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Lucas's P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm and shut it off and groaned. I felt something holding my arm and saw Jungwoo on his side with half of his face buried into a pillow. His lips were parted, hair messed up but still cute, and his face a bit pink. I bit my lip and looked at my alarm. Why was it set? I sighed and looked back at Jungwoo just laying there.
It came back to me. I have work! I unlatched myself from Jungwoo and got up and rushed to my closet and accidently stubbed my toe on the end of my bed. I groaned and sat down holding my toe trying to decrease the pain. "Lucas?" I heard Jungwoo say. Why is his morning voice so cute? I looked at him and he looked at me and got up out of the covers and bent down in front of me. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yeah just stubbed my fucking toe" I kept pressure on it. Suddenly I heard a laugh and I glared at him. "Shut up, it hurts like a bitch" I said and he helped me up.
"Awe you poor thing" he teased softly still tired. He rubbed his eye like a child and I smiled widely. He blushed and pushed my bare chest and he quickly looked at me not noticing I was still shirtless and I smirked.
"Now do you like what you see?" I asked. He rolled his eyes.
"No, I'm not gonna boost your ego. Why are you up though?" He asked confused.
"Shit I gotta get ready! I have work!" I exclaimed and grabbed some clothes from my closet and ran to the bathroom.

I was done in 10 minutes and walked out grabbing my phone and keys and saw Jungwoo was no longer in my room. I smelt something and walked to the kitchen. Jungwoo was making scrambled eggs and I saw a few pieces of toast on a plate by the stove. He was still in my pajamas. The whole image was so domestic and I felt a warm fuzzy feeling. Suddenly I noticed him waving at me with a confused face. "Lucas? Lucas you okay?" He asked softly and I snapped out of it and nodded and cleared my throat.
"Uh yeah" I said. He smiled and placed the plate with buttered toast and eggs on the island.
"You can't go to work with an empty stomach, go ahead and eat" he said and I nodded and he looked around my drawers and came back with a fork and handed it to me. I sat down on one of the chairs by the island and I started to eat. I looked up from my plate to see he was putting the eggs back in the fridge and the loaf of bread where I had it before. He took the butter and put it in the fridge also. I watched as he took the pan he used for the eggs, a spatula, a fork, and a bowl he must've used to whisk the eggs.
"Uh I can do the dishes later" I said.
"It's no problem, you let me stay here" he smiled and started washing the dishes. I continued to eat and soon finished and he took my plate and silverware and cleaned them and put them away along with the other dishes. I saw him frown as he leaned against the other countertop.
"You okay?" I asked and he looked at me.
"I have to see Ten again" he groaned. I laughed.
"If you want you can stay here" I said hesitantly.
"Thanks but I can't, I have to make sure my apartment isn't burned down" he laughed and I joined.
"Can I pick you up at 6?" I asked "you know so we can go camping" I elaborated and he smiled.
"Sounds good" he smiled. "Text me the details and what I'll need" he said and I got off the chair and checked the time on my phone.
"Oh shoot I don't have your number" I said out of shock. We've been hanging out so lately and I was shocked I didn't have it yet. He looked equally shocked.
"You're right, here give me your phone" he smiled. I nodded and handed it over after bringing up 'add new contact.' He typed a few things and handed it over. I checked it out and put it in my pocket.
"I get off early today so if you want to hang out around 5 I can pick you up" I said and he nodded.
"Thank you, sorry you're always having to deal with all the drama that goes down at my place" I laughed and ruffled his hair and he smacked my hand away jokingly. "Shoot I have to change" he said looking down at the pajamas I gave him.
"It's okay, you can return them later" I said "I hate to be rude but I really gotta go to work or my boss will butcher me" I said and he nodded and rushed to my room and came back with his phone and clothes. He slipped on his shoes and I put on my boots. I grabbed my keys and slipped my phone in my pocket and opened the door for him and he stepped out. I followed after shutting the lights off and locking my door. We walked out together and he bounced a bit.
"I can't wait for our camping date tonight" he said excitedly. I laughed.
"Why? Because you get to spend the night with a hot guy like me?" I asked and flexed jokingly. He punched my shoulder but I saw his blush.
"No, I'm bringing beer so I can see you do stupid stuff" he smiled wickedly. I pouted and we made it to our cars.
"So cruel" I said. He hugged me goodbye and he left first driving back to his place. I was smiling so much it hurt. I cursed myself and got in my car and quickly, but safely, drove to work.

