Am I back?

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((Hi it's been a while, so I'm back in a Transformers mood so re read over my old writing to see what I made happen previously so now I think I can continue on with this story as I remember what I planned to happen. My writing style might be a bit different since I mostly rp these days instead of write fanfics but I hope you'll all still enjoy it.

And while re reading it, I realised the only way for this to make sense is to say that RID 2015 didn't happen in this version of the Transformers Prime universe and they found a different way to bring back Cybertron without killing Optimus, so yeah.

Let's see how many chapters I can get out before I loose motivation again.

Thanks for the support this book has still received since I left. Love you all xx

New chapter will be out as soon as I can

Author x

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