Chapter 5

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Optimus transformed back into his Bot form back in base after I had gotten out of him. The moment I got out Jack rushed over to me and pulled me into a hug "I saw what happened in town glad to see you're ok" he mumbled into my shoulder, I smiled and returned the embrase. After splitting apart I glanced up at Prime who got down onto one knee (is it happening is it happening 0-0) and looked at me "what happened back there?" (Got ya hopes up didn't I, wait for the book name to come true) "well I was working and was called out to check out a car, by a company, which had been messing up, when I checked it out I found some forgien technology was attached into it, then the car transformed. When it left I followed it out and saw lots of useal human vehicles transforming then they all attacked everyone" I told OP looking into his large blue optics. "Well it sounds like the work of deceptions, especially with how they attacked you all" "or it could be A.I.M" Ratchet commented still focused on his computer monitor not even noticing us all. We all remained silent before Optimus spoke up "it's best if you stay here Y/N as you tried to attack one of the 'transformers' so you may be in more danger then last time" "ok I understand Optimus, I can still go to work can't I?" I questioned concerned about what would happen to my job "of course just you'd need to come back here after work, then at night go back home" I nodded even though it ment I couldn't do much inventing unless I gave up my sleep.

After that I spend part of my day with Miko, she kept trying to convince to play her guitar convinced I could play well on it "Miko I have my own guitar back at home but it's modified so I don't know if I can play yours" "please try" Miko begged me looking at me with a puppy look on her face "ok fine" I begrudgingly answered picking up her guitar and plugging it into the Amp. I started to play f/s/ (favourite song with guitar in it) on it, Miko just stared at me mouth gapping "woah Y/N that's amazing" "thanks" I responded smiling, I started to sing along to the song and Miko started to dance to me playing.

Optimus Prime POV

Incredible, Y/N was good at singing, it reminds me slightly of the ballads back on Cybertronian. I continued to listen to her until I felt a servo placed on my shoulder "Optimus are you alright?" It was Bulkhead "yes Bulkhead I'm fine, just listening" "yeah Y/N is good at playing and singing" "yes it reminds me of Cybertronian songs" "slightly, but this song isn't as thought provoking as our songs" "yes."

Suddenly, the proximity sensor went off causing us all to turn our heads and Y/N to stop playing, Ratchet strode over to the console "it's Agent Fowler" he declared "who's that?" Y/N asked "Agent Fowler is our designated Leasant to the outside world, he useally only turns up when there's a problem but he's been, hopefully, working with Jack, Miko and Rafael for the last few years since the deceptions left." Agent Fowler walked out the lift that lead to the roof shouting "PRIME!"


Seemingly Agent Flower shouted. Wow he wasn't scared of a giant robot and was just shouting at Prime this guy must be badass. "What the hell happened with those cars, they all transformed!" He yelled glaring at Optimus "Agent Fowler we think it has something to do with some technology located inside of the vehicles wiring that caused them to transform" "and how do you know this?" He demanded. Chossing this moment as my time I said "because I found the technology and saw one transform for myself!" Fowler looked around at me as did everyone else "and how do you know how these cars are put together?" "Because I make these cars myself and know what belongs in my own desgined car." Fowler and I remained in silence looking at eachother before he walked back into the elevator saying "well I hope you can deal with these bots Optimus or the government is gonna have to repay alot of folks for blowing up their cars" and with that he left.

After he was gone I strode over to the human section and planted myself on the sofa with my head resting on my hands with elbows pressed on my legs. Sometimes I think I'm too aggressive for my own good, he's a government agent I shouldn't try and piss him off. Breathing out, I looked over to see Optimus walking towards me with faceplate as plain as ever "Y/N thank you for backing me up with Agent Fowler but you shouldn't try and aggravate him he's only concerned for his country that's all, there's no need to be rude to him" I sighed again staring at the ground "yeah I know, I guess I just get a bit too annoyied when people act like pricks to someone who didn't do anything wrong ye know?" I responded "I understand" he replied before walking off back to the bots.

We really need to figure out what the deceptions are planning.

There ya go real chapter hope you enjoyed it. I gave you a start to the developing relationship between Y/N and Optimus Prime which is good as probably some people were waiting for it to start.

Author x

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