I walked in and went to the locker room to put on my overalls but it felt hot today so I left to top half off and tide the sleeves around my waist so the zipper wouldn't unzip and then they would fall. I clocked in and my boss nodded approvingly at me. I saw Johnny sulking while he absentmindedly used a screwdriver on the outside of the truck he was working on. Unfortunately, I had to stop him before he got us in trouble by chipping the paint or putting a dent in it. I walked over. "Johnny you're gonna ruin the paint, stop" I said and put my hands on my hips and leaned on my left leg. He blinked and saw what he was doing and let out a string of curses. He looked at me and sighed.
"Jungwoo okay?" He asked and I chuckled.
"Yep, he put pictures of you on my old dartboard and threw the darts at your faces. His face paled and shock and fear was evident on his features.
"R-Really?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"Fuck no, he may be mad but he isn't that cruel" I said and he let out a sigh of relief. "Did you guys pay for the washer?" I asked and Johnny nodded.
"We used my paycheck from a few days ago and Ten's tips" he said.
"Ten home?" I asked and he nodded. "Jungwoo went back" I said and he groaned.
"God he's gonna kill us" he said.
"Why so you say that?" I asked.
"We cleaned the house cause we felt like shit and had sex on the couch and we can't get the stain out" he said. I cringed.
"Maybe I should let Jungwoo live with me" I said.
"I'm not gay" he mocked me and I grabbed a wrench and threatened to hit him on the head.
"Get back to work you hooligans!" Our boss shouted and I groaned.

It was officially 5:15, I was suppose to get off at 4:45 but my boss had other plans. I text Jungwoo a few minutes ago telling him it's me and that I had to stay a bit later. I took him we were unable to hang out before leaving because my boss is a dick, I also gave him the details of where we are going and what he needed. I finished putting a new tire on a truck. I cleaned everything up and went to the locker room and changed taking my overalls home since they were dirty. I clocked out and walked outside and got in my car texting Jungwoo that I have to stop at home and then I'll pick him up. He responded with okay and I set my phone in one of my cup holders and started my car and left my work place.

I arrived home and quickly set my overalls in a laundry basket and I took another shower since it was hot and I got sweaty and I feel gross. I finished after 10 minutes, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and reapplied my deodorant and cologne. I went back to my room and threw the towel in the laundry basket and grabbed my camping backpack and quickly packed the essentials. A med kit, flashlights, portable battery for our phones, food, water, lighter, change of clothes, deodorant, and a pocket knife. I had to put the sleeping bags and blankets in a separate bag.. I put it on after zipping it up. I grabbed a large tent that I kept in my closet and walked out with my keys and phone. It was now 5:45 and I texted Jungwoo I was on my way. I locked my door behind me and headed outside and popped my trunk. I put the items in it and shut it. I got in the front seat and started it and drove off.

I left my stuff in my car as I went up to Jungwoo's apartment. I knocked and I saw Jungwoo immediately opened it and smiled. "Let me get my bag and we can head out" he said and walked in and I followed him. I saw Johnny and Ten sulking as they scrubbed the couch. I smirked as they looked at me and Johnny flicked me off. "Johnny that's ten dollars" Jungwoo came back with a backpack, blankets, and two folded chairs. Johnny groaned and took out his wallet and handed him the money and Jungwoo put it in the jar. He glared at the pair. "And don't you dare use the money from the jar" he ordered and I saw both of them gulp and nod rapidly. Jungwoo faced me again with a smile. "Ready?" He asked happily and I nodded. We stepped out and I flicked the pair off while Jungwoo had his back to me. I quickly shut the door behind us and we walked out. I saw Jungwoo skipping a bit. We walked out and I put his bag, the chairs, and blankets he packed into the trunk. "At least we won't freeze" I joked and he laughed.
"Yeah" he said. We got in my car.
"Ready?" I asked and he nodded.
"Yep! Even packed a few beers in my bag for us" he smirked and I rolled my eyes and started to drive off. One hand on the wheel and my other hand resting on the center console. "Can I turn on the radio?" Jungwoo asked and I nodded.
Soon we were jamming out together like we have done before. It was really fun with Jungwoo, I'd never thought in a million years I'd be friends with him. I'm thankful I am.

