15 | Curiosity Kills the Cat

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In the end, Daisy stayed true to her word. She made sure Soomin's life was an absolute hell by showing up at her doorstep everyday.

To meet Changbin, of course.

What angered Soomin even more was the fact that they both could relate with each other, both being reputed celebrities. Daisy was a very good model and actress no matter how much Soomin would like to deny it.

At the end of the day, she was nowhere near the likes of them. What even was she doing? Starting up a brand herself? Most of it's publicity wasn't even her own doing, it was all thanks to Minho and-

"...Soomin? Are you even listening?" Jieum's voice brought her back to reality.

She blinked a few times. "Huh? Come again?"

Jieum let out a sigh as she plopped down on the sofa. "What even is going on in that head of yours these days? You seem so lost. I'm not blind, Soomin."

"I told you, the sales are just stressing me out-"

"Cut the crap. If you don't wanna share right now, atleast don't lie to me," said Jieum, shaking her head.

"Jieum I-"

"It's okay. Let's focus on work first." she said, swiftly interrupting her best friend. "Are we going to that photoshoot tomorrow? Ms Lim said it would be a good experience as newbies to see and learn from reputed people in the industry. Plus it's a good chance to gain more connections if we accept that offer. What do you say?"

Soomin pondered for a moment. "Sounds good. I don't see why we shouldn't go."

"Who knows, we might actually end up gaining connections with some famous models or something," said Jieum.

Soomin shook her head as she sighed. "We have a long way to go before that happens, Ji. You know it too."


"Fucking hell," Soomin cursed, retracting her hand in a millisecond when it got caught between the door to her apartment.

And just in that moment, another door on that floor happened to open.

Changbin frowned, stepping out of his apartment as he watched his once annoying neighbor- whose presence was suddenly starting to get quite... pleasant- hissing in pain.

"What did you even do this time?"

He hadn't even realised he had taken a few long strides to stand next to her.

However, Soomin was already in a pretty bad mood that day. "Why do you care?"

Changbin's frown only deepened. "Don't tell me you've already forgotten our deal to act like civilised human beings from a few days ago? And someone was comparing me to a goldfish."

Soomin took a deep breath, trying to shake away her anger and annoyance. It was Daisy's fault, not Changbin's. He didn't deserve her cold shoulder.

"Sorry." she mumbled.

"I was just kidding. You know I don't mind you throwing a few insults here and there. Adds a little spice to stuff, you know?"

Soomin cocked an eyebrow. "Do you, now? Since when? Is this character development I see?"

"I'm pretty sure we saw that a couple chapters ago." Changbin mumbled under his breath.

Fourth wall, who?

"Come again?"

"Nothing, nevermind." he shook his hands. "Anyway, what even are you upto these days? I haven't seen you in like, a week."

"Why? Were you missing my oh so lovely and charming presence, Mr Seo?" Soomin grinned, feeling some of the tension loosening from her shoulders.

"Hell no. I'd much rather miss Jisung drunk kissing my cheek than missing you, thank you very much."

"Wow, talk about being rude." Soomin said, feigning hurt.

Changbin simply rolled his eyes. However, the very next second, a question was tumblingout of his mouth. "Are you perhaps busy right now?"

"Huh? I mean..." Soomin trailed off, eyeing the boxes next to the door she locked just moments ago. "...not exactly, I just needed to drop this stuff at the studio and then I was just gonna rot in my bed with Sky and Netflix."

"Say, why don't you do something much better than rotting in the bed?"

"And that would be?"

Changbin smiled. Not the usual annoying smirk Soomin was used to, but an actual smile. Soomin swore she felt her stomach drop.

It was probably because she was hungry, though.

"See for yourself."

It dropped again.

Really hungry, apparently.


"What's with you using me as a driver every few days?" Soomin mumbled, giving a side eye to her neighbor whose form was relaxing against the passenger seat. They had dropped Soomin's stuff off at her studio before Changbin suddenly starting giving directions, not telling Soomin the location, of course.

"You should feel honoured to be able to drive me, you know?"

"Yeah? Honored my ass, you narcissistic pizza face."

He chose to ignore the last part, deciding to just shoot a glare towards his neighbour, who was now giggling. "Come on, now. I'm not that bad!" he complained.

Soomin hummed in agreement. "Yeah, you're actually worse than that. Why don't you just hire a permanent driver or something? You seem to be having a shit ton of money for that anyway."

"I'm broke." said Changbin.

"Haha, and I'm a two headed chicken."

Changbin snorted at that. "Okay, I'm a broke millionaire."

Soomin rolled her eyes. "Okay then, mister broke millionaire, where the hell are we going?"


"Somewhere where?"

Changbin didn't say anything. Instead, he turned his head to look out of the window, a tiny smile forming on his lips as he watched the trees pass by in a blur.

"This feels like being left on seen, only in person." Soomin mumbled under her breath. "I swear, if it's gonna be some boring or dumb place I'm taking back our deal."

"That won't happen." Changbin said.

Soomin didn't bother questioning him further. He was like a brick wall (in more than one ways, heh) and didn't budge at all.

So Soomin just continued to drive, choosing her mental peace over curiosity. Besides, curiosity did kill the cat, quite literally even. Sky nearly fell from 14 floors above because of his curiosity for watching the bird visitors on their apartment window. Stupid cat.

But then again, he was gifted to her by Minho and Jieum. It was only natural he was similar to them.

Soomin was sighing for the umpteenth time that day when Changbin suddenly spoke up.

"We're here!" the buff man announced.

Soomin frowned, finally bringing her attention back.

"Huh? Dude that's..."


This is gonna be the last chapter in a loooooooooooooong while because your girl has decided to disappear from this app (read the announcement in Three Promises if you're that curious.)

Am I leaving this on a cliffhanger? Yes. Am I very mean for doing that? Yes. Am I sorry? Absolutely not :P

But anyways, I'm making absolutely no promise regarding the next update cuz I kinda wanna focus on studies soo...

Bye bye! I love you all <3

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