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Author's note:
Hola peeps! Back with the next part. Hope you guys are doing well and thank you for the 150+ reads. It means a lot and please continue reading....


I woke up to see everything in white. Wait! Where am I? Am I in heaven? But I should be landing in hell for the number of times I cursed people. Why did I even land in heaven? I rubbed my eyes and found lil meow meow beside me sleeping. Did he also reach heaven? But he has so much attitude to be in heaven.

I looked at the surroundings clearly and realized that I was in a hospital. Ahh! I remember now? I fell unconscious on that bench behind the company building. Did this lil meow meow save me? I tried to move and he opened his eyes.

"Jin Ae", he got up and helped me to position myself. I smiled at him but he looked serious. Is he angry at me?

"Lil meow meow", I called him and showed him a 32 teeth smile but he just ignored it. I frowned at his actions.

"Why are you angry at me?", I pouted and looked at him. He just stayed silent. How can I understand him when he keeps silent? Am I his subconscious mind or what? Speak up, you little cat. I internally groaned in frustration.

"Yah lil meow meow, speak something", I nudged his arm but he just averted his gaze to another side. This is becoming too much. I am being sweet and he is being stubborn. Ahh Idea!

"Ouch", I held my head and he rushed to me.

"Jin Ae ah what happened? Should I call the doctor?", he literally panicked making me surprised. I never expected this response from him. I was just expecting him to turn to me. I looked at him intensely and he held my head.

"Jin Ae ah, is it paining? Shall I call the doctor?", he asked and I shook my head.

"I am sorry. It's not actually hurting anywhere.", I apologized as I tried to make him a fool when he is truly concerned.

"What? Like seriously? I just freaked out if you are having another concussion and you are trying to prank me?", he sounded stern and I could notice the anger in his voice.

"I am sorry", I lowered my head in guilt and his look softened. He let out a sigh and reached my hand. I don't know but I found myself tearing up already. Why am I getting affected when he is serious?

"I am sorry for shouting at you. Now don't cry", he wiped my tears with another hand and I shook my head in negation. Why would I cry? I am not a weak one.

"I am not crying", I stated and he let out a chuckle.

"Oh! Did I just forget that you are a Sun bear?", he teased me and I chuckled when he did that. He looked really cute and I felt like pinching his cheeks. Hearing my name from his mouth makes me feel really different. I am so used to the name Sun Bear by him.

"And you are one lil meow meow", I scowled at him and he let out a giggle.

"Did you bring me here?", I asked him and he nodded.

"I woke up and saw the missed calls from you. When I called you, you didn't pick up the call. So, I went to your convenience store, but you weren't there. It got me so worried and I rushed to your company building. But they said you left already. I was so worried about you, you know?", his eyes spoke the anxiety in him and I felt bad for worrying him.

"I didn't know what to do and where to search. Luckily, I found you behind the building on that bench. Who the hell sits over there where no one can find you?", he snapped at me and I bit my lip in embarrassment. I should ask for help or sit in a crowded place where people could help, but I did the otherwise.

"Speaking about it, your manager asked me to inform him about your well being. Wait a minute, I will make a call and come back", he told and excused himself. I wonder what kind of man to man talk they had that day. Are they planning something behind my back? What if they have joined their hands to kill me silently?

I shook my head for thinking so dumb. Did I lose my state of thinking or what? And then it hit me, who must have paid my hospital bills? As far as I remember, I don't remember bringing any money along and my wallet is just on the table. I reached it to check but none of the money is touched.

Did he pay the bills? Fuck! Why am I being such trouble for him? Ugh! I hate myself and these headaches.

"Why is your face like that?", he came back and I looked at him.

"Like what?"

"As if you are bothered about something. What is it?", he asked as if he read my face.

"I am just thinking.... Umm... did you pay my hospital bills?", I stuttered and looked at him. He let out a smile and nodded.

"But why? This hospital looks like a big one and the bill must have been high. You shouldn't have got me here", I felt bad for troubling him. I know the value of money and just can't accept it for free.

"What shall I do? Leave by yourself so that you shall die? Are you hit in the head or what? You were lifeless in my hands and you are talking about money huh? I almost died outside the ER when you were being treated. And look at you, still thinking about money?", he shook his head in disbelief.

I took a gulp down my throat when he mouthed those words. He looked very serious and lil meow meow is really dangerous when he is mad or serious. When he called me a friend, I thought he was just being casual about it but never thought he would be this caring and concerned. Should I say I am so touched now?

"I will pay you back", I stated and he nodded.

