13 | Let's Break Up

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Two years ago

"Soomin!" Doyun called out, ringing the bell of Soomin's old apartment door.

A disheveled looking Soomin appeared at the entrance, her eyes sunken from fatigue.

"Ah... Doyun? What are you doing here at this hour?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Why did I have to hear about it from other people?" He asked, worriedly cupping her face.

Soomin sighed. "It's nothing serious-"

"You're burning with fever! You've been working all night, haven't you?" Doyun inquired.

Soomin guiltily nodded, not being able to meet Doyun's eyes.

"How many times have I told you to take care of yourself, hm?" Doyun whispered as they walked in. "I brought some medicines, just in case."

"Doyun... You didn't have to. I'll be fine, I promise." Soomin said, passing her boyfriend a tired smile. "Go prepare for that meeting. We both know how important it is."

"But Soomin-"

"I'll be fine, now go, Mr worrisome." Soomin chuckled, gently nudging his shoulder.

"Fine, but I'm staying with you until you get better after I get back from meeting." Doyun said firmly.

Soomin just shook her head, knowing there was no way she could change his mind.

"And Soomin?" Doyun spoke up as he stood at the entrance. "Once you get better, let's go on a week long vacation to Jeju Island." A wide smile formed on his face as he said those words.

"Yeah. Let's do that."


Weeks passed as the two got busy in their jobs again, Soomin jumping right back into her work the moment she got better. She worked hard, sometimes even overtime, and that was starting to worry Doyun.

"Soomin... This isn't like you. Why are you pushing yourself this much? Is there something on your mind?" Doyun asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, I told you earlier as well." Soomin said, not looking back from her work.

"I feel like you're hiding stuff from me." Doyun blurted, instant regret hitting him.

At that, she paused.

"What... What exactly do you mean by that?"

"Listen, we've been a couple for the last three years, and yet I feel like you don't share your problems with me. I'm here for you, you know that right?"

"Why do you think I'm hiding something? It's just work, Doyun. For god's sake." Soomin said, sounding frustrated. "I'm working hard for a promotion, is that too much of a big deal?"

"But at the cost of what? Your health?" Doyun pressed, hoping to make her understand his perspective.

Soomin scoffed. "Why does it even matter to you?"

"Really, Soomin? Are you really asking me that?" Doyun looked at her with disbelief. "I love you, and I care for you! Isn't that enough of a reason for me to be worried? Why are you being like this?"

"Just... Just leave me alone for a while. I'm tired, I don't want to say things we'll both regret later. Please, Doyun... Leave." Soomin sighed.

"Soomin..." Doyun whispered. "I really care for you... Why did you change so much?"

Soomin fell silent, no words coming to her mouth.

Doyun let out a bitter laugh. "Fine, do as you wish. I... I'll just leave, if that's what you want."

Soomin just watched him leave wordlessly, a string of curses leaving her lips. She knew she messed up this time. She knew she would have to make up soon.


"Goodness gracious... What are you doing here drinking by yourself?" A girl's voice hit Doyun's ears as he was about to take the first sip of his first drink.

"I barely just started, Daisy." Doyun sighed.

"Did you have a fight with Soomin?" Daisy asked, ordering herself a cocktail as she sat next to him.

"Not exactly a fight but... yeah you can say that." Doyun mumbled.

"I knew this would happen." Daisy let out a chuckle.

"Wait, what?" Doyun asked, his ears perking up. "What do you mean you knew?"

"Soomin's been acting strangely, right? As if there's something on her mind and she just doesn't care about you?"

"H-How did you know?" Doyun sputtered.

Daisy let out a sad smile. "I guess, it's time I give it to you."

Doyun watched her in bewilderment as she took out and envelope and handed it out to him. "Here. Read it."

Doyun hesitantly took it as he tore open the seal, unfolding the piece of paper. His heart dropped when he noticed the contents.

"Is that..." His voice trailed off.

"A letter Soomin wrote, yes. She... She originally planned to give it to you about two weeks ago, but she gave up on doing that because she felt things could get better. But looking at you two now, it doesn't seem like things are anywhere near getting better." Daisy sighed.

Doyun gulped as he began reading the letter.

His eyes widened with each line, his vision clouded with tears as he reached the end of the letter.

