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Author's Note:
Hola peeps! I am back again with the next part. If  you like it, please vote and comment. It would mean a lot. And now shall we get into the story of Sun Bear and Lil Meow Meow


Yoongi's Pov

I searched for her brooch everywhere. I don't know why but when she said that it was her mother's memory, I couldn't help but feel sad. I know it is hard to live with the grief of losing parents. Perhaps, a part of me felt soft for her.

I realized it was my mistake for the misplacement of her brooch. I frantically searched for her medicines and just threw whatever is on the table. I am guilty now. I just kept searching her room for the brooch.

I know it is actually awkward to search a girl's room but I promised her that I will do it. I switched on the flashlight to search under her cot and there was something shiny. I used a stick to push it out. It was the brooch, the golden one.

I sighed to myself looking at the ornament in my hands. It looked really aesthetic. I placed it safely on her table. Who the hell leaves a golden brooch on the table just like that? Such a careless being she is.

Talking about her, I remember how pathetic she looked when she cried. I never thought that Sun Bear would be crying like that. She looked so broken and I wonder if she is just like me. Strong from outside and broken from inside.

I walked outside for a walk. The colony is mostly isolated as no one usually lives here and those who reside here are mostly inside. Good for me, I don't need to see too many people's faces. Jin hyung called me and asked how I was. I told him everything was alright and everyone yelled on the other side that they miss me.

Aish! These kids! Did I go on a world tour or what? I just chuckled at their childishness and hung the call. I swiped the photos in the gallery and looked at our photos. Three of us were smiling and were in our own world.

It is all because of that bastard that we are like this. Had he been normal and good, Jin hyung would have been in peace and we would have been eight and good. He spoiled it all. Of course, even I was at fault. I should have not listened to him in the first place.

I clenched my fists in anger and pulled out the cigar stick and lighted it. The members warned me not to smoke as it affects my health but I just don't have an alternative to divert my mind from the pain I am feeling.

I looked at someone who is approaching towards me. She is a girl. As I stared at her to get a better view of her face, I noticed it was her. The Sun Bear.

She kept coughing as she approached me and closed her mouth. She even waved her hands to cut through the smoke. Why does she have to come here now?

"Yah Lil Meow Meow, don't you have any other work other than smoking?", she mouthed and I gave her a confused look. What does she even know and for fuck's sake, I just started smoking. Let me at least complete the stick.

"I just started", I spoke and continued smoking. To my shock, she pulled out the cigar from my mouth and I widened my eyes at her. She just threw it on ground and smashed the stick.

"Yah! I didn't even complete it", I stated but she just kept same face. What does she even think of herself?

"Is that a choco stick or what that you want to complete? It is a death stick and you want to inhale the poisonous gases. Huh?", she raised her brows and I gave her a weird stare. Is she concerned about me?

"Don't think I am concerned about you. I am just paying back for you help the other day", she spoke as if she read my thoughts. I didn't even ask her that. Aish! This girl! Why does she behave like she knows everything? I shook my head in disbelief.

"You don't need to do that. And don't you dare repeat this stupid action again", I spoke in stern voice and started walking towards the house. I could hear her footsteps behind me.

"I did a favour by stopping you from inhaling toxic, jerk", she muttered under her breath but I could clearly hear it. I smiled to myself at her attitude.

"Will you eat ramen tonight?", she asked and I nodded.

"As long as you don't mix poison in it", I added and I could see her scrunching her nose.

"I wish I could, but I don't want to waste my dear money on the poison", she snapped at me and it's my turn to scrunch my nose. I don't know how I am still able to survive in the same roof as her. We feel like the mortal enemies since long waiting to drink each other's blood.

She brought the ramen pot and placed it on the table. I wonder how come this Sun Bear is generous to serve me foods without asking for extra payment. Of course, I bought the lunch for us today. But still, she doesn't need to do that.

"I will eat well, thanks for the food", I spoke as she gave me my bowl.

"You should be", she uttered and I mentally wished to shut her mouth if I can.

We slurped down our noodles and ate in silence. I am very much happy that she didn't start any argument. She took the bowls and the pot for cleaning.

