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Author's Note:
I don't want to admit this but this is the final chapter of Orange Candy. My hands were really trembling while editing this. I am really feeling sad that this has come to an end. And yeah, epilogue will be out soon, in a week or two. Have a happy reading now!!


"Why did it go like this?", I crashed down on my knees as soon as I got into my house. I never thought it would go this far. I never expected him to get so serious over this.

"Jin Ae, stand up", Ji Woon ssi lifted me and walked me to the couch. I covered my face with both hands and sobbed. Yoongi decided to break up with me. He didn't even give a chance to explain. He misunderstood everything. Each and every single thing. 

"Here", he passed me a glass of water and I rejected. I don't want anything now. I want him. I want him to come to me. I want him to listen to me. I want my love back. 

"He is a temperamental one since childhood and just speaks without thinking twice. Don't worry, he will come back", he stated and I shook my head. I know what kind of person is Yoongi. He doesn't forgive easily and though it's not my mistake here, it's my fault in his eyes.

"I just can't tell him that I was with you or that reason. His career would be at stake. He would leave anything to save me. I don't want that", I told him and he hugged me. He is a brother like being and I need support badly now.

"Why is he so impatient and unthoughtful? He should have at least tried listening to me. And the words he used against you, I am so sorry for being the reason", I apologized to him and he shook his head. 

"That brat, I thought he had changed being with you. I thought he learned to be amicable with you. But he is the same. He takes decisions in haste and doesn't think twice to utter something. He is born like that", he told me and I nodded. Even I thought he was changed but he proved me wrong this evening.

"Why should this happen to me? I thought everything was over back then but why should it come again. Why me? Why the hell should I have the tumor in my brain", I wailed in sorrow and cried out loud. 


We turned to see a familiar being standing at the doorstep and I gasped in shock.


"What the hell do you mean by brain tumor eonnie?", she had tears in her eyes and her tone sounded anger.

"Jina, let me explain", I told her but she gestured me to stop.

"Everything was over back then? Tumor? Since how many days were you hiding this from me eonnie?", she asked clearly hurt.

"Jina, I am sorry", I looked at the ground. I can't face her. She is my only family and I didn't tell her. I am scared if that would affect her studies.

"Eonnie, you hid such a huge thing from me. What if I didn't land here today? What if I didn't hear your conversation with him? You would have kept it hidden from me your entire life, wouldn't you?", she asked as tears rolled down her cheek and I was speechless at the moment. I don't know how to answer her.

"You are her sister, right?", Ji Woon ssi asked and she nodded.

"See, she is not in the right mood, and don't make things hard for her. She must have hidden it from you with a reason. Don't be harsh on her", he mouthed and she let out a chuckle.

"I am not being harsh Mr. Who so ever you are. But I have every right to know what is happening to my sister. We are the only ones there for each other and I am hurt. I am hurt because she didn't reveal such a huge thing to me. Things are hard for me too", she shouted at him and I shook my head gesturing to her that it's not right.

"Your sister had a break up", he revealed and she widened her eyes.

"What?", she looked dumbfounded and I nodded as tears streamed down my cheek. I can't handle this pain anymore.

"Did that Suga guy leave you? What the hell? Is he out of mind?", she yelled, her voice echoing the whole room and it reminded me of him. He left me and I am no longer his girlfriend. It is really hard to contain that truth. I clutched my heart as it is paining there and let out my sobs. My head started aching and a shot of pain hit right through it. 

"Ugh", I groaned holding my head.

"Jin Ae, are you okay?", Ji Woon ssi asked and I shook my head in negation. My vision started getting blur and I could not see them clearly now. I held Ji Woon's hand for support and lost it now.

I blacked out.

• • •

"Eonnie", I looked up to see Jina holding my hand tightly. I looked around to see where I am. The white walls and the dull sheets, the place I dread the most yet I land up here. I seriously hate these hospitals and their smell. They smell a disease. Who would come to them unless if one has some illness or if one's close people are suffering from illness?

"Eonnie, how are you feeling?", she asked clearly concerned and I smiled. I don't feel that much pain now but I do feel uneasy. My heart feels restless as I start to remember him. Why does he have to cross my mind?

She helped me to get up and I rested my back on the headboard of the hospital bed. She smiled and held my hands. Where is Ji Woon ssi?

"Eonnie, Ji Woon ssi told me everything. I am so sorry for reacting to you that way. I was just mad that you hid such an important thing from me", she sounded guilt and I shook my head.

"You have the right to be mad, Jina. I thought it might disrupt your studies so...", I told her and she squeezed my hands.

"I understand, eonnie", she smiled and that made me relieved.

"Where is Ji Woon ssi?", I asked her and she went silent. 

"Umm, he,... he went... he went to see someone", she stuttered and I could tell that she is lying.

"Tell me the truth Jina", I asked her and she averted her gaze. Is he doing anything stupid?

"He went to meet Suga ssi", she blurted and I widened my eyes. Did he go alone to Yoongi? Did he forget how temperamental Yoongi is?

"What the hell, Jina? Is he out of mind? Call him right away.", I ordered her and she picked my phone to search for his contact.

