Chapter 9: Once lost, now found

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A/N: I know I didn't update anything last weekend, but I attended my grandfather's funeral and spent the time with family and remembering his life. I also have my fall semester coming next week so I'm going to be picking up the pace here. Onwards to the next chapter.

(Normal pov)

"My queens, we've arrived at the Enchanted Forests!"

Elsa and Anna, who were both going over their father's journal and maps regarding the Enchanted Forests and what mysteries it holds. The two Haddock women looked outside the window of their carriage and it was very foggy, and colder since they were near the mountains. Their bodyguards were on top of horses and surrounded the carriage in tight formation, to ensure that the Queens of Arendelle were protected from whatever may be lurking in fog and cold.

After learning that the voice contacting her was a lost sister, Elsa disclosed this revelation with Anna, who was beyond shocked. Their parents never told them of their sister Sophia, perhaps the memory of losing her so easily would be too painful, thus keeping this knowledge from Elsa and Anna both.

Both Elsa and Anna knew they were in uncharted territory, they had never ventured to the Enchanted Forest before, they hadn't even believed this place existed. But thanks to Sophia communicating to Elsa, she confirmed this place was very real and that it held not only a tribe of Vikings known as the Hidden but that it also held people called Alaskans and Sami. Sophia said that these people who coexist with the Hidden value peace more than war, so perhaps they could come to terms with them and offer land, livestock, and introduce them to the Christian faith.

"Did Sophia tell you how many Vikings dwell within the Enchanted Forest?" Anna inquired to Elsa, who was looking over the maps of this uncharted region of Arendelle. "She didn't say," Elsa replied, "but a handful of our guards won't be enough to drive them out and reclaim our long lost sister. Sophia has informed me that the Hidden's chieftain, Arne, allows her the freedom to bathe in privacy and roam the encampment but when nightfalls, she's returned to her cell."

"Oh, I pity her," Anna said with sympathy in her voice, "being ripped away from us before we even entered their world. I can't imagine how she has survived among the heathens for so long." Elsa took Anna's hand and squeezed it. "Because our sister is strong," she then added, "the hope of being rescued by her family and her dependence on God is the reason for her survival. But we will recover her and ensure that she is returned home."

The carriage then came to a sudden and violent stop, causing Elsa and Anna to gasp and grab hold of something, catching themselves from being hurled out of their seats. Looking out the window of their carriage, Elsa and Anna laid eyes on torches approaching and eerie whispers filling their ears, as if the hissing of a serpent that was stalking them and would soon lash out to devour its prey.

Drawing their swords, the personal guards of Arendelle's queens prepare themselves for battle as the torches that surround them suddenly extinguish and the whispers cease as well. For a moment, all is quiet, the only sounds that are heard are the neighs of the horses and murmurs of Elsa and Anna's protectors.

"Keep your eyes open! Whatever is lurking in this fog, they're out there and will strike soon enough. We must be ready to fight and to protect our queens!"

The head guard barked out to his comrades, at that very moment, an arrow came out of nowhere and struck the guard right between the eyes, killing him instantly. Elsa and Anna inhaled sharply at the sight and quickly packed their father's maps and journals of the Enchanted Forest and prepared to run. Anna had a sword strapped to her waist and was prepared to strike anyone down if they dared to attack herself or Elsa. "We cannot stay here," Elsa murmured out, "no doubt our attackers are the Hidden, preventing us from recovering our sister."

"Then they shall be struck down for not only kidnapping our long lost sister but for striking down sons of Arendelle," Anna said firmly, "we can quickly take one of the horses pulling our carriage while our guards buy us time." Elsa considered Anna's suggestion and found herself in agreement, they had little time before they would be overrun and their guards would be dispatched to the afterlife. The two queens exited their carriage and leaped upon one of the horses that pulled their transport, severed the bond that held it to pull the carriage, and urged the four-legged beast to ride like the wind.

"Ikke la dem slippe unna!!"

An enraged tongue that spoke Norse reached Elsa and Anna's ears and they continued to urge their horse to ride and evade the Vikings that finished off the last of the guards who accompanied them. Despite their vision being clouded by the thick fog, Elsa could see through it clearly as she steered the horse to evade any obstacles in their way. Anna had her arms wrapped tightly around Elsa's torso, while also taking deep breaths to calm her racing nerves as arrows whirled by their heads and the cries of Vikings in pursuit, yet quickly fading as they could not see through the fog as clearly as Elsa could.

Soon enough, the only sounds that could be heard were the huffing and puffing of their horse and its hooves treading through the foggy forest. Anna turned around to see if they were still being followed, but was relieved to see that their attackers were not continuing their pursuit. "We lost them," Anna murmured in Elsa's ear, "where do we go now?" Elsa steered the horse through the thick fog and panted out. "Sophia will be our guide," she then continued, "there's a river that leads to the Hidden's encampment. All we have to do is follow it and pray that Sophia will be there waiting for our arrival to liberate her from the heathens who ripped her from our family's grasp."

"The villains will meet their end," Anna said firmly, "but for now, we must reclaim our sister." Elsa nodded in agreement and urged their horse to ride faster into the fog.

