how I ended up with you." Minho muttered, petting Sky who just purred.

"Sucks for you, because now you're stuck with me forever, Minmin." Jieum giggled. The other two smiled fondly at the girl who was lost in blabbering about what she wanted to do after they got married.

"Guys, I get that y'all are getting married, but atleast don't rub it my face." Soomin winced, making the other two laugh.

"Something's telling me you're soon gonna meet your significant other." Jieum said. "I can feel it in my bones."

"Of course, you drama queen." Soomin rolled her eyes.

She pulled the car into the parking lot as they finally reacher her new apartment building.

"You're gonna live here?" Minho said in surprise.

"This is our fifth trip here, and you're asking that now?" Soomin looked at him in disbelief.

"What's surprising you though?" Jieum asked, completely ignoring her best friend's question.

"Oh, it's nothing. A close friend of mine lives here, that's all." Minho replied nonchalantly, ignoring Soomin's question as well.

"Ooh is it a guy? Is he around Soomin's age? Should we set them up?" Jieum said excitedly as she picked up a box.

"Babe, he's the last guy I know who would be interested in talking to new people, let alone dating." Minho chuckled.

"Aw, too bad." Jieum sulked.

With a stack of boxes in their arms, the three got in the elevator to get to the eleventh floor.

"Damn this place smells rich." Jieum said in awe as they made their way towards Soomin's apartment.

"I know, right? I told dad that I'd find somewhere else but he was adamant and threw an entire tantrum saying that he won't come to visit me in Korea." Soomin giggled.

"Oh, to be a rich lawyer and spoil your only daughter." Jieum said dramatically. "How did your mom and step dad react though. Because well... You know?"

"They seemed fine with it, I guess." Soomin said. "As long as I have a place to live, mom said."

The trio made a few trips and finally, Soomin's new apartment was ready. Not exactly ready, she still had to arrange everything, but you get the point.

"You owe us three dinners, Soomin." Minho said as he plopped on the couch.

"Agreed. After working like slaves for a week, we deserve it." Jieum said, sitting on the couch to cuddle her boyfriend.

"Ew no, no PDA here, you disgusting people! Go back to your apartment!" Soomin laughed, hitting the other two with cushions.

"Ugh, you're no fun." Jieum rolled her eyes.

"Tell us if you need something. Now I'd very much like to cuddle my fiancée to death so we'll be heading to home sweet home. See ya!" Minho said, scooping Jieum from the couch, earning a mini scream from her. She slightly hit him on the shoulder, laughing as he carried her outside.

"Don't break the bed, you lovesick fools!" Soomin shouted after them as she watched her best friends leave.

Jieum just showed her the finger.

She was extremely happy for them. After all they went through together, they deserved a life full of love and happiness forever.

"It's just you and me now, Sky." She said, scratching her cat's belly.

Sky purred, nuzzling his face in Soomin's hand.

"Now! Let's get you fed!" She announced, getting up to unpack the box that lables 'Naughty Kitty's stuff'.

But to her dismay, Sky's food wasn't there.

"Don't tell me we ran out of cat food!" She whined, cursing her luck.

So, like any other normal cat owner, she grumpily moved outside, threatening her cat to not cause any mischief. While muttering curses, again, like a normal cat owner would (or more like a single grumpy old woman, who was not exactly old but very much single) she made her way towards the elevator.

She walked and walked until she reached the convenience store and picked up cat food, and walked and walked after she paid and made her way towards her new home.

She was gonna walk some more, when suddenly, she collided with something that felt like a literal wall.

Except it wasn't exactly a wall, but a man-wall, if that makes any sense.

"Oof, watch where you're going." She muttered as her bags fell to the floor.

The very big man who wasn't big in length but width picked up her bags and handed them to her, muttering an apology as he bowed.

However, before Soomin could say anything more, the man quickly left. He seemed to be in a hurry, which did some suspicious.

She watched as the man, who she now realised, was wearing a mask and a cap, looked around as if someone was following him and disappeared around a corner.

"What a weird guy." She said to herself, making her way home.

But then, as if lightening struck a tree, something came to her mind.

What if that man was a pocket picker?

"Oh no, not my wallet," She panicked worriedly, immediately checking her pocket.

To her relief, the wallet was still there.

"Thank the kitties above." She sighed in relief.

She quickly moved towards the elevator, which seemed to be closing already. After making a run for it (in a very ugly way), she finally reached, panting as she tried to get more oxygen into her lungs.

To her extreme surprise, the big man from earlier was there, and was now looking at her as if she had grown balls.

She bowed politely and stood next to him.

He's shorter than me.

She thought proudly, letting out a quiet chuckle. But when she realised how weird she might be looking while laughing to herself, she shut up.

After an eternity, the man spoke up.

"You seem new here." He said. His voice was raspy and deep, and Soomin unintentionally found herself swooning.

"Oh, yeah. I moved in today only!" She replied brightly. "In apartment 1120."

The man almost choked on air as he looked at her with wide eyes.

Why was he looking at her as if she had grown balls again? It was annoying her.

"Uh, is something the matter?" She asked, concerned.

The man just shook his head. And exactly right in that moment, the elevator door dinged open.

The man got on the same floor as her, and moved inside the apartment right next to hers.

"Oh, maybe he was taken aback that he has such a beautiful neighbour now." Soomin chuckled to herself as she entered the passcode.

Sky didn't even bother to greet her and went straight for the bags in her hand.

"Hold on a goddamn minute, you impatient cat." She scolded.


"Hyung. Help me." Changbin said into his phone as he sat on the couch. His leg was moving up and down as he was growing anxious.

"What happened, Bin?" Chan, his best friend and coworker, asked from the other end.

"I think... I think a fan just stalked me into my apartment building." Changbin answered.

"Woah there, are you sure it was a stalker?" Chan asked, taken aback.

"Yes! She even bumped into me on purpose and made up a lie that she shifted in the apartment right next to mine!" Changbin said dramatically. "She was weird and was laughing to herself randomly. It was almost as if 'psychopath' was tattooed on her head."

"Calm down, dude. What if she did actually move there?" Chan tried to reason.

Changbin scoffed. "Hyung. That apartment belongs to a middle aged man who works in a law firm in London."

"..." The line went silent on the other end.

"Oh shit." Chan said.

Oh shit indeed.


It's here! Writing this book to celebrate 200 followers. What can I do, I just love you guys so much <3

I'm very excited for this book hehe.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote!

See you guys soon (hopefully)

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