English Teacher Horror Stories

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I mean, the title seems kind of self explanatory, but you guys will need some background information first.

1. I'm in Honors English. This means that theoretically speaking these should be the brightest, most hardworking, English loving kids in my grade. HA!

2. I have super bad anxiety. Personally I don't feel comfortable fulling giving out all the details at this current state and time though, so please be patient with me when I refer to my mental health.

3. My teacher is one of those people that are big fans of using the ... whenever they comment or anything. Which is fine and all, but sounds kind of menacing and like backhanded compliment most of the time.

4. Probably not important, but to paint a mental picture for you guys, she's middle aged with brown hair a little below shoulder length.

5. I'm going to name my teacher Mrs. Face, because I don't want to give away her real name and she does indeed have a face.

6. My school is currently sometimes in person, sometimes remote. It's a hybrid system, so some people are online some weeks while others are on a video call.

Mrs. Face like to say one thing, but mean another, and it's up to the students to decipher it. This has gotten to a point where sometimes kids will talk during our free block about what she actually wants us to do. Basically, we have an English support group. If you ask me what languages I learn in school I'd tell you, Spanish, Latin, and Mrs. Face deciphering 101.

It took a bit for me to learn this one, but I've finally cracked Mrs. Face's rough draft assignments. When she says "I want a rough draft by Wednesday" she really means "I want a completed essay done by Wednesday". My poor grades have been forced to learn the hard way.

I've almost always gotten along with my teachers, like we don't always have to see eye to eye, but what can I say, I was a suck up in my elementary years. I just genuinely love school and learning. This is the one time I've actually looked into switching classes and teachers, so thank you Mrs. Face for that. I have English right after lunch. Normally a fellow student in my little guidance circle will walk with me down to English as they go to their own class, or one of the the person in charge will. Honestly she's super social and awesome and loves saying hi to the teachers. On this particular day and time, my guidance teacher had to stop a few classrooms before my English room, so I was just like "Cool bye. I'll just walk over to class.". Hallelujah no one else was currently in the classroom, but Mrs. Face turns to me and goes "What, no chaperone today? Nobody walked you down".

Excuse me? This wasn't that far into the school year, I barely knew this teacher. Maybe she just hasn't learned not to deliver her jokes as sarcasm. IDK man, but I was MAD. Fun fact time, because apparently everyone out there does not know this stuff.. I'm not a dog, nobody "walks me down" to class. They can "walk with me", but I don't need a leash or anything. Also I don't need a chaperone. Like forget catcallers, I had never felt so demeaned in my life. This may seem like an extreme reaction to some, but honestly it hurt. It felt like all of my personal progress had been summed up to nothing and that I was still just a little kid in her eyes who needed someone to walk me around like a toddler. I sat down and texted my friend who was remote that week, and luckily the online class had not started yet, meaning they did not hear Mrs. Face talking to me.

Today she was talking to my guidance counselor type thing and my teacher, Mrs. Face, goes "Orangutan101's actually doing pretty well. Exceedingly well." while talking about my grades. Nice, thank you. This year's been pretty hard with a little tiny thing known as a global pandemic, but I'm trying. Problem is, she sounded super surprised. I might as well have revealed to her I was an alien.

Maybe I'll make a part two for this, because right now I have about two more stories which really irked me. I just love it when I do anything and she's totally surprised, because my anxiety apparently creates a really low bar. That, or when she likes to give me backhanded compliments. I swear she majored in those. Ohhhh, I really liked that one time she let me have a panic attack in class instead of letting me leave.

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