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Author's note:
Hola peeps! I am back with the next part. Do vote and comment it you like it


Yoongi's Pov

"No thanks", I spoke. What benefit would it bring to me if she does that? I was about to close the door and she interrupted me again.

"Smoking kills you", she started and I took a sigh.

"Thanks for the information. Now leave me", I was about to close the door again and then she stopped me. What is it now?

"You are not smoking out of habit right? You said that you wanted to forget the betrayal. That's why you are doing that", she spoke and I nodded. She was right. It isn't my habit. I smoke to forget the pain in my heart.

"I will help you with that. I mean I will make you forget the betrayal so that you don't need to smoke", she blurted. Is she out of mind? How could she do that?

"What do you even know about me? And what makes you think you can do that?", I asked her and she just looked everywhere trying to think, I guess.

"I don't know anything about you except that you are really cold and show so much attitude as if you own this world", she started speaking and I widened my eyes at her. She really has the audacity huh? She then bit her tongue and looked at the ground while I eyed her to continue.

"But I will try to help you. I think I can do it because I believe in me and I know you are not that cold as you are on outside", she completed and I took a breath. I don't want her to get involved in my life. She can't really understand me though she wants to try.

"You don't need to involve in my life and give a try. And why do you want to do that?", my tone was a bit harsh and I could notice her eyes changing their expression. Are they showing hurt?

"I thought we were slowly coming to good terms and that we can be friends....", she kept stuttering and I raised my brows. Does she consider me a friend now? What did she even know about me to consider me as one?

"Friends? Like seriously? Don't ever think of that. Perhaps, if you have thought that I was concerned for you the other day, you were wrong. It's just that you are the landlady. Don't mistake us to be more than that", I spoke and I could see her avoiding my gaze.

"Oh! I am sorry", she spoke and went away. I looked at her vanishing figure and closed the door. I took a deep sigh and crashed on my bed. I tried sleeping but I couldn't do it. That Sun Bear is coming into my thoughts without my permission.

Why did she even say that she wants to be my friend? I didn't intend to hurt her but I can't make new friends anymore. Ugh! Why does she have to be like that? She should have just done her work. Why is she being nice towards me?

I want to believe her. I want to be nice to that Sun Bear because I have seen a side of hers which made me feel that she is broken on inside. She is a bit temperamental but she is actually kind. No landlady would serve meals for free and for someone like me.

I put the alarm for 8 tomorrow. I will just wake her up and sleep again. I thought to myself and closed my eyes.

• • •

I woke up with the sound of alarm. Why the hell did I keep an alarm for 8 when I have no work? And then I realised, I have to wake her up. I got up from my bed and walked to her room. It knocked the door and she didn't open the door.

I twisted the knob and it was unlocked. I went inside to see her sleeping peaceful while her phone is ringing with a full sound. I picked it up as it is causing my ears to bleed. I have seen her missed alarms. She put the alarm since 7 with a gap of every five minutes. Silly Girl.

I pulled her blanket and she was snoring with her mouth wide open. She looked really funny. I was about to wake her up and she threw her hands in air. And suddenly, she held my hand.

"Please don't leave me", she mumbled and I was confused about what to do. She squeezed my hand and I stood frozen not knowing what to do. She was sweating profusely and kept wiggling on her bed.

"Please don't leave me Eomma. Please", she mumbled in her wiggles and I held her hand. When I tightened the hold, she stopped wiggling. I took a sigh in relief as she became normal. I guess she is having a nightmare.

I looked at her phone and it was about time she needs to get up. I tried to pull my hand out of her hold but she held it tight. I don't think she can get up in this condition. I sat down on the floor near her bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

"What the hell!", I woke up with a shrieking voice. I looked up to see Sun Bear sitting on her bed shooting glares at me and had tears in her eyes. Why is she crying now?

"Why didn't you wake me up when you are here?", she spoke in her sobs.

"Sun Bear", I tried to talk to her but she kept sobbing.

"Do you know how much important this job is to me? Do you even know what they would think of me if I didn't attend on the first day? What should I do now? Do you know how many days I have waited to get this job? Why would you value it anyway? You belong to the entertainment industry. You have a future. You just sleep and do nothing, yet you can survive. But my life is nothing like that. My life depends on all the jobs I have", she sobbed and I let her vent it out. I know her words hurt me but I just let her speak it out.

"Done?", I asked her and she gave me a confusing glare. She was about to speak something and I placed my finger on her lips. She looked at me eyeing for an answer.

