It's Another Tag

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I have once again fallen victim to the tagging. Personally I feel like these have become borderline chain mail, but I like these better. Chain mail just kind of threatens you and quite honestly as irrational as it is, it scares me. That and I'm not allowed to partake in chain mail.

1. Sexuality?
I won't say.

2. Gender?

3. Happy?
I'm happy enough, but also nervous, because I always am.

4. Last song you listened to?
Bad Guy by Billie Eilish.

5. Hair color?
A color.

6. Zodiac?
A sign.

7. Last person you kissed?
My little sister on the knee. That sounded super weird, but she scraped her knee and wanted me to kiss it better. Kids are weird.

8. Favorite color?
Admiral blue.

9. Favorite food?
Crab legs, but I only have them like once a year.

10. Battery percentage?
100% I'm kind of amazing.

11. Celebrity crush?
I don't really have one, but if I had to choose I'd say Chris Pratt.

12. Favorite vegetable?
I love zucchini.

13. Eye color?
A color.

14. Dream job?
I want to be an author.

15. Tagging people.

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