"She... She wants to break up? Because I-I was holding her back from achieving her dreams, really?" He said in a broken whisper, clutching the letter in his hands. "Why.."

Daisy gently held his hand. "Let her go, Doyun. My sister is a really loving girl, and you know that. But even you know how ambitious she can get. And when later she realises how much she's hurt you, she'll regret it too. Let her go before either of you get hurt."

"I thought we were going to spend the rest of your days together." Doyun sobbed, the letter crumpled in his hands.

"We can't change how things are, Doyun. This relationship is nothing but a burden on her now." Daisy sighed.

"A b-burden? Why didn't she say that earlier? We could've sorted out stuff, maybe even taken a little break. Why, Soomin? Why?" He cried, his body trembling as he sobbed.

"Doyun... Soomin doesn't know that you read this letter. And maybe you should let things be that way. "

"What do you mean?"

"Let her go, Doyun. Don't hold ger back. You know she'll be really happy if she achieves her dreams and if anyone gets in her way, she'll blame them forever. Be the one to let her go." Said Daisy.

"Are you saying... I should break up with her?" Doyun sniffled.

Daisy nodded.

With a nod of determination, Doyun took out his phone. "Okay... I'll do that."

He opened his phone as he wiped his tears.

Soominnie <3

Let's break up
I can't do this anymore, I think it's the best for both of us.

With a shakey breath, Doyun shut off his phone, wanting nothing but to drink away the night.

So that was what he did.


"And I guess, as time passed I realised that maybe things were for the best." Doyun chuckled as he watched Changbin's reaction. "She was selfish, but that didn't change the fact that I still love her."

"You still...?" Changbin's voice trailed off.

"Yeah. But atleast she's happy now, even if it was at the cost of our relationship. I love her, but at the same time I hate her too, you know? If only she didn't always think about herself-"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Soomin's voice came, making the two men whip their heads in her direction.

Changbin's eyes widened as he took in her tear filled eyes.


"Not a single word, Shin Doyun." She said in a trembling voice. "I'm selfish, right? Let me fulfil my part then."

And with that, she snatched her purse from the table and ran towards the exit.

"Uh, I'll go to her." Changbin hastily muttered, going to follow his neighbour.

As Changbin put on his mask and cap, he began running in Soomin's direction. But unfortunately, he had lost her. She was nowhere to be seen.

"Shit, I knew I shouldn't have asked that." He cursed, looking around for his neighbour.

He tried calling her number, but the call was dismissed everytime. Knowing her, she was probably on her way to her car to get out of the mall. Not having any other choice, Changbin changed his destination to the parking lot of the mall.

And it just so happens that his guess was correct.

"Oi, Park Soomin! Wait up!" He called out to her as she was getting inside her car. "You're my ride back, atleast wait for me!"

He made it just in time before she started the car, quickly getting in the passanger seat.

Changbin panted as he tried to catch his breath. "You... You have no idea how much I ran." He groaned.

Soomin just stared at the steering wheel wordlessly, thoughts a mess in her head.

So it had been Daisy. Of course it was her. Why else would her boyfriend of three years want to break up with her? And selfish? Why was his part of story so different from hers?

She clutched the steering until her knuckles turned white. A broken sob escaped her lips which caught Changbin by surprise.

"Why... Why does it always happen to me?" She cried, covering face in her hands.

Changbin couldn't quite understand the meaning of her words, but he felt that she needed comfort in that moment. So without thinking, he pulled Soomin in a hug.

"Shh, it's alright." He whispered, running a hand through her hair. He felt Soomin tighten her hold on his shirt, her body shaking from crying. He felt his own heart break a little, not being familiar to a person like Soomin breaking into tears like that.

"You have no obligations to talk to me whatsoever, I'm a total stranger in your life but... You can talk to me, if you want. And I'm sorry, I overstepped my-" Changbin began.

"No... You didn't..." Soomin sniffled, interrupting him as she pulled back a little. "I always wanted to know why he suddenly broke up. It's just... It hurts. So much."

Changbin watched her helplessly as she silently cried.

He wanted to say something, but he knew he wasn't in a place to say anything.

"Come on, let's swap seats. I'll drive us back."


Hehehe any guesses?

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