Chapter 1

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Bleep bleep bleep! Arg, I slammed my hand on the alarm clock to shut the blasted thing up as I really didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to.

Hi I'm Y/N, I'm a 23 year old woman who lives in Jasper, Nevada, and works as a part time inventor mostly full time engineer, and of course I love it but it could be annoying when I don't wanna move because I'm always needed somewhere at least once per day as I'm very experienced in my trade after all I have been doing this for 3 years since I graduated from University ( idk how long an engineering degree takes to complete sorry ).

I got up then washed and dressed into: (any colours you want, we don't have to dress too formally at a factory)

And walked out my front door with a f/c (favourite colour) rucksack on my back.

My work was only a couple blocks away from my house so I didn't need to bother driving, anyway walking's good for me, so I trecked down the path towards my work, Ford. As I approached the door a tall man with sleek black hair stood there, he was chatting with my boss, Tyler , about something but as it wasn't my business I just walked past them.

"Y/N" Tyler called out so I turned back to him his gray hair falling over his oval spectacles, "this is Jack he's new here, Jack this is Y/N our head engineer, I was wondering Y/N could you show him around the complex as we don't have any assignments for you to do at the moment" he asked a smile planted on his wrinkly pleasant face "I'll probably have work later but sure" I replied not making eye contact with Jack, 'I know him' I thought. "Splendid well I'll see you 2 later bye" he said while walking into the building.

~<{Time skip brought to you by Ratchet's badassness}>~

I had finished showing Jack all around the complex and I was about to head off home as surprisingly Tyler dismissed me earlier when "Y/N" I spun round to see Jack walking towards me his eyes focused on mine "yeah" I replied quickly, " your the Y/N from back in high school aren't you?" He asked crossing his arms, "yeah you just noticed Jack" I said smirking. "Anyway... do you wanna hang out as we've both been dismissed?" "Yeah sure."

As we strolled down the street by a park near our work, we found a bench and chose to sit down. After around an hour of this I was surprised to see 2 purple and black cars pull up by us their' windows were blacked out so I couldn't make out a driver. Both Jack and I stared at them, I noticed his eyes were full of fear and worry whie I was just confused. But then something unexpected happened.

They Transformed.

Hey I hope you like the story so far it's not like my useal fanfictions as I want to write fanfictions of the other  franchises/ stuff in general I like. I hope you guys continue to support me as you guys are the reason I write all my fanfictions.

Love u all, love from Author x

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