(Sophia's pov)

The water that surrounded my entire body was cold and unforgiving as if I was being stabbed by trillions of knives. I have felt this pain for twenty-eight years of my life, the only thing keeping the pain at bay was the hope of my family rescuing me from the hands of the heathens, and at last my prayers have been answered. My thoughts turn towards my impending rescue, I informed Elsa to meet me here at this river so that I can finally be rid of the heathens that ripped me away from my home.

My lungs burn with the sudden need to breathe, I rise out of the icy waters that I was submerged in and exhale shakily as I look to the heavens and sigh heavily. I still can't believe that my parents are no longer in this world, they met their end at the hands of Vikings. These savages have robbed me of so much, and I would but return the favor and strip them of their lives and erase their existence from history.

Elsa has told me that she, and my younger sister Anna's husband is set to banish the Vikings from our lifetime. An effort that I would gladly take part in, and honor the lives of my parents by striking down the heathens who plague England.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts at the sound of war horns soundings and the cries of Viking warriors preparing themselves for a confrontation. The sounds of horses burst through the thick forest, several of Arne's bodyguards and the man himself appear before me. Covering my breasts from their eyes, I give them a questioning look. "The war horns have sounded, is there something I should know?" Arne dismounts his horse and approaches the edge of the river that I'm bathing in and nods in confirmation. "Several of my scouts have returned and gave me their report," he then glared at me before continuing, "they struck down several soldiers who were sons of Arendelle. My men also reported they laid eyes on Queen Elsa and Anna Haddock, they both managed to escape their deaths and remain at large."

"I pray that they will arrive to strike you down for your sins against Arendelle," I snarled out, "you and your pack of savage dogs will burn in the fires of hell." For the first time since I've known the man, Arne gives me a murderous glare and brandished his teeth at me, his ferocious demeanor vanishes into one of amusement and he barks out a laugh. "Do you truly believe two pampered queens stand a chance against me and my men?"

"A man's hubris can drag him to his doom," I said with a smirk, "and to be underestimated is an incredible gift." My smirk vanishes and is replaced with curled lips of hatred. "I have had my fill of you and your people," I raise my hand towards Arne and my powers of stone wrap around him like a serpent, "you are the man who took me away from my home, my people, and my parents. I know avenge myself by taking your life." Arne's bodyguards quickly dismount their horses and rush towards me with swords drawn, but with a flick of my wrists, I hurl razor-sharp rocks at their heads. The projectiles succeed in cutting straight through their helmets as my powers of stone send them to their ends, the sight caused Arne to gasp in awe, horror, and shock. "S-Such power," he breathed out, "you would've been a most useful weapon to wield against the Saxons."

Rising out of the water, exposing my nakedness to my captor, and "host" was most undeserving, but my hatred for this animal caused me to cast aside such thoughts and caused me to turn my attention to the constricted Arne. "Despite the bravado of a "peaceful" man one who craves knowledge, you never fooled me," I spat out, "you are like all Vikings— bloodthirsty, godless, and barbaric. And now your life in this world has come to its conclusion." I clench my fingers together and stone that constricts Arne begins to tighten, causing the man to cry out in agony while struggling, desperately trying to free himself, a fruitless effort.

"You want me to kill you quickly," I stated while noting the fear in Arne's eyes, "something you deserve, but I would savor your death. All the years you robbed from me, I would now rob you of life and breath and savor your demise by my hand." Arne's screams of agony have filled me with sadistic pleasure, I know that this deed would stain my conscience, but it's already stained beyond belief. My childhood was tarnished because of this man and his people, despite the wishes of reversing the sun and reclaim the years that were stolen from me, my lust to see this man dead is finally at hand.

As I clench my right hand into fists, Arne spits out mouthfuls of blood while crying out to the heavens in agony. Coughing violently, he looks into my eyes while silently pleading for his life. I scoffed in amusement. "Your death will be far from the battlefield," I continue, "and when you are struck from this world, you will find that Valhalla and your gods are a lie! You will not feast in Odin's halls, you will burn in hell and suffer for all eternity!" I then clench my left hand into a fist and Arne's chest bursts open with flesh and blood, while his heart is pierced by razor-sharp stone. His eyes become lifeless and he breathes his last.

I then spit in his face while putting on a clean long sleeve dress and my winter boots, the neighing of a horse catches my attention and I quickly turn to the sound to see... Elsa and Anna on horseback. The sight of my sisters causes tears to burn in my eyes, my breath quickly fleeing from my lungs, their resemblance to our mother was uncanny. Elsa and Anna both offer me warm smiles, their eyes held love that I was denied for so long, and this was an opportunity to know my sisters. Elsa then gestured behind Anna and grinned. "Are you ready to leave this place and return home?" I returned her grin and nodded furiously. "I long for it," I approach their horse and am helped up thanks to Anna, "let's go home," I say with a bright smile. Elsa nods and urges the horse to take off while I cling on to Anna's torso as our horse rides like the wind.

At last, I am free! I once was lost, but now I'm found.

And I would aid my family in banishing the Vikings from our lifetime

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