"I know I am just sleeping and not doing anything right now. But I have a reason behind it. I am still a trainee and need to do a lot of work for debuting. We faced so many struggles to even get to the stage of debuting. And I know the value of a job. I have been through that.", I stated and she looked at me with a contemplating gaze.

"I actually came to wake you up. But I guess you were having a nightmare and you were all sweating. I thought you weren't in good state and stayed beside you. I am sorry that I didn't wake you up. But I don't have any other intention to stay with you here", I explained and she looked at the ground wiping her tears.

"You told you wouldn't do that. Then why did you come to wake me up?", she asked in a low voice.

"Didn't you say you wanted to be my friend? I guess I could be that", I spoke as she looked at me with her eyes wide agape.

"Now, go and fresh up. We will talk later. I am ordering lunch as it is about time", I spoke and was about to leave her room.

"Yoongi", she called me by my name. I felt it different when she referred to me by my name. That lil meow meow used to be like a screeching sound to my ears. I turned to her and raised my brows.

"I am sorry for yelling at you like that. You don't have to wake me up in the first case and moreover you tried. I am very sorry", she spoke with a tone of guilt and I just nodded walking out of the room.

Sun Bear really looks pathetic when she cries. She becomes all red and puffy as if she is so broken. I don't know why but whenever she cries, it pains me. I just can't see her crying like that. She looks really pitiful.

I looked at the walls as they were filled with paintings. They don't have any glass protection and left open to air. By the state of the house, I don't think they bought them all. I wonder who the artist here is. Does Sun Bear know how to paint?

"Is it Jajjangmyeon?", she asked peeping through the door and I nodded.

"I am coming", she spoke and came walking towards me. She sat down and watched me unpacking the boxes.

"Are you hungry?", I asked her and she nodded her head without speaking anything. I forwarded her bowl and she immediately started mixing it. Sun Bear is really hungry. Her phone started ringing and she just avoided it.

"Why are you not lifting the call?", I asked her as she was just staring at the screen.

"It was from that restaurant. I feel so embarrassed to lift the call. I can't tell them that I overslept", she blurted. I took the phone and answered it. She looked at me dumbfounded.

"Yes, I am Hyun Jin Ae's boyfriend on line", I started and I could see her choking on her food. I patted her head while listening to the man on the call. She took the glass and gulped down the water hastily.

"I am very sorry that she couldn't come to the job today. She was not feeling well and I had taken her to the hospital. She is taking rest now", I lied and the man on the other side apologised.

"I guess, she will be fine by tomorrow. I will inform her. Thank You", I hung the call and I could see her eyes protruding out of her face.

"What the hell did you speak?", she asked while I mixed the black bean sauce.

"I just told him that you are not well and couldn't come to the job. And he asked you to come tomorrow if that is the case", I spoke casually and forwarded her the tissue to wipe her mouth. She took it and wiped while chewing the noodles.

"Why did you lie?", she asked me and I chuckled. I just helped her but she is bothered more about my lie.

"Which one? That I am your boyfriend? Or that you are not well?", I asked her.


"You are not well is not actually a lie, you didn't look good in the morning. And about the boyfriend part, I told it because it wouldn't be effective if I am not. It's okay to lie sometimes", I spoke and she nodded diverting her concentration towards the food.

"Thank You", she blurted and I let out a smile.

"By the way, why do you need this one? I guess you are already working from afternoon to night.", I spoke and she pressed her lips into a thin line. I am really curious why she overexerts herself.

"I don't mind over working. I am doing this for my sister", she revealed and I looked at her with shock.

"You have a sister?", i asked her and she nodded in agreement.

"She doesn't stay here. She lives in a hostel near SNU. She got into medical science there", she smiled.

"That's great. She must be really intelligent", getting a seat in SNU is like a dream for all the medical science students.

"Wait! Then you were talking to your sister that day", I spoke realising. She was blurting Love you too and I thought it was her boyfriend.

"I talk to her everyday", she stated and I just acknowledged the information.

"I will go to grocery shopping today. Will you tag along?", she asked me and I shook my head in negation. I am clearly not interested in shopping with her.

"Please. We will do that in the store I work. We get 10% discount to the employees. Please", she kept on pleading with a sweet voice which doesn't suit her at all.

"Fine, I will join", I sighed in defeat and she clapped her hands. Girl! You didn't win any Grammy.i shook my head in disbelief.

I think I just got a new friend


Here's yoongi's cute yawn

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