"You did the washing in the morning, let me do it now. Also, there are not many", she spoke and I have to just agree. I clearly wanted to sleep early today and I am scared if we start a fight over a small thing, it might get prolonged.

"I am leaving to my room then. Don't you dare disturb me unless it is very necessary", I warned and I could hear her cursing something. Not giving a damn about it, I walked to my room and crashed on the bed.

For a while, I thought about what kind of music I should add in the next song. And then I decided to sleep. As I was about to sleep, I heard a knock on the door. Not again, I sighed.

"Yah! Lil meow meow", I could hear her on the other side. I just wished to ignore her words and thought of sleeping but I am scared if she would be continuously knock the door. I just opened the door.

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb me when I ....", I was about to complete and her next action made me froze. She was on me. I mean she was hugging me. It took a moment for me to process what she was doing.

"Thank you so much for finding it", she spoke with a wide smile beaming on her face. She looked really happy and I looked at her brooch in her hand.

"It didn't take much time. I just found it under the bed and I pulled it out immediately. You must have searched for it properly", I spoke without looking at her. I didn't want to tell her that I searched for it for a long time. I don't want her to assume that I was concerned about her.

But wait! Then why did I search it for her then? What made me do that though she didn't ask me? Ahh, I remember I did it because I was the one who made her table a mess. So, I ought to find it for her. I convinced myself with the reason and looked at her adoring the brooch.

"I think my mind was a mess back then. I just got so worried and couldn't search for it properly. But it's fine now that I have it. I am very thankful to you even if you found it just like that or searched for it. It means a lot. Thank you so much", she thanked with a sincerity which I have never seen before. She looked so different from that rebellious Sun Bear.

"It's okay. And if you are so thankful to me, please leave from her. I need to sleep", I spoke and she gave me a displeasing stare.

"Grumpy cat", she muttered.

"I heard it", I spoke and she immediately turned herself, pacing herself towards her room. And before closing her door, she took one glance at me and I raised my brows. She just shook her head and closed her door.

I smiled to myself at her behaviour and closed my door. And as I remembered the hug she gave me, I placed my hand at my heart. It beat really fast back then and even now. Even my heart is confused at her sudden behaviour. Sun Bear, are you bipolar or what?

• • •

I woke up in the morning and looked up to see the time. It was ten already. I am actually getting most of the sleep these days. Thanks to the break that they are giving. I freshened up and opened the door to see that Sun Bear sitting casually and watching the TV

"Good Morning", she greeted and I just ignored.

"Lil meow meow's breakfast is in the kitchen", she spoke and I went to the kitchen. I feel so hungry. I served the bread and eggs in my plate and sat beside her to watch the TV

"I don't know what all I am doing for a tenant. You should be grateful that I am serving you homemade food and even let you watch my TV. You should at least appreciate your landlady", she spoke with a proud smile. Gosh! She and her antics. How are people even bearing her?

"Like how?", I asked and she gave me a weird stare.

"You don't even know that. You should tell me that I am a very good girl and that you are very lucky to have someone like me as your landlady", she spoke with a stupid smile and I just shook my head at her crazy antics.

"I am very lucky to have a Sun Bear as my landlady", I mouthed completing the food and walked to the kitchen to wash my plate.

"Wait! I don't even understand why you call me that? Do I look like a bear? But from which angle?", she asked rolling her eyes and checking herself. I chuckled at that.

"Don't you know Sun Bear?", I raised my brows and she shook her head in negation.

"It is one of the most furious animals in this world", I stated and I could see her shooting glares.

"Then tell me, why do you call me lil meow meow?", I asked her and the nickname from my mouth itself felt very weird and creepy,

"I used meow meow because you look like a cat, more like a grumpy one and lil because you are short", she stated as a matter of fact while I shot glares at her. She was giggling at my reaction and I just scowled at her.

"Wait! I have another question?", she stopped giggling and looked at me.

"I will pretend to be deaf it that was dumb", I spoke and she nodded.

"Why do you smoke?", she asked and I took a deep breath. Why that question? I could see her eyebrows twitch at my silence. And I finally spoke.

"To forget a betrayal"


Here's Yoongi with cigar ( cute one though)

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