06. Mate

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When Thorn and Catherina walked into the home—they both shared a look at how empty it seemed.
Edward had noticed their confusion immediately and came to their side with the answer on hand," Mostly everyone that's come to witness is currently out hunting—and my family are out making sure they don't accidentally hunt on the Quileute's territory"

"Where is your daughter? I would assume she isn't included in that mix" Catherina faced towards—though her eyes were focused on solely the immortal, she had failed to realize the small family portraits on the corner shelves. If she had focused to the details, she would have discovered that she was currently in her own brother's residence—the brother whom she assumed for a very long time to have been gone from the world.

"She's with my wife at our home" Edward explained," Renesmee still requires her sleep" He lightly joked.

"Interesting" Catherina perked up nodding her head hearing about the child. She had kept herself from asking so much questions and instead just had a casual conversation with the telepath.

Thorn, on the other hand, had been asking Jacob questions uninterrupted—regardless of him overly talking the Alpha had been happy to oblige not being able to resist the way he saw the warlock's reactions every time he said anything. He was sure for a couple of times spent talking to Thorn, he swore he reminded him of Carlisle. He didn't know if it was because he just spent most of his time with the Cullens or it was purely a coincidence.

Emmett had left the four, to keep the only other vampire present company. Garrett—who was currently occupying the library, isolating himself on trial of his sudden declaration of changing his diet. The brawny Cullen had no idea what overcame Garrett when he suddenly just announced trying to go vegetarian.

After seeing what Renesmee had shown him, and being in the company of not only the Cullens but the exceptional Denali's; he wanted to adventure into what comes from possessing those hypnotizing and rare golden eyes.

However, he was now consumed with the scent of the woman that had drawn him. Strangely, it was not her blood at all that had him weak, it was the eccentric scent of roses making it a spellbinding aroma that had him weakened.

His internal struggle of craving for human blood had been in the back of his mind. Simply, because he was craving the scent of just her alone. It wasn't a compulsion; it was a passionate desire of being drawn to her.

When Emmett walked into the Library, he saw the captivated expression on the nomad's face leaving him to smirk in amusement. He had seen what had happened earlier—having known Garrett was on the balcony observing—waiting just in case he would jump in and help. However, he did not expect to see his old friend find his mate—in a witch nonetheless.

Garrett had broken out of his daze and turned to see the pleased looked on Emmett's face. He narrowed his eyes leaving his lips to stay straight," You saw"

"I did" A laugh broke out of the Cullen's throat patting the nomad's shoulder," You are whipped, my friend"

"I'm not" Garrett denied with a wave of a hand

"Oh, right" Emmett shook his head in mock," You have an interest in my good ol' cousin, Katie. Well, good luck trying to ignore the mate bond" He added ending with a laugh and walking off with a single wave.

"It's not gonna happen!" The nomad said with cockiness in his voice. He just shook his head letting a small laugh through and sat back on the armchair. He closed his eyes and once again consumed by the strong scent—falling deep into what he denied.

It was near impossible to avoid the pull of your fated mate—and Garrett was an adventurer. So, he was not sure if he was ready for his freedom to be tied down by 'destiny'

However, fate was a fiddly thing; because as to have it—The scent of the witch grew stronger, and the sound of footsteps had pulled him out of his trance. Once he opened his eyes, the blonde blue-eyed beauty was suddenly in the same room as him.

Her eyes had travelled around the room scanning the audacious décor, though before she could actually go for the portraits—her body pulled towards the male in the room. She licked her dry lips calming her nerves that took over.

Garrett froze. Just the small gesture of watching her lick her plump lips had him dramatically gulp. Catherina having seen the movement of his Adam's apple reacted in folding her arms. She was not sure if the gesture was because of his thirst and it had her insecurity rise.

She had the lack of knowledge on vampires finding her blood tempting—or found it as distinctive scent that had them step back in disgust.

It was a bit poised at the thought of assuming her blood was tasteful, but she rather reason of the negatives before allowing herself to be consumed by only the positiveness.

Garrett's lip upturned into a smirk leaning on his palm," Hey there pretty lady, the names Garrett" The poetic flair of his tone fell to her ears; as much it was harmony to her Catherina—who for a second considered the situation as fate, felt her face contort in annoyance. She was left frowning openly tightening the fold of her arms. Her confidence was just thrown out the window and left her in exasperation.

He was the complete opposite of what she found attractive about a man. His personality just screamed an extreme trait of playfulness that she 'd rule in as a big role of hurting her. It was also not just the simple mediocre first impression—it was hearing his thoughts—his immodest and uncomforting thoughts.

Catherina forced a smile in an attempt to conceal the scowl," Catherina, it's a pleasure" Just like earlier, the smile that brightens her features had not reached her eyes. While, she did find it interesting that the person fate decided to place her with; was the exact opposite of what she saw intriguing by the common interest of taste, she was still provoked to it judgmentally.

She had a fair share of men similar to him, that she would disclose on not wanting to venture through again. In all her expectations of 'what to find in a partner' Garrett was the last on her list, but she knew how it was going to be nearly impossible to reject.

Because, her compassion was the main source of it, being her ultimate worst enemy.

She was having an internal battle with trying to even out the pro and con of the sudden encounter; leaving Catherina vulnerable. Luckily, Thorn having heard her inner turmoil; came to his mother's aid as soon as he could. Once he walked into the room, his eyes fell onto the Vampire that was just observing his mother.

He let out a small growl through holding one of her arms with the both of his. The sight in which would display as a young child latching onto their parent in a defending manner—in a sense of warning Garrett to not try anything with his mother.

The nomad couldn't explain the way the pair had captivated his line of sight. It was dangerously compelling with how it caused his body to shudder in fear. He was not sure if it was solely the male that was causing it, or if it is beingnext to his mother that did.

"Edward said he prepared a room for us" Thorn announced completely ignoring the nomad in the room. He didn't bother to acknowledge him and it was probably because of his newly discovered ancestry and the vampire was his natural enemy now. However, in the case of it, it seemed unlikely and Thorn was just not a fan of Garrett.

"It would be wise for us to rest" Catherina acknowledged allowing her voice to lace with the tiredness she was holding back. Her head turned towards her supposed fated mate and nodded her head," Until next time, Garrett"

Garrett smiled upon her words waving with just his fingers," Sleep well, beautiful" Thorn had loudly scoffed walking out dragging his mother. Along the way out he mumbled a few inappropriate swear words which had Catherina mentally scold him.

Sure, she found the nomad somewhat bothersome—but she was still a mother first and she made sure to keep her son from impoliteness as much as possible. She taught him to only use the excuse of rudeness if they deserved it and despite the nomad's personality, she was not going to put him in that place.

He was currently present, as a witness for the infamous child she had yet to meet. It was most likely that reason, that Catherina had found him likable. She knew the dangers of being at the residence—they were against a massive group of vampires that was distressingly worrisome.

A group that killed without hesitation reminding Catherina of the trauma her father caused.

Once Catherina and her son reached the room Edward had prepared for them, she took the chance to raise a barrier around their room. She wanted to sleep in peace without the worry of being snacked on by any of the vampires that came to witness for the young child.

Sure, it may have been a discourteous gesture; but she was still human after a witch along with Thorn. She knew her limits and she was just about to reach hers.

"He's your mate" Thorn blurted out while he situated himself at the large window with his back facing his mother

Catherina allowed a sigh to fill the air throwing herself on the large bed," I kind of hope you didn't notice that"

Thorn let out a bitter laugh unintentionally," How could I not? The way your nerves grew and the way he eyed you like his property it was hard not to notice"

"Maybe we are too hard on him" Catherina added in minor consideration that had been still present within her mind. She cursed silently at the sensation that she couldn't deny through her curiosity on wanting to get and know the male over just his randy thoughts.

Thorn did not respond and kept his annoyance to himself. He hated the idea of the chance of the male being his mother's partner. But, he was solely dedicated to caring on whatever his mother chose and if the nomad was what she wanted—he was going to support it.

However, despite Catherina's declaration of disliking Garrett's cockiness and lewd thoughts—a very inconsequential part of her also helplessly craved it.

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