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Author's note:
An early update I guess since I will be busy the whole day. And I hope you like the first episode. If you like this one, please vote and comment


Yoongi's Pov

"It is Yoongi. Yoongi made me do that. He was the one who plotted everything against you", my best friend blamed me in front of everyone.

"Shut the hell up, you bastard. We all know who did what. Cut your crap", Namjoon fired his words against him. I could see Jin hyung in tears. I never wanted this to happen. After all, what we did must have affected him a lot.

"Why are you all blaming me? Yoongi also did a mistake and why are guys putting it all on me", I could see Jackson yelling. Was he the friend whom I loved so much?

"Please don't talk anymore hyung. You have already hurt enough people in this room.", the maknae spoke standing beside Jin hyung, being the support which I couldn't give.

"We have already informed the manager and PDnim wants to talk to you", Jimin and Taehyung came into the studio shooting glares at Jackson who was very much astounded.

"Didn't you speak foul words against him? Didn't you try to exhaust him by giving him unnecessary works? Then why is it me who is getting all the blame? Is it because you are the only one who could produce music and I can't", Jackson groaned in frustration.

"It is because you manipulated me against him. I don't know why I listened to your words. I just trusted you blindly though my conscience kept telling me that I was doing wrong. I never thought you would do this to me, you would do this to us", I looked at Jin hyung who was very much disappointed at our words.

"Such a bastard", he held my collar. Taehyung ran upto him and punched him. Jimin immediately pulled me back. I never thought I would land up in a situation like this. I am so ashamed of myself for doing this. For trusting this asshole and ditching my brother like being.

"Jackson", Jin hyung called and everyone became silent.

"I never knew what wrong I have done to you. But I very well knew Yoongi is manipulated. I must have not overheard your conversations about me, but I did. I always cared for you like my own brother.", Jin hyung wiped the tear rolling down his cheek.

"Bullshit. Don't you dare call me your brother. That guy sitting beside you, your Jungkookie, is your brother. You completely forgot about us and just cared about that guy. And what good can you do the group except for the bloody damn visual you can give", Jackson scoffed at hyung and I could see Jungkook clenching his fists.

"Speak one more word hyung, we will forget that we know you", Jimin raised his voice, his eyes spitting fire at the man who caused all the mess.

"Guess what?", Jackson was about to say something but Namjoon was quick enough to interrupt him and save our ears from his filthy words.

"Shut the fuck up Jackson, the manager is calling you. Please get out of here", Namjoon directed him towards the door and he went out with a scowl on his face.

I looked up to see the situation of us. We didn't even debut and here we are, already having issues. I could see the wave of tension around us. We are in the studio, still not able to believe what just happened to us.

"Suga hyung", Hoseok sat down beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder. And then I realised that I was crying. Am I crying because of him? Yes, it's all because of him. How did I even trust him?

The younger ones were there with hyung and Namjoon was walking back and forth in tension. We already planned the lines for No More Dream and this would really affect the whole group. If Jackson is still in the group, I could never be in peace nor could Jin hyung.

"Please don't cry Jin hyung", Jungkook was trying to console hyung and I feel very guilty for doing that to him. He is not angry that we made him do all those things, but he is sad that we backstabbed him.

"The manager said that Jackson will be leaving from the group and told us to change the planning and everything.", Namjoon announced.

"That's all, didn't he say anything else? And was Jackson okay with that?", Hoseok asked and Namjoon shook his head.

"I don't really know anything. All I know is he is not in our group from now on. It will be seven of us from now on", Namjoon declared and left from the studio. I know it is hard for all of us to get through this. Jackson was once a family to us and now, when we saw his true colors, it is getting difficult for us.

"Today's really a tiring day, shall we go to the dorm?", Hoseok asked me and I shook my head. I need some time alone and I need to talk to Jin hyung.

"I will come later, you guys go", I fake smiled and he understood what I meant. The maknaes are just sitting around Jin hyung and I smiled at the sight. I don't deserve him like they do.

"Hyung", I called approaching him and he looked up to face me. His eyes were red and he looked devastated. That's the worst sight I have even come across. Not for once in my life, I thought I would be seeing him like this, so pathetic and devastating.

"I know Yoongi, that you didn't do it by intention. You were brainwashed by him. I heard your conversation and I could tell that", Jin hyung tried to convince making me feel even more ashamed of myself. What did I do to deserve his goodness?