"Fine, pay me whenever you have money. And don't talk about it now", he told me placing his index finger on my lips. I just went silent at his gesture but I still have another question.

"But how did you manage it all alone?", I asked him despite his attempt to shush me. He looked at me giving a "What should I do with this girl?" look and shook his head, probably in disbelief.

"Jin hyung helped me. He was there till the treatment was done and he was the one who arranged the money in a short notice", he told me and I thanked his hyung internally for saving me.

"Convey him my sincere thanks", I told him and he smiled.

"But what actually happened to me?", I asked him. I was so dumb to not ask about this till now. This should be my first question.

"Will you stop flooding me with questions? We will talk about it in the house. The doctor said that you can be discharged tomorrow", he informed me and I nodded.

"Is it serious?", I asked him and he went silent for a moment. I want him to answer but he just stayed like that. His silence is now killing me.

"No, it's not. Now take rest", he got up to go but I held his hand. He looked at me with a very different emotion. He was feeling sad.

"Why do I feel like I am not able to think properly? Why am I getting so much pain? Did the doctor tell you anything?", I asked him hoping for an answer. He held my hand and squeezed it letting out a faint smile.

"You need to rest now. I will talk to you tomorrow regarding that. And don't worry, it's not that serious. Okay?", he assured me and I nodded. I want to believe him but I am scared since life has always been cruel to me.

"And I forgot. You need to have these medicines right now", he pulled out some capsules from the cover and handed me one by one. I gulped them down and he handed me the water. And then I remembered, I completely forgot to call Jina today. She must be worried.

I picked the phone and looked at the time. There were 4 missed calls from her and I battled whether to call her back or not. It's late now and she must be sleeping. So, I just texted her that I was busy during the work and couldn't lift the call, and that I will be calling her the next.

"Did you complete the work?", he asked me and I nodded. He grabbed the phone and placed it on the table. He helped me position myself in sleeping posture and I smiled at his warm gesture. He is being too sweet, just like his stage name, Sugar...

"Sun Bear", he called and I looked at him. He slowly leaned and kissed my forehead. Heat gushed up my cheeks at his action. Did he just kiss my forehead?

"Sleep well", he smiled and brushed my hair. I looked at him and this side of him is making me feel a different kind of emotion for him. Something which I could not describe. What is happening to me?

• • •

We reached the house finally and this lil meow meow kept helping me all the way while walking. He even ordered a cab for me which is a complete waste of money. Though I insisted on taking the bus, he paid no heed to my words.

"Just sit over here and I will make you something", he mouthed, and even before I could speak something, he placed his index finger on my lips.

"Don't speak anything. I am not able to talk with you", he muttered and I shot a glare at him. I am scared if he would cause a disaster in my kitchen. He never cooked and that is my biggest worry.

"I just don't want you to spoil my beautiful kitchen", I scoffed at him and he chuckled.

"My cooking skills are better than you. It's just that I am too lazy to cook, I order. So, don't worry", he patted my head and I scowled at him. Is he praising himself or insulting me?

He left me to watch the TV and I saw a cliché love story. I am getting bored of these dramas nowadays. I then remembered to call Jina. Shit!

I called her and it was answered in a second. She lifted the call and yelled on the other side that she was really worried about me. I lied to her that I was all fine and didn't tell her about my condition.

He got me boiled eggs, rice, meat, and seaweed soup. When did he even get the ingredients for this?

"You should eat boiled eggs every day for energy. The doctor prescribed them", he stated serving them on my plate. I ate them along with him. To be honest, his cooking skills are really great. But since it's related to pride, I am not going to appreciate them.

"You don't need to appreciate my dishes because they themselves appreciate me", he stated slurping down the soup and I rolled my eyes. This lil meow meow is really having a good amount of attitude mixed in his blood.

He washed the dishes even before I speak something. Is he thinking that I am paralyzed? My legs and hands are absolutely fine.

"Now tell me what had happened to me", I asked him as he scooted down beside me.

"I will tell you but you have to quit some of your jobs now", he spoke making me shocked. How can I quit those jobs? They pay me really well.

"No, I won't", I stated firmly. I could never do that.

"You will have to", he spoke with a stern voice. How can he take decisions on my life? I am not injured or something.

"I said I won't", I spoke louder than before.

"And I said you will have to, that means you will have to", he yelled, making me flinch. Why is he so serious about this? And why so suddenly?

"Why?", I wanted to know.

"Because.....", he paused and looked into my eyes.

"You have a tumor in your brain"


Yoongi cooking and looking so cool at the same time

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