We finally made it after an hour and we got out. "We have to hike for like 15 minutes depending on our speed" I said and he nodded. We grabbed our stuff and I locked my doors and we headed towards the woods and to a trail that people used to hike.
After awhile Jungwoo groaned and took a drink of water.
"I may be in pain but it's gonna be worth it" he said and I laughed and took a drink of water. We finally made it, it had taken 20 minutes due to what we packed and I led us through a few trees and into a clearing. He looked around happily. The sun was slowly starting to go down and we set our bags down and he helped me set up the tent. It fell a few times because we kept laughing.
"Let's get some fire wood" I said and he nodded and I led us into the woods and we collected the perfect sized wood and walked back and set it down. We decided not to light it yet and he took out two chairs and set them up. The tent was fairly large so we set our bags in it and laid the sleeping bags down and added blankets. He took out a water bottle and drank from it. He took out two mini coolers from his bag and opened them and took out a few beers for later and I groaned. He laughed and put some water bottled into the ice and zipped the coolers up. I took the food out so we could have a few snacks before we headed out, I also informed him were were leaving our phones behind. I wanted to show him around before the sun set.
We soon finished our snack and I took him out of the tent and we each brought a water bottle just in case and I led him down a path.
"Are you planning to kill me or something?" he asked looking around seeing more trees. I laughed.
"I'm not" I said and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He may be almost my height but I still had a few inches on him. I heard the rushing water and smiled and led him to another clearing, it was a small waterfall and I heard him gasp.
"Wow, that's pretty" he praised and I laughed and nodded taking my arm off of him and beckoned him to follow. He did.
"Look here" I said and crouched down by the water, it was calmer than usual. He bent down and I smirked and splashed him with water. He yelped and glared at me and I stood up and smiled widely seeing his glare. He stood and suddenly I was slashed with water, except it was from his water bottle. "What?! No fair!" I said and used my own. We laughed as we kept throwing water at each other.
We eventually ran out of water.
"I feel like a kid again" he laughed and I nodded.
"Same" I said and he smiled. Water was dripping from our hair and our clothes slightly drenched. He smirked and crossed his arms.
"I obviously won" he said gesturing to me, he's right. I was covered with more water than him. I ran towards him and he screamed and ran away. I grabbed him and bear hugged him from behind holding his arms as he giggled and flailed. "Lucas Wong!" He yelled but there was no threat, it was more of a laugh.
"Now we're both losers" I said and he laughed. God he sounds like an angel.
"Hmm sure" he said and I raised a brow. Before I knew it I was in the river, the water only up to my mid thigh since he pushed me in the shallow part and I managed to catch myself. Thankfully it wasn't really cold. I cringed feeling my socks and shoes get all wet.
"Ugh you're such a cheater" I accused him and he laughed. While he was hunched over laughing I snuck up and grabbed his hands and pulled him in with me. He yelped and glared.
"It's cold!" He shouted and I laughed loudly.
"No it's not" I said and splashed him with water. He glared and automatically returned the favor. I blocked my face and we continued our childish fight and eventually were both completely drenched. "Shit I forgot to pack towels" I said and he laughed.
"Don't worry, I packed some" he smiled.
We headed back and both cringed at our shoes making gross noises. We both set our shoes and socks down for them to dry. We took turns drying off in the tent with a towel each and dressing in our extra clothes. I let him go first and I saw the sun was setting with beautiful colors. He stepped out drying his hair with his towel. I saw he put on sweatpants and a t-shirt and fresh socks. He was also wearing slides. I went into the tent and stripped and dried off. I grabbed a similar outfit to his but I put on my extra pair of shoes. I stepped out bringing the food and we sat down in the chairs drinking water together and eating some more. We watched the sunset. "I think we should get you drunk now" he looked at me with a childish smirk. I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder playfully. He laughed. It was starting to get dark so I lit the wood making a fire and we watched as the sun went completely down. "Thank you for agreeing to go camping" he said with a smile and I nodded.
"I feel like a teen again" I laughed and he agreed. It started to get a bit cold so we got our sweatshirts and put them on. I took two beers out of one of the mini coolers and gave him one and sat back down. "Let's tell ghost stories" I said and he shook his head no.
"Nope, no way" he said.
"What? You scared?" I asked condescendingly and he glared.
"Maybe" he said and took a sip of his beer.
"How about more embarrassing stories?" I asked. He seemed to think.
"Alright" he said and I nodded.
"You first" I smirked and he glared.
"One time I was at the mall with a friend in middle school and we were messing around and he pushed me into the fountain and I tried to grab onto something and brought a lady down with me. Let's just say we had to pay for a new phone" he said and I laughed.