"Hyung, you didn't do any wrong okay? Me and Jungkook knew it before and we tried approaching you but we just didn't have a chance", Taehyung placed a hand on my shoulder. Now I knew the reason why Taehyung was so mean to Jackson lately.

"I just feel like beating the shit out of him", Jungkook expressed his anger and I completely agree with that. I feel like burying him too, had he not been my best friend for long.

"Don't speak like that Jungkook ah. Just forget about him", Jin hyung spoke in a serious tone. Like seriously, did he forgive him already? After all that he had done to him, he just forgave him like that?

"Seriously hyung, are you hit in the head or what? We tried telling you before, but you didn't believe us and asked us to respect elders. And now, when you saw everything in front of your own eyes, you are still calm?", Taehyung sighed in frustration getting up from his place.

"I don't hold any grudge on him", Jin hyung stated.

"Fine, just be like that. No one can change you", Taehyung stormed out of the studio and Jimin went back of him.

"He will be normal again", Jungkook spoke and we nodded.

"I know, he is like that ever since I didn't believe his words", Jin hyung looked at the ground speaking those words.

"Everything will be alright. You both be talking now, I will be going to them", Jungkook got up and left from the studio. I knew he did that for me. I badly want to express my apology and I could only do it if we are alone.

"I am so sorry hyung", he was about to speak something but I shook my head gesturing him not to say anything.

"I really feel bad for doing that to you. Jackson has always been our best friend and I just believed him completely not even thinking about you for once. I was so gone with the wind that I forgot about your feelings. I even yelled at you for stepping into my room", I cried and he put his hands on my shoulders.

"It's okay Yoongi, I have forgiven you already. You are my best friend after all. What did we decide when we got selected? We always thought to stay united and together till the end, right?", he let out a smile and I could clearly see the pain behind that.

"I have already lost one, I don't want to lose you too Yoongi. Just talk to me if you feel something wrong or bad. It would make us even more better", he sighed and I hugged him. Why the hell did I even listen to Jackson in the first place? How could I even assume Jin hyung to be like that?

I let out my tears and he sobbed loud. We need this embrace after the thunderstorm that bastard has created.

"I'm okay now Yoongi ah. Let's go to the dorm, shall we?", he stood up and I did the same. And deep down, I know he's not actually okay.

• • •

It's been three days since that dreadful incident and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. I tried producing music but I couldn't just concentrate on it. Everything's not actually going well. Namjoon is taking care of line distribution now and Jin hyung isolated himself in the music room.

Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were sticking together with the tension in the group. Jimin is taking caring of Jungkook who is so worried about the eldest being so unlikely of him. Taehyung is still angry at hyung and didn't speak to him from then.

Hoseok is trying to cheer up everyone's mood but nothing is actually working out. The practices were not going right and everything was so gloomy. The air around us is no good and it made me feel terrible for being the cause of this environment.

I lit up my cigarette as this is the only thing which is making me forget the pain I am facing. Inhaling and exhaling the strong fumes of the burning stick is diverting my mind from those incidents.

"Sir, I suppose you are not allowed to smoke here", a girl from the convenience store shouted and I just ignored her. She gave me a weird stare and started walking towards me. What does she want now?

"Sir, I don't want you to smoke here. This is a public place and that poisonous air could be harmful for everyone and not just for you", she kind of ordered and I looked at her for a moment. Ahh, I remember her. She was the one who called me rude a few days back thinking that I didn't hear it.

"And why should I listen to you miss?", I snapped back at her and she gave me a displeasing look. She put her hands on her hips and tried to be assertive. She has got some guts.

"Sir, I don't want to be rude to you, but if you stay here for one more minute, I am going to call the police", she stated and I looked at her seriously. She has got some nerve. Had it been any other guy, he would have straight away punched her. I am just being good.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?", Jimin came running to me.

"And who are you?", he asked the girl beside me and she shot me a glare.

"Sir, please take your brother from here. He shouldn't be smoking in a public place like this and he is very much adamant on being a statue like that", she mouthed. What! Did she just call me a statue? What the hell does she think of herself?

"Hyung, let's go", Jimin dragged me from there and I took a last glance of her. Such a ferocious one, I thought to myself.

Just like a Sun Bear, the fierce animal.


Yoongi's face when he is displeased of your words!!

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