"There is no need for that. I am already here", Ji Woon ssi appeared and he didn't look okay. He sighed and walked to sit on the couch in the hospital room. I am sure Yoongi must have spoken something bad to him.

"Yoongi didn't let me in. He told the guard that he doesn't have a brother and they didn't let me inside the building.", he muttered and drank water from the bottle beside him.

"It was easy last time. They gave me his address when they knew I was his brother. But now, he is in the studio and told the guards to not let me in", his forehead creased and few wrinkles were formed. He must have been feeling guilty though it's not his fault.

"It's okay Ji Woon ssi. We both know that it's Yoongi over there. It didn't surprise me at all. But what surprises me is that he is ready to leave someone whom he loved for two years just by some stupid assumption", I voiced out my thoughts and Jina pressed my hands. 

It's really hard to not think about that. How can he just leave me like that?  After all that love shared, the memories we created, and the moments we cherished, is it so easy for him to let go of me, just like that?

The hugs which could wash away all our pains, the cuddles which give hope for a better tomorrow, the words which express love, the kisses which would take us to another world, I am craving for all of them.

My mind is a mess and I know it will be, without him. My heart is more of a chaos than my brain at this moment. It is more painful than my head. I want to talk to him, run and hug him, cry until he promises me that he wouldn't leave me. But I know I can't do that. I am not even sure if he would see my face.

"Pass me my phone, Jina", I asked her and she looked at me curiously. Nevertheless, she gave me my phone.

I dialed his number but he rejected the call. I tried again but he did the same. I messaged him but he left it on seen. I messaged him again and I was blocked. Tears rolled down my cheeks at his treatment. I wish he knows everything but I don't want his career to get affected at any cost.

"Are you texting him?", Ji Woon ssi pulled the phone out of my hand and must have noticed that I was blocked. I covered my face as I let out my sobs. I want him. I want my lil meow meow.

"Eonnie, please don't cry. We will talk to Suga ssi. I will try getting him. Please don't stress yourself", Jina rushed to me and held my face. I hugged her tight and cried out. When people say break up hurts a lot, I didn't know that it would pain this much. My whole world felt like collapsing and it's all because of one person.

"Jina, I want him, please", I cried and she rubbed my back. I never carved for anything so bad.

"I will get him eonnie", she spoke and I know she is determined. 

• • •

Two weeks passed by and I heard nothing from him. Not even a small text message. Jina went in search of him but she didn't find him even in his dorm. As far as she knows, they are moved to a different place. She is not allowed to enter the Big hit building since they could mistake her for a saesang.

I tried calling him and even sent some voicemails, but he responded to none. I just want to see him. At least seeing him could make me better. I miss his gummy smile, squishy cheeks, and everything related to him. 

The operation was postponed since my body is not ready for it. My blood pressure is getting low and in that condition, any complication would only lead to a hemorrhage. The doctor warned about that and both Ji Woon ssi and Jina backed off. When my blood pressure becomes normal, the chances of surgery being successful are high, so they decided to wait.

The pain is getting intense day by day and I started forgetting things. I forgot how my father looks like and I could only remember a few memories of my mother. The doctor told me that it is a common symptom and that we will have to wait until the surgery completes. 

But the memories of him never faded away crumbling my heart every day. I remember each and every moment with him, his smell, his soft words to calm me down when I was not feeling well, his whines while chewing the orange candy in his mouth, I remember each and every bit. He is like a permanent tattoo on my heart and would remain forever.

"Eonnie, don't stress yourself okay. You will regain your memories after the surgery okay?", she told and I nodded. 

"Did you take the medicines?", she asked and I shook my head. I forgot about that.

"Thank God! I came on time", she pulled the medicines out and passed me the water bottle and pills. 

"Ji Woon ssi has some work and went back to Daegu", she informed and I nodded. He is a generous person. He sometimes stayed at night to check on me and helped my sister by dropping her off at college at times.

"Jina", I called her and she looked at me to continue.

"If you find .... Ahh"

A sharp pang of pain hit my head and I held it tight. I groaned in pain and Jina held me.

"Eonnie, what's happening?", she looked shocked but it's too painful for me to even talk.

"Pain", I managed to tell her despite the excruciating pain in my head.

"Doctor", she rushed out and I suppose she is calling for the doctor. 

And soon some people came in and my vision started blurring. I held Jina's hand and she pressed it. I am feeling scared now. I feel nauseous and it feels as if my head is breaking with each second.

"Take her to the ICU", someone mouthed and I could feel my body being placed on something else. I tightened my grip on Jina's hand and she didn't leave me. My gut is indicating a verily terrifying feeling and I can't help but be scared. Will I be okay? Will I be alive? Will be able to meet him again?

"If..you...", I want to tell it but it's paining a lot.

"If....you...find....my ...", I stopped and tried to hold in my tears due to the pain.

"if ..you find....my lil meow meow ugh!", I groaned as I was being moved on a flat surface. I gather all my strength and clenched my fists.

"If you find my lil meow meow, tell him I love him so much"


I can't.. Anymore


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