"Oh come on that's not too bad" I said and he pouted.
"And you have better ones?" He asked. "I don't know, you told me some pretty embarrassing ones" he smirked and I glared playfully and took another drink.
"Hmm well the first time I worked on a car it caught on fire" I said and he gasped.
"You're kidding!" He said.
"Yep" I said and he punched my arm and I rubbed it pretending it hurt.
"Be truthful" he said and I nodded and thought back on my life.
"This is really fucking embarrassing, you might even get secondhand embarrassment" I warned and he nodded.
"Tell me" he said excitedly.
"I was home alone and I was jacking off. Figures out I wasn't home alone and my dad walked in. I covered myself with my blanket. He just stood there and then his face went red. He walked out and shut the door mumbling about locking it next time." I said and he gasped.
"That is pretty embarrassing" he said with a blush, like I said. He got secondhand embarrassment.
"Oh there's more" I smirked. "After he left I heard my mom yell from downstairs. She said, and I kid you not, 'he was masturbating?!'" He cringed.
"I'd probably throw myself out the window" he said and I nodded.
"I wanted to" I said. "Then she gave me the talk again." I said.
"Again?" He asked and I nodded.
"I got it the first day of middle school and then again in high school. Not to mention sex ed" I said and took a gulp of my drink. It went silent for a minute. I was taking a drink and Jungwoo broke the silence.
"I walked into the girls bathroom" he spoke suddenly. I spit out my beer and he laughed embarrassed and I wiped my mouth.
"Was anyone in there?" I asked and he nodded and took another drink.
"Yeah, a few girls doing makeup. They looked at each other and then me. And you know what the 'leader' said?" He asked.
"What did 'the leader'" I mocked "say?" And he laughed.
"He's gay so it's cool." Is all she said and I kid you not I choked on my own saliva and ended up freaking out saying they can't tell anyone." He said and I laughed. "She told me most of the school thinks so also" he finished and I patted his back.
"How did the school react?" I asked.
"I went to a pretty chill school thankfully and some people tried to mess with me but Doyoung threatened to snap their necks and nobody made fun of me again. It only lasted a day" he laughed.
"Doyoung is fucking scary" I said and he nodded.
"He can be but he's also really sweet" he smiled. For some reason I felt jealous.
"You like him?" I asked, now it was his turn to choke on his beer. He wiped his mouth and shook his head no like crazy.
"Not at all, I only like him as a friend. Plus Jaehyun managed to get Doyoung to like him" he laughed.
We were a few drinks in and finally drunk. The fire had already went out and we were in the tent watching YouTube together on my phone, thankfully I have data that even works out here. We were watching TikTok compilations. My stomach hurt from laughing so much. The beer made it really funny and he was laughing just as much as me. "These are so dumb!" He exclaimed and I agreed but we laughed together. We were on our stomachs shoulder fo shoulder as I held my phone. He yawned and I bopped his nose and he scrunched it and poked my cheek. I nudged his shoulder and he did the same. I laughed and turned off my phone and we continued to play around and somehow I landed on top of him. He stared up at me. I completely laid on him and he grunted. "You're heavy" he laughed and I flexed my arm.
"All muscle" I said and he laughed.
"Sure" he said and I brought my head up.
"What does that mean?" I asked and he smiled.
"Nothing" he cooed and I glared.
"You think it's not all muscle?" I asked with a pout. He bit his lip smiling. I sat up and struggled to take off my shirt but eventually got it off. I was straddling his hips sitting on his lower stomach. "You've seen this before? Why are you blushing?" I teased and he pouted and poked my stomach and I laughed. He smirked and I frowned. "Wait Jungwoo don't you dare! I swear to-" started but he flipped us and started tickling me and I laughed like a mad man and tried to push his hands away from me.
"Aw, strong Lucas Wong is ticklish" he cooed and I glared but kept laughing.
"You're so cruel" I said and he laughed and smiled down at me. He stopped and he leaned down and ruffled my hair.
"I like what I see" he smiled, his face red from drinking and probably blushing. I blushed hard.
"W-what?" I asked. He laughed and poked my cheeks.
"I said I like what I see, yes you're body is hot but I like seeing you smile" he said and I smiled widely with a smug look. He rolled his eyes.
"Don't let my compliment about your body get to your head" he poked my forehead and I rubbed it. He got off me and laid back down on his said and yawned. "I had fun today, we should go camping again" he said and faced me. I chuckled and laid on my side to face him.
"Tired?" I questioned and he nodded. "Are you not?" He asked.
"I am" I said. I sat up feeling cold and tried to put on my shirt.
"Big baby" he lectured and I blushed at the name and he helped me put my shirt on. We laid back down and I yawned.
"Goodnight" I said bringing the blankets over me. He did the same.
"Goodnight" he said. I felt myself slipping into sleep when I felt his hand hold mine. I smiled falling asleep.

A/N: Wow look, I finally did a fluffy chapter : )
It's longer this time, hope you like it <3

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