Chapter 7

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I woke up on the couch around an hour later, I raised my head up looking round to see Ratchet peering at his PC, re-directing my gaze I saw Miko, Jack and Raf all playing videogames. I heard wiring sounds from behind me and saw the ground bridge opening, Optimus stepped out "where you been?" I asked him, he glanced at me "dealing with an issue" he responded not looking at me (for anyone who reads my Q&A book there's a little reference for ya, if you haven't read it you won't get where he was) I shrugged it off thinking nothing interesting must of happened otherwise he'd say something, I think.

"PRIME!" The sound of a badass who annoys the shit outta me approaches. Fowler came out the elevator to meet Optimus who stood near the entrance, "is it true that one of these new bots was located in a military base?" Fowler demanded, ok this motherfucker needs to learn how to give some damn respect to Optimus that dude's just coming in here and acting like he's the biggest man when clearly he's not. "Yes Agent Fowler our human friends did some research into the event's of yesterday and found a 'transformer' in a military base in Arizona" OP replied keeping a cool head, how the hell does he do that! "I know that base I'll look into that, bye" and he left, now what was the point in that he could've just called in on his com and asked about this instead of being asshole to Prime, wait why am I feeling so protective of him he's a giant robot. I felt my cheeks burn weridly, why the fuck am I blushing? I never blush!

I saw Prime move over to a corridor which lead off to the Autobot bedrooms, wait why'd he be going to 'poweroff mode' he had all last night to sleep, I stopped that line of thinking though as it was hypocritical of me to think. I watched Arcee come past me and settle down infront so I decided I should try and engage her in conversation, I hopped over the rail and went over to her sitting down by her. "Hey Arcee" I said looking up "oh hi Y/N" she replied looking down at me "done anything cool today?" I asked "no just investigated an energeon mine, apart from alot of old Cybertronian equipment nothing was there, the deceptions must of got it ages ago" I looked away across the ground towards the wall "sounds funner then what I get to do" "I thought you were an inventor, you must see things more interesting then that?" She questioned "most my stuff explodes or just doesn't get noticed so no" "well what have you made?" "I've made a bunch of custom designed guns, more ion powered grenades then I care to admit, servel pollution cleaning contraptions and Imma a sucker for making robots funnily, not complicated ones but still robots no the less" I recited "and you say that isn't fun?" "No no making them is fun but it's just..." I breathed a sigh focusing on the cieling "I've been shunted for years for my stuff people thinking what I make isn't good enough, and when it is decent someone always finds away to steal my desgins and takes credit for it" my eyes became glassy retelling this, tears wanted to push their ways out my eyes but I didn't let them. "Well I think your machines are good" she added giving me a look of pity "you've never seen what I've made" I emotionlessly said not looking at her "well they sound good" "only sound."

I got up from where I had sat and stared at her with my eyes almost squinting "but thanks" I said finally walking off to the car entrance "where are you going Y/N?" Ratchet called after me "for some fresh air" I responded not looking back just continuing walking.

Optimus Prime POV

I came out of my bedroom and saw Y/N go through the car entrance "Ratchet why is Y/N leaving?" I questioned "she said that she needed fresh air" he told me I nodded but was still worried. "Optimus" I looked down and saw Arcee "there's something you must know" and she told me all about what Y/N had said. This tipped me a little over edge with worry I decided to go and talk to her, so I transformed and followed her.


I heard a honk from behind me and saw Optimus pull up and open his door "want to go for a drive?" He asked me "ok" I replied dreamily getting into him seat belt clipping round me before he sped off, door shut. We sat in silence just this time uncomfortable silence, he drove up to a cliffside carpark which was empty, he parked close to the end and looked out over it, it took what felt like forever before he finally admitted "Arcee told me about what you told her" "and?" I responded the sunset reflected in my e/c eyes "I'm sorry no one respects your work" he mentioned "it isn't your fault OP so there's no need to say sorry" I didn't want to talk about the last few years of my experience in the world of inventing "we are all here for you if you need us, your family too" "you barley know me" I'm a hypocrite I'm doing exactly what Fowler was "maybe not but I'd be willing to learn about you" I looked at his steering wheel as I don't know how to look at him otherwise "really?" I questioned not believing him "yes." I smiled, something that strangly felt alien to me even more then them "I should take you home as you have work tomorrow" "yeah thanks" he pulled out and drove off to my place. Once I got out he transformed into bot form and he weridly picked me up and hugged me to his chest "see you" then he rolled away.

Hey Cybertronians, new Chapter from the author with writers block. I'M SO HAPPY that this book has got alot of love from you guys, you are the reason I still write this, even though I don't know why you read it as it's crap. But I'm glad you like it.

Author x

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