11. Foolish

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             Speaking with Carlisle had been exactly what Catherina needed. Her resolve for the upcoming battle was strong and she was prepared in case a battle ensued.

However—her mind was far from preparation, because of the overwhelming emotions she was receiving from every single being within the vicinity.

It was as if the voices had no control and the volume for them had only maximized. For Catherina, even a spell was futile on shutting them out because of the strength of uncontrollable emotions. When her eyes fell onto her slumbering son—Catherina had questioned if he too had the same problem, but then she remembered that he was not as sensitive to emotions as she was.

While she pondered about the unfathomable fate, she ended up getting out of bed and leaving the guest bedroom. She knew better to try forcing herself to sleep and did not want the unnecessary stress to start showing on the possible battle within just a week.

"Having trouble sleeping?" The low and husky voice of her fated pair filled her ears. It was a powerful sound that unknowingly muted the voices that she was trying to escape. When she noticed this—she turned to him and her eyes had a drooping expression.

It was one that somehow interpreted as asking him to speak more. Garrett had felt the jitters in his chest as he saw the way she looked at him. He didn't need to confirm it and he just knew not to be cocky, so he just abided to it without question.

As the two of them had confirmed their acceptance towards their fate—the two still had part of them that did not want destiny to define their paths, however, the will to fight it had been barely present within their minds.

"Out of everyone here," Catherina started as she leaned back on the bench she was sat on," Only my brother and you are the ones that don't have the fear of the upcoming encounter with the Volturi"

Garrett chuckled leaning his back on the railing and kept his eyes on Catherina who had the expression of a child that had lost their patience. He had thought that with his guard lowered making Catherina hear it loud as day.

"I've been compared to many things, but a child who had their candy taken away is the first" She huffed in embarrassment as blood rushed to her cheeks. The hue of red had been vibrant on her naturally pale skin and Garrett took in the sight as a victory. He found it amusing but also wholesome to his non-beating heart.

Though he was not sure of it himself because this was all new to him. The emotion of stability and steadiness was something he's never had. The nomad had only known of passion that only pleasured the needs of his body whereas the passion for love had been purely a mystery.

So maybe, his choice of acceptance to his fate was purely out of curiosity, however, the thought had not been much in his mind. He just desired the woman before him—the revelation before him.

It was not a feeling he's ever had and it scared him.

Nevertheless, just like him—Catherina felt the same. She was not sure why she decided to allow destiny to take control of her sceptical beliefs. It was possible that being alone had caused this wake in the storm, but it was not a question that could be answered through judgement.

"The Volturi" Catherina mumbled softly in a low voice," How do you suppose they'll handle this situation?"

Garrett tilted his head to one side and let out a breath that appeared from the coming winter. He didn't answer her right away since he knew that they were a complex bunch. The Volturi was a whole new level of complicated and the nomad wanted to give the best details he could.

"I'll explain the important ones," He said as he sat next to her and leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees.

Catherina nodded as she positioned herself to face Garrett directly "That would be most helpful"

"First, there is Marcus—one of the three leaders of the Coven. He's actually the least I know about, so I can't add much about the fella. He's probably not as fearful as the other two leaders since he's usually not the one who's violent. At least, from the little experience I've had with the man," Garrett said lightly as he added a chuckle towards the end," He's the dark, broody one and silent"

"Have you ever heard of silent but deadly?" The witch smirked playfully as she questioned the nomad in a teasing matter.

Garrett mirrored her smirk and leaned his chin on one of his palms," You always have a saying, don't you?"

Catherina chuckled to his words," Not really, I just prefer to consider the wages"

"And what do you have to say for me then, Milady?" Garrett shot back cockily

"Well, considering that your have your hair tied in a woman's underwear—I don't really have much to say but explicitly audacious"

"So, the next fella is Caius" Garrett swiftly changed the topic not wanting to end up digging his grave any longer. He listened to the voice in the back of his head that told him not to push his playfulness to a point of no return—especially with the woman that was his soulmate.

While it was still something, he was not fully intent on accepting fully, Garrett couldn't deny that he was looking forward to the impending trials of romance. One that was not just based on pleasure.

Catherina allowed the subject change, considering that it could be saved for playful banter later. She did enjoy the moment of rendering him speechless, but she considered that knowing the Volturi was top priority.

"He's rather the most ruthless of the three, I'd say he's the one I prefer never stumbling upon the same path as. I'll even say that if you breathe the same air as him, you are good as gone" Garrett shuddered at the thought as he closed his eyes for a split second," He advocates all the aggression and probably takes the cruellest methods to end someone"

"A blatant sadist?" Catherina phrased in her own terms which had Garrett blink a couple of times and unknowingly snorted to her words.

"No wise words on seeing another side of it?" Garrett added in between his stifled laughs

The female shook her head and frowned," Well, from the emotions you were giving off—It's enough for me to say that he's exactly as you explained"

"I'll have no shame admitting my fear for that one, for sure" The nomad cringed inwardly as he tried to shake off the male that probably induced nightmares with just peering into his eyes.

"What of the last leader?" Catherina questioned

Garrett lowered crossed his arms and turned to face her," While I said Caius is the most fearful—Aro is feared at a different level. He's the leader of the three that has the strongest desire for power. He's the one behind all the rules and regulations which follow in pursuit of whatever benefits him. He is callous when it comes to people who deem useless to him, but when he finds something he wants, it's almost impossible to escape his clutches"

Catherina sighed as she leaned her cheek in her knee, "Just as what you expect from a leader. He's a king in a throne that would ensue chaos if he was taken from it. Despite the fear, he's still the stability"

"Really?" Garrett looked at her in surprise," You don't think there can be someone better?"

Catherina closed her eyes for a moment and considered her next words carefully. While she was not acceptant to the cruel methods that the Coven practices—They had balanced the darkness from reigning the humankind to extinct. The Volturi did its deeds in a forbidding matter, but it was what kept things from wavering to anarchy.

Aro did his manners in a way to protect his kind and while it went against Catherina's beliefs, she understood that being a representation of the light, he was needed.

"Call me foolish" She started slowly," But I think he's the only one rational enough to keep things in control"

Garrett kept his gaze on his mate and considered her words. He was not optimistic about the ruling at all but somehow just hearing a uniquely different opinion about the Volturi had him consider what she said.

She was foolish indeed, but somehow, he felt like